20 Small Home Gym Ideas and Half Garage Gyms - motive8 (2024)


20 Small Home Gym Ideas and Half Garage Gyms - motive8 (1)

‘motive8 Home’ is an expert gym design and installation service that transforms unused residential spaces into energising and dynamic fitness spaces, enabling customers to maximise their potential when achieving their fitness and wellbeing goals.

Looking for ideas when you design your dream small home gym? This feature highlights what design solutions and ideas can be put in place, space-saving equipment and suggestions for the best place to locate your gym within your home.

Potential gym locations

Are you considering creating a home gym, but unsure where you could possibly fit one? Here are some of our top suggestions for maximising your space and including a home gym within your property.

1. Spare room

Do you have an empty room in your house that you’re trying to decide what to do with, perhaps you currently use it for infrequent guests? Why not change it into your own personal home gym and say goodbye to travelling to your local gym which disrupts your training plan. By using a spare room, you can create a space to plan your workouts seamlessly into your routine, whether that’s before, or after work, and space the whole family can engage with.

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2. Garage gyms

Your typical UK garage is likely too small to host a car, and often, becomes a storage space for unwanted items. Such a space is considered ideal for a home gym, as it provides separation to working out verses within your home. It’s maybe time to turn your garage dumping zone into a work-out at home.

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3. Conservatory

Do you want to feel like you’re exercising outdoors, but knowing British weather, want to stay dry? Converting your conservatory can provide you with the feeling of being outdoors that you need, whilst appreciating your own home comforts, and warmth, indoors.

4. Shed or garden Building

Convert a garden room, shed, or outbuilding into a fully equipped home gym or studio, providing you with a separate space to complete your workouts, and a private area to relax away from your main home. Our experts know how to maximise space and create flexible solutions that change with the times.

5. Basem*nt

Do you have a dark basem*nt, that collects junk, or is perhaps unused? A basem*nt can provide a great use of space to create a home gym, where motive8 are able to create a design with modern lighting, to suit your needs.

Gym equipment to save space

The majority of gym machines require a minimum of 2×2 metres of space, and we suggest you allow additional space for flexibility and movement around your home gym, allowing you to perform exercises safely, and effectively, during your workout. Below, we have listed what we perceive to be, the best space-saving equipment, including functional equipment and cardio machines.

1. Dumbbells

As an inexpensive piece of equipment, dumbbells allow you to work all major body parts, including the bicep, triceps, and major leg muscles. You can select dumbbell weights according to your physical ability, where they require minimal space and can be stored away easily.

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2. Folding treadmill

You can engage in various types of exercise using a treadmill, including long-distance running, interval training or sprinting. As a cardio machine, treadmills are a great choice for a home gym for all fitness abilities, and an easy way to get your daily steps in. One of the primary benefits of a folding treadmill is it occupies less space so particularly useful for small properties.

3. Rowing machines

Rowing machines are great for high-intensity exercise, raising your heart rate and training your cardiovascular health. Including a rowing machine in your home gym utilises a small space wisely, as rowing machines can be stored vertically, or folded for storage.

4. Exercise bike

Alternatively, exercise bikes for cardio-based workouts are more beneficial to those who want to strengthen their legs and lower body muscles. They are great for weight loss too and are often recommended for rehabilitation. Additionally, they are very compact, light, affordable and offer a fairly quiet and safe form of exercise.

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5. Folding half rack

A folding half rack is designed to fold against the wall whilst not in use, with the majority being mounted to the wall for maximum stability. Folding half racks are a great piece of kit for a small space, maximising the use of your spare room, or garage, to create your ideal home gym.

For further inspiration, check out our blog describing some of the best home gyms in Surrey for every kind of workout.

Gym design solutions and ideas

Always consider design solutions that can create the illusion of more space including:

1. Mirrors

Mirrors give the illusion of space and depth, using reflection to make a room feel like a larger open space. The larger the mirror installed; the greater illusion of space is created. Similarly, mirrors are also a great tool to reflect light into your home gym, creating a brighter space with natural light.

2. Natural colours

Natural colours keep the design of your home gym timeless, so you can ensure your home gym won’t need renovating in the short-term and will continue to be a productive contribution to your home.

3. Ceiling height

The height of the ceiling can provide extra space to play with in a home gym, whether that’s installing types of equipment, such as rigs and squat racks, or decorative attributes. High ceilings can bring a spacious and luxurious feeling to your home gym, creating a tranquil atmosphere in a room to work on yourself, for yourself.

4. Additional decorative items

Including additional decorative items, such as artwork, display pieces, photography or plants, are a great way to create a theme within your home gym, or to personalise it to you, and the overall design of your home.

5. Storage

Integrating a good storage system into your home gym ensures that your space doesn’t feel cluttered, every piece of equipment has a home and you are able to organise your workouts by locating equipment efficiently.

Tips to maintain your home gym

1. Buy well-established equipment

It is important to buy high-quality equipment that will last a long time in your home gym, and won’t require replacement in the near future. At motive8, we have created our own range of equipment, Erimus. Erimus offers a range of equipment that is considered ideal to begin piecing together your dream home gym.

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2. Regularly clean equipment

It is important that you regularly clean your home gym equipment, to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt in your machines, and on your equipment. Wiping down machines with an anti-bacterial product after using equipment, should be regular practice to keep machines clean and germ-free.

3. Review machine manuals

Ensure you review all home gym machine manuals, to ensure that all directed methods to cleaning the machines are followed, and to prevent damage by inappropriate cleaning products.

4. Keep the air fresh

Keep the air fresh and ventilated in your home gym to prevent the build-up of dampness, leading to the development of mould. This can be done by opening a window, installing an air system to circulate clean air, or by integrating an air de-humidifier.

5. Set a budget

We all know what it’s like to get carried away! It’s important to set a budget for your home gym, so you can prioritise which pieces of equipment are the most cost-effective, and will maximise what you can achieve from your workouts.

Please contact us on 020 8481 9700 orinfo@m8group.co.ukto find out how our motive8 home gym design team can support you with your small home gym ideas and design solutions.

Home gym inspiration from the motive8 team

motive8 gym designers are the experts at making better use of space at home.

Whether it’s turning a spare room into a classic gym or creating a wellness oasis from a garden building, the team skilfully guide you through your gym design journey with a curious, creative, and personal approach.

We asked the team to share their top gym and spa interior design inspiration and give you some ideas for your own spectacular set-up or stunning gym interior.

“Space for the whole family”
Nick Sadler, MD

“I love a home gym space that can do lots of different things,” says Nick Sadler, Managing Director of motive8.

“If you think carefully about the set-up and how best to use the space, your home gym can be used by lots of different generations of the family. You can work-out in your home gym in the morning and give the kids valuable exercise time after school.”

“My favourite piece of home gym design is a bespoke ceiling rig. The rig combines a TRX mount and boxing bag for the parents while there are also monkey bars for the kids. It is a great example of thinking about fun for the whole family.”

“Our gym designers can advise you on everything you need for your home gym set-up, from choosing and installing gym equipment through to the layout and gym interior.”

“You may have a personal preference about the gym interior style. I’m inspired by the casual, coastal vibes of California. Whatever look you want, at motive8 we can help you achieve the perfect balance of form and function.”

“Flexible, funky and versatile”
Kim Mead, Gym Design Consultant

“Flexible, versatile spaces with a funky twist are my gym inspiration,” says Kim Mead, expert gym and spa design consultant at motive8.

“Some of the latest fitness studio concepts get it just right for their customers and how the spaces are used,” says Kim. “ThePsyclespin studios located around London achieve the right colourful, high energy atmosphere paired with the set-up you need for cycle, barre and yoga sessions.”

“Another great example of a funky and versatile space is theBXR gym, founded by World Heavyweight Champion, Anthony Joshua. It’s a members-only boxing club but the venue is much more. It has three studio spaces, a juice bar, saunas and state-of-the-art changing facilities.”

“If you translate these design trends into a home gym, it’s about creating spaces that can be used for different types of exercise from yoga to HIIT. You don’t need more space to do this. It’s about being clever with the space you have.”

“To add your own style, think about the creative touches you can add with lighting or wall spaces. One of my favourite gym design features is a forest scene mural on the wall of a corporate client’s basem*nt gym. There is also a living wall in the fitness studio made up of moss that creates its own micro-climate. The greenery traps pollutants and purifies air and creates a natural, calming feel.”

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“Make the gym your playground, indoor or out”
Sally Ottewell, Gym Design Consultant

“My favourite home gym ideas involve a mix of kit that adds interest and enhances the home gym space,” says Sally Ottewell who designs layouts and provides advice to private gym clients in her role as a motive8 gym and spa consultant.

“I love a playground of kit, whether your gym is indoors or outdoors. Think half rig, battle ropes, tracker tyre, Bose ball, boxing bag or TRX, a suspension trainer that is suitable for beginners or those taking their workouts to the next level. However big or small an area, you have the possibility to create a set-up to meet a variety of work-out needs.”

“The ceiling mounted rig atSupersonic Fitnessin York, for example, is brilliantly designed to allow the space underneath to be utilised when the rig is not in use.”

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“For design inspiration, the gym and spa at hotels likeRudding Park, Harrogate,South Lodge, Horsham, andHoar Cross Hallin Burton-on-Trent, create beautiful, tranquil spaces and amazing facilities for their guests.”

“I also follow designers likeLucas Hugh,X InteriorsandElicyonon Instagram. I take the inspiration and influences from sources like these and use it in my gym design work. My goal is to inspire and encourage clients to get the most from their home gym solution.”

Find out more about the motive8 home gym solutions and here.


  • Joanna
  • HOME GYM, Home Gyms


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20 Small Home Gym Ideas and Half Garage Gyms - motive8 (2024)


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