16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (2024)

Published: · Updated: by Saif Al Deen Odeh with 13 Comments

Arabic food is famous for its tasty and unique flavors, especially when it comes to chicken dishes. These recipes have been passed down for hundreds of years and have been influenced by different places. Arabic chicken recipes use a wonderful mix of spices, herbs, and cooking methods that make the food taste amazing.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (1)
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As a person who was born and lived in a Middle Eastern country for 18 years, their foods have one of the best cuisines in the world, which are rich in spices and herbs. This includes Arabian, Persian, Turkish, or Israeli cuisines, but in this post, I will be focusing more on Arabic food.

In this roundup post, I will show you the exciting world of Arabic chicken recipes where you can discover many mouthwatering dishes like grilled kebabs, hearty stews, and flavorful rice dishes. Each country in the Middle East has its own unique cooking style, and we'll explore recipes from places like Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, and Jordan.

These recipes are made during family gatherings, Ramadan / Eid celebrations, or any special occasion like weddings or guest invitations.

What countries are example of Arabic recipes?

When we say Arabic chicken recipes, these are Arab-speaking Middle Eastern and North African countries. It doesn't mean the entire Middle East since Israel and Iran are not an Arab countries.

Here are the list of Arab speaking countries based on these collected roundup recipes.

  • Gulf Arab Countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait)
  • Levantine Countries (Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon)
  • Yemen
  • Egypt
  • Morocco
  • Algeria
  • Tunisia
  • Libya
  • Other North African Countries (Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Mauritania and Sudan)

Spices & Herbs used in Arabic chicken dishes?

Arabic chicken recipes make use of a variety of spices and herbs that contribute to their distinct and flavorful profiles. Here are some common spices and herbs used in Arabic cuisine:

  1. Cumin: It is one of the most popular spices used in Arabic cooking which adds a smoky & nutty flavor to chicken dishes.
  2. Coriander: They add a citrusy and also slightly nutty flavor to Arabic chicken dishes.
  3. Turmeric: This vibrant yellow spice doesn't really have much taste but it adds color to the chicken and it has many potential health benefits.
  4. Paprika: They add a mild, smoky flavor and a beautiful reddish hue to chicken dishes.
  5. Cinnamon: Cinnamon is often used in both sweet and savory dishes in Arabic cuisine. It adds a warm and slightly sweet note to chicken recipes.
  6. Sumac: Sumac is a tangy and lemony spice that adds a refreshing flavor to marinades and spice blends.
  7. Za'atar: Za'atar is a blend of dried herbs, typically including thyme, oregano, marjoram, and sumac. It adds a fragrant and tangy flavor to chicken dishes.
  8. Garlic: Garlic is a staple ingredient in Arabic cooking, providing a pungent and aromatic flavor to chicken recipes.
  9. Onion: Onions are frequently used as a base ingredient to add depth and sweetness to Arabic chicken dishes.
  10. Mint: Fresh or dried mint leaves are commonly used to add a cooling and refreshing element to marinades, salads, and sauces.

Frequently Asked Question

1. Is the spices used in Arab Chicken recipes the same in most Arab countries?

In Gulf Arab countries, they are using almost the same spices when cooking chicken and rice dishes like Kabsa, Majboos, or Mandi. That is because they all share one identical culture.

On the other hand, Levantine and North African countries have a variation of baharat spices, which is different than Arab Gulf Countries.

2. Are Middle Eastern chicken recipes spicy?

In my experience, none of them are spicy but you can add red chili powder if you prefer spicy dish.

3. What are some traditional side dishes to serve with Arabic chicken?

Now this is important because traditionally when serving main course dishes that have chicken or chicken with rice, we serve other side dishes like Arabic salad, white rice (if no rice included), or kuboos / pita bread.

4. Can I add boneless chicken in these recipes?

Yes of course. But, it goes well only if you do grilling, stewing, and stir-frying. The bones of the chicken is what it will add the flavor of the rice or soup.

In this post, I will be sharing some of my 16 Best Roundup Arabic Chicken Recipes that you can make for Lunch or Dinner.

Arab chicken recipes

Here are the 16 authentic and highly recommended Arabic Chicken recipes to make at home.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (2)

Middle Eastern Chicken Kafta

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Chicken Kafta is an Arabic chicken minced meat recipe mix with spices and herbs, which pairs best with yogurt sauce and pita bread. It is common dish found in Jordan, Lebanon, and Gulf Arab countries.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (3)

Chicken Arabic Biryani

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Arabic Biryani is a Gulf Arabian chicken spiced rice dish which is mixed with spices, garnished with fried onion, and topped with yogurt garlic sauce. Although not traditional, it is similar to an Indian-style Biryani, except it is not spicy.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (4)

Chicken Maqluba

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Chicken Maqluba is a traditional Palestinian and Jordanian spiced rice dish that is mix with fried cauliflower, eggplant, potatoes, and meat. It is best to serve with Yogurt and Arabic Salad.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (5)

Chicken Majboos

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Chicken Majboos is an national dish of Kuwait which the chicken is simmered in herbs and spices and then fried in a separate pan. The basmati rice is cooked using the soup stock from the herbs and spices. It is traditionally served with tomato garlic sauce called Daqoos .

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (6)

Egyptian Chicken Molokhia

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Chicken Molokhia is a chicken soup recipe that is mixed with green jute leaves, chicken meat & broth, lemon juice, cardamom, and lots of garlic. Although it is an Egyptian recipe, this dish is also found in Jordan and Lebanon, which have their version of molokhia.

Chicken Shawarma Pizza Recipe

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Chicken shawarma pizzais a Middle Eastern-style pizza that contains an Arabian marinated spiced chicken baked in the oven. And it has toppings of black olives, red onion and it is drizzle with yogurt garlic sauce.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (8)

Chicken Salona (Dajaj Salona)

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Chicken Salona is a traditional Emirati tomato stew dish found in Gulf Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates, which consists of chicken pieces cooked with different vegetables, herbs, and spices. It is rich in flavor which is best to eat with rice or pita bread.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (9)

Shish Tawook Chicken Skewers

Photo Credit:littlesunnykitchen.com

Shish Tawook is Lebanese grilled chicken skewers or kabobs. The distinctive color and flavor of this dish come from the yogurt while the spice marinade tenderizes the chicken.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (10)

Tashreeb Recipe

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Tashreeb is a traditional Kuwaiti and Gulf Arabic recipe that consists of chicken cooked in a tomato stew with carrots, potatoes, and eggplant. This stew is then served over the bread, which is soaked in the broth of the stew giving a wet and soft texture. This recipe is considered a traditional Ramadan dish in the Gulf Arab region, which is served during Iftar.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (11)

Chicken Fatayer Recipe

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Chicken Fatayeris a popular Middle-Eastern meat pie recipe that has fillings of chicken, bell pepper, and different spices. This is considered our Arabian version of an empanada.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (12)

Chicken Shawarma Rice Recipe

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Chicken Shawarma Rice is a Middle Eastern-inspired recipe that is mix with spiced chicken, yellow rice, raw vegetables, and drizzle with white sauce and hot sauce.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (13)

Musakhan Wraps (Palestinian Chicken Wraps)

Photo Credit:tarasmulticulturaltable.com

Musakhan Wraps (Palestinian Chicken Wraps)! Sumac-spiced chicken and onions are wrapped in thin flatbread and baked until crisp and golden.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (14)

Chicken Shawarma Tacos

Photo Credit:theodehlicious.com

Chicken Shawarma Tacos is a Middle Eastern-inspired taco recipe that contains spiced baked chicken, onion, parsley, and tomatoes and drizzled with tahini sauce in tortilla bread. It may not be authentic but it is a must try arabic chicken dish if you love tacos.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (15)

Moroccan Chicken Tagine

Photo Credit:www.masalaherb.com

Chicken tagine with dried fruits and nuts. The chicken is spiced and cooked slowly to a juicy finish.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (16)

Chicken Kabsa

Photo Credit:www.manusmenu.com

Chicken Kabsa is a national dish of Saudi Arabia, which is similar to Kuwaiti Majboos. The rice is cooked in different spiced and herbs and it is served with raisins and almonds.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (17)

Yemeni Chicken Mandi

Photo Credit:www.munatycooking.com

Similar to Kuwaiti and Saudi dish, Mandi is a traditional Yemeni recipe which is mixed of chicken, rice and other mixture of spiced and herbs.

16 Delicious Arabic Chicken Recipes (2024)


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