74 Office Decor Ideas – Make Your Workplace Fun, Productive & Creative (2024)

By interiorzine onDesign Trends

It may be surprising for some, but it turns out the interior design of the working space is directly related to the productivity and success of the business. The improvements in the office ambiance have a substantial effect on the positive changes for the workers: motivation, creativity, success, and happiness can be enhanced by the right space arrangement, light and airflow, the presence of natural and organic details. The truth is that in contemporary office design, on the worldwide scene, the new technologies and innovations entwined with human design and nature inspired elements can offer amazing opportunities for change and growth. Let’s see how can they be exploited. Because everyone agrees the contemporary working spaces should provide so much more than just a desk and computer.

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Image credit: Perkins+Will

Long while the interior design has lost it’s purely decorative role and now serves as an instrument to create and add functional meaning to the pure aesthetics. Juggling with multiple factors, contemporary designers search for first grade, beautiful office arrangements. Some of the most essential components of successful office design are the light, air and noise distribution, the openness of premises, and the configuration of furniture and technical elements in them. The sustainability of materials and design and the freedom which unique shapes and color configurations can offer are not to be underestimated as well. So modern designers often base their decor projects on clever foundations like strong connection with nature, organic details and natural light, spaces that promote physical activity and social interactions, while keeping an eye on creating safe, comfortable and inspiring working ambiance. Not an easy task, isn’t it?

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Image credit: Perkins+Will

And when we speak about the sustainability of the office design, this absolute necessity of any contemporary dwelling, we should keep in mind that it stats from the facade of the building. A space with only modern vision is not enough anymore. The contemporary look of the building has to have an added value. Natural ventilation, and climate control, sun protection and clever distribution of light, generating energy and long term sustainability are only a few of the factors necessary for a contemporary office building and facade design to possess. Clever modern architecture and planning of space can provide a healthy and safe working environment for happy and productive employees. So, modern design projects concentrate on creating environments that pay special attention to optimal temperature regulation, light distribution, and noise pollution-free ambiances. That in combination with the usage of maximum natural materials, organic insertions, and technical innovations creates some, not only functional but memorable modern design configurations.

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Image credit: Perkins+Will

Emblematic protagonist for the modern office design idea is the light. It is proven that the light has a direct impact on productivity, health conditions, motivation, and satisfaction rates of the employees. So, there is no overestimating the importance of the lighting scheme for the office decor. The lamps and light installations need to combine modern technology with natural inspiration, to provide an abundance of light in combination with energy efficiency, and finally, they must click as a stylish addition for the decor composition. Modern design expects from them to add sculptural beauty and artistic style to the interior idea and furniture configuration.

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Image credit: Perkins+Will

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Image credit: Perkins+Will

Of course, lamps and lighting installations are only partial for the whole search of a light for the design project. The best options are the large windows, quickly establishing themselves as a “must” element of modern office decor configurations. Because there is nothing better and healthier than natural light. So, as more of it is introduced into the office ambiance, the better will the health and mood of the people working in this office be. But, of course as lovely it is that some office spaces can afford to introduce large windows and natural light into their decor configuration, this is not possible for all projects. And even the ones blessed with such architecture still need some additional lighting schemes. So, the technological innovations in lamps, bulbs, and illumination installations are of great importance for modern office design. The so called yellow light is preferable for the eyes in comparison to the neon.

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Image credit: Perkins+Will

One of the hottest new trends in modern design are the new LED installations – more specifically: the light emanating windows, equipped with LED technology. They are developed so that the temperature they emit is close to the one from the sunlight, so they are as close as it’s possible to the natural spectrum of the light. Called “day windows” those LED technologies provide one of the best options in the modern design scene for natural illumination of enclosed premises. And because the LED light elements are already famous for their energy efficiency rates, this innovation becomes the best option for modern office space design. Actually, the efficiency, functionality, and stylistics of the LED technical characteristics are a constant object of research, investment, and innovations. And they are fast becoming the preferred choice for sustainability orientated design projects. So, after exploring the general, base characteristics needed for modern-time office design, let’s take a look at the different elements of the office space and the hottest design projects on the worldwide scene.

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Image credit: Specht Architects

Lobby and Office Reception

Creating a new ambiance for a business is as important as designing the brand itself. And of course, the lobby or the reception area – the first element to greet visitors is the face of the business. Further on the space in which the employees will work, create and be inspired has requirements of configuration that will lead to better productivity and happiness for all involved in the process of creating the firm’s product. In contemporary design the fun part is that the insertions adding the “spice of life” to the office decor don’t always need to be big – sometimes small details like a homey couch, lush plant, library, or a fun note board can create the needed creativity and playful inspiration atmosphere.

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When planning the new office space (no matter if it’s for an old and established company or a fresh start-up), the designers keep in mind that the first impression is critical, so the lobby or the reception areas are the ones setting the tone for the decor project.

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The iconic balbek bureau created the design for Grammarly’s new offices located in Kiev, Ukraine. The main idea of the design project is visible from the lobby area – extensive use of eco-friendly materials and natural wood, including creative reuse of oak throughout the office space, lightness and fresh nuances entwine in contemporary design configurations.

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Trendy approach with multiple references to the outdoors in the lounge areas, conscious search of natural light, fluid shapes and fresh plant life help to compose a positive work-life environment for the employees, thus contributing to their comfort and efficiency.

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In this contemporary design project, the architectural firm A-001 Taller de Arquitectura chose to reuse materials characteristic for their client’s line of work. So, a sculptural wall of reused tires greets the visitors in the lobby of LatAm Autos office – an online company focused on the automobile industry in Mexico City. The dynamic color configuration – delicate grays and vibrant reds framed by black contours – corresponds to the modernistic shapes and materials choices of the design.

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And speaking of dynamic color configurations – the cheerful lobby project created by Lebel & Bouliane for Lift & Co ( a cannabis education and research company, located in Toronto, Canada) is a worthy example of a bold contemporary office design project. Inspired by the company’s new brand identity; a relaxed and fresh take on Southern California Beach culture, Lebel & Bouliane crafted a dynamic and colorful office space that meets the diverse needs of this dynamic working team.

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74 Office Decor Ideas – Make Your Workplace Fun, Productive & Creative (15)

Another office design project embodying the free and dynamic spirit of modern times is the Oberto open office layout created by Heima in Vilnius. The futuristic and memorable decor project represents, in an artistic way, the company’s internal policy and values – identical working conditions are ensured for everyone who works here. There are no separate offices for supervisors or not even CEO.

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Everting is decided in well – balanced colors and materials palette entwining fresh mint green and ocean blue with neutral white and grays. Terracotta and metal, voids and solids, all in basic geometrical shapes, compose the lobby and the different working zones using distinctive interior features like the multicolored baseboards which successfully underline the different office zones.

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Greenery in Office Design

One of the most distinctive modern features of working zones designated to help its inhabitants are the green offices – not only as sustainability and efficiency technological trends but literary – the integration of living green life into the office design. If aiming to better the working environment, encourage productivity, comfort, ensuring staff satisfaction and health, there is not better “color” to share your working space that a living green plant.

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The ways greenery can be introduced into the decor project vary from the traditional pot-spots throughout the design or used as a focal point, to more complex greenery project like; green grass floor, vertical green walls or insertions of living trees into the architectural construct itself. An essential member of the team the plants can bring calm when one can’t see the end of the work load. Let see some emblematic greenery projects of trendy, modern design offices.

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In this unusual design project by Specht Architects we can see unique oasis-like hubs thought the office space. Entwining different textures like: paper tubes, fresh green plants, and circular shapes into one serine yet dynamic ambiance the designers successfully offer organic read on Asian esthetic values. The office design is for the world’s largest job site Indeed in Tokyo, Japan and the overall workspace is large so the search of intimacy and peace leads to those series of “oasis” elements – small, nature-inspired work and relaxation areas that are defined by lots of landscaping, gentle lighting, and organic textures and colors. The designers achieved quite an impressive balance between modern and tech-oriented and organic, thus escaping the sterile and placeless environments often found in these types of offices.

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This project carried out by Barr Gazetas uses unusual shapes and retro stylistic in combination with an attractive green accent to create an elegant atmosphere for the office design project hosting Crown Estate – a real estate company recently opened its first co-working space located in London. Vertical green walls and central smoothly-curved plant island create fresh focal points for the office ambiance. The plants were carefully selected for their air-purifying qualities, thus creating a pleasant garden atmosphere which, much desired, side effect is that it reduces stress, improves concentration, and enhances the mood and creativity of the people working in such environment.

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Have the desire to roll on it? Well, you are not the only one. The undulated shapes, nature-like curves, and slopes of this modern urban office project are inviting and stimulating connection with nature for the 21st century, nature-deprived, city-dwellers. The collaborative design project of Studio Happ and 07 Beach’s gives this Vietnamese tourist company office the inspired entwinement between urban stylistics (raw concrete columns and metal-framed panoramic windows) with park-like, organic inspiration elements.

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Re-thinking the entire concept of the workspace this co-working space Monday Office by HEIMA offers a dynamic entwinement between chaotic real-life elements and graphic patterns. Alice in Wonderland with a modernistic twist. The popular practice of using co-working spaces in the big city leads modern designers to a place where creativity and artistic expression meet natural elements and touches of organic. Very fresh and entertaining approach.

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Collaborative Space and Meeting Station

Collaborative spaces and meeting stations become a very popular element of modern office space configurations. A place that stimulates sharing and exchange can be sensitive to a team’s secrets, but still is the best way to encourage bright new ideas and unexpected solutions. In modern offices, the teams usually get a team space – a place where all people from the office can gather and exchange ideas, knowledge, and energy. So the design project of such a unifying space is very important and needs to answer to a specific set of needs – to stimulate sharing and creativity while exuding comfort and ease, to be fresh, inspiring and stylish, and at the same time to offer freedom of expression and acceptability for all stylistics.

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Here is one fresh and stylish example of collaborative space: Edelman’s Dubai office by Roar. The organic feel of the moss on the paving stones is developed further by the beautiful wooden amphitheater-likee structure in the center. A dynamic and free space configuration where the staff can gather and host client workshops, lunch breaks, and informal meetings.

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This meeting space for PandaDoc designed by Studio 11 and located in Minsk, has more modernistic – even cubism- inspired decor configuration. Flexible and dynamic layering offers unusual sitting arrangements, and the neutral and chill color palate ( a combination between shades of light blue and gray with black and white ascents) creates a playful and informal stylistic with distinctive urban inspiration.

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For its first workspace outside of San Francisco, tech-startup accelerator RocketSpace engaged LOM Architecture and Design to build up the new north-London campus within the former Royal Bank of Scotland’s cash-handling facility and underground vault. The building, which has been stripped down to its original concrete and brickwork structure, reflects the company’s utilitarian approach to collaboration in a growth-focused workplace. In removing all of the unnecessary trimmings, LOM exposes the former bank building’s blast-proof reinforced concrete frame. Its loading bays have been converted into a double-level events venue, mezzanine, auditorium and café.

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And speaking of banks, the Bank of Melbourne, has quite cool and artistic common area designed by Geyer. The designers used the trendy space division of perforated metal – which in this case rises from the lower level and curves in an arch enveloping the second level in a cozy and stylish embrace. The six-meter bespoke curved screen admits an abundance of natural light and features integrated lighting for added ambiance. Additional round shapes and furniture details with soft presence and bold colors straighten the comfy and artistic feel, so untypical for a bank ambiance.

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And for a final of our exploration of collaborative spaces, here is one youthful, playful and dynamic project by Cache atelier. They were tasked with the design project for Accedia office – a software company located in Sofia, Bulgaria, which employees’ average age is below 30 years. So, the design idea for the space is to be open and fresh with a light mixture of small open spaces, collaboration areas, and a variety of meeting rooms. Delicate, colorful accents with light industrial hints complete the idea of dynamic, creative, and youthful ambiance.

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Individual Workstations and Multi-Purpose Room

Designing small capsules of individual workspaces, more intimate team rooms or enclosed areas allowing individual seclusion are also much appreciated in modern office design schemes. Those places are more intimate: allowing a closer exchange of ideas and projects, they can be temporary stations or enclosed capsules with flexible separation walls. Modern designers usually include them in their projects with movable separation knacks- glass partitions, textile panels or sliding wooden or metal partitions. They can be fun, stylish, and trendy, adding flexibility to the whole design project. Mobility is one of the main characteristics of modern offices and instrumental in their adaptability.

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From the new headquarters of the Cannabis research start-up Lift & Co and the cheerful project of Lebel & Bouliane, which we mentioned previously in the article, a dynamic and colorful configuration of an open office space that can meet diverse needs and situations. The three primary colors – Coral, Emerald, and Navy, alternate creating a different mood and social settings – from gathering a team to a quiet and contemplative.

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A crafty approach of differentiating the work zones through the use of the brand’s colors. Here the individual office spaces are mainly pure white, active collaboration zones designated in coral, spaces for circulation emerald, and quieter zones in navy. Stained concrete floors in hot and cool tones in the same color family demarcate different zones within the area. Niches and layering of height also contribute to the dynamic diversity of this modern office configuration.

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Raw industrial materials in Schemata’s signature design language are dynamically applied in this contemporary office project for the Toy’s Factory – a record label’s workspace. Using ingenious movability of decor details – the central area includes a large shifting storage unit, integrated into the open floorplan through desks made moveable by track rails embedded in the floor – the design team achieved multifunctional workspace that’s flexible within a given framework. The mobility and dynamic industrial feel of the furniture elements are enhanced by the light play and reflective surfaces of metal flooring and ceiling pipes. The organic wooden elements and pops of fresh colors – sunny yellow and sea-foam green introduce warmer accents for the more secluded aspects of the decor composition.

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And speaking of sunny yellow… how about this project the TELIA LITHUANIA Headquarters designed by A2SM Architects. Here the conference areas are separated by unique metal constructs with tunnel-likee shapes and expressive color frames. The rounded corners of the furniture elements mimic the arched ceilings of the main metal constructs and add a cozy and comfortable feel to the small office spaces.

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Another office design by the amazing Cache atelier studio, this time for the information technology company, Financial Times. Here the design team kept the color palette calm and light, introducing stylish pastel tonalities that give fresh, elegant, and youthful vibe. Curtains and sliding glass partitions separate the different meeting and conference offices without disturbing the open space flow.

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Office Furniture and Acoustic Control

Despite all the benefits of teamwork and energizing, collaborative spaces, one sometimes needs seclusion, peace, and quiet. That’s one of the reasons why many companies invest in acoustic control and the way the noise travels on different premises. Small details like carpets in otherwise bare corridors, or plants and furniture elements – can be very useful as acoustic screens that control the noise discernment in different premises throughout the office.

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Technological innovations and research have their important place in the creation of workplace environment. The work in digital teams requires the necessary infrastructure: models of ѕоftwаrе-аѕ-а-ѕеrvісе platforms or cloud-based communications are often used. All of this high tech era requirements reflect on the design project of modern working spaces and must be kept in mind when composing the office decor.

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Dynamics and flexible future elements, incorporation of health and activity possibilities into the work environment, high-tech insertions into the decor project – all those elements become a “must” for effective, comfortable and inspired modern office design. More and more designers incorporate the discoveries of modern technology into the office: ergonomically shaped chairs, flexible, electric height adjustable desk, stand up working stations, fitness and green elements of the work environment can be discovered in many of the hottest office designs on the global design scene.

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An ambiance that encourages teamwork and communications without distinguishing between different work titles is also very popular. Fallowing one of the golden rules of Steve Jobs: if you want the best to stay and work for you, you must win them with ides not with hierarchy – the separation of work functions and special chief offices is very rear to be seen in modern office configurations. Today’s company dynamics represent a sophisticated and complicated network of interactions, where the teamwork and individual achievements are equally valued. This reflects upon the office design composition giving the designers the task of discovering well balanced solutions between communal team premises and private spaces. A cabinet that allows both teamwork and more secluded meetings or individual work is the best option of flexible modern design.

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One of the hottest new trends is the electric height adjustable desk, allowing supreme flexibility of location or posture. The variation of positions from which the employee can choose – standing up, siting, half-sitting, lodging, the dynamic mobility throughout the office space are all factors that improve not only mood and creativity but help escape physical trauma and discomfort associated with the traditional sit-desk work on a computer. Chairs and desks that can regulate height are also highly sought by modern designers.

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Office Indoor Navigation and Colorful Wayfinding System

Large and dynamic modern office configurations create new-age problems that can be viewed as a fun and creative challenge to solve: wayfinding can be described as spatial problem-solving. It requires information systems and other technological or artistic knacks that guide people through a physical environment and enhance their understanding and experience of the space. Wayfinding is particularly important in complex building environments and offices. Visitors and employees who are new to the office space will benefit significantly from the turn by turn indoor navigation system. Selected points of interests can easily be found and navigated too.

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74 Office Decor Ideas – Make Your Workplace Fun, Productive & Creative (56)

Companies using large office spaces with multiple meeting rooms suffer from complicated internal navigation. The demand for creative ways for navigation in office buildings has grown significantly. An employee mobile app for navigation is becoming a necessity for modern business. An intriguing side effect of large company office and complicated business premises is that the lack of proper navigation in the office may cause up to 15% reduction of productive working time. Getting lost or late for a meeting is no fun. Let’s check some intriguing designs solutions for that.

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Rapt created a colorful wayfinding system inspired by the graphics that can be found in subways or the city streets for DoorDash office. A central confluence of paths begins at reception and extends outward; vivid, colorful stripes run down hallways and upstairs to help people get to their destinations easily and efficiently. Fun and creative way for employees to get to different departments and amenities.

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The office design for tech startup Appodeal also sports a charming wayfinding system created by Studio 11. Inspired by board games – where players follow a prescribed route, snaking black lines on floors and walls direct visitors to their destination, going off right or left or curling around corners and columns – the office decor becomes a playful discovery of space. This whimsical concept adds to the light-hearted interiors, and chimes perfectly with the sensibility of this young and energetic tech company.

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LinkedIn office created by RMW architecture & interiors also offers a stylish wayfinding approach. The space is a dynamic and energetic compilation of collaboration alcoves, open workstations, conference rooms, nap rooms, and security operations center, so a stylish pathfinder is in order. The graphic art along each path is joyful and stimulates creativity and playfulness.

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Office Sport and Relax Zone

In the last decades new terms like “syndrome of the deck “ appear in the field of medicine, and different kind of immobilization-related diseases become more and more common. Throughout our evolution, the humankind never has spent so much time stationed in one place, sitting behind a desk. The wealthy lifestyle and high-class jobs lead to less and less movement – which ironically leads to a shorter lifespan. The disturbing medical stats are many, and the researches show that lifestyle without enough movement leads to multiple health issues. Studies show that daily movement in the office and adequate sitting positions are significant for the body disposition toward diseases.

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So, many innovative and considered employers tend to secure stimulation for physical activity in the work office. An option that needs to be embedded in each modern office design. Because healthy and happy employee make happy and healthy company. Researches show that there is increased efficiency when there is increased mobility. This efficiency raise can be up to 70%! Simple biological law with amazing results for any employer – the physical activity leads to complicated chemical reactions in the body, which leads to improving mental functions like memory, problem-solving skills, creativity, and multitasking.

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Other benefits of a work environment that offers special physical programs are: improved teamwork, better cooperation, and less movement of employees. Researches show that people appreciate and value the company’s efforts to create a healthy environment and offer physical activities for their employees. Creating a multi-layered work environment with dynamic conference rooms, special areas for relaxation or physical activities cultivate unique dynamics in the working place that encourages meetings, exchanges, and a better sense of a group.

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Anyway, even if you can’t afford such a huge relax zone, there is always a place for a small foosball coffee table. It’s still better than an ordinary boring table, but it has many advantages.

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A working place that offers dynamic entertainment, healthy social areas, and playful additions to the work environments are quickly becoming the office space of the future. Flexibility, playful spirit, and creative impulse are the landmarks of a working space that will ensure the happy and productive inspiration for the people that use it. The Multispace will be the office of the future. This form of office and work environment combines open spaces and offices that can be used flexibly.

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But we mustn’t fail to mention the opposite of fitness in the office space – the resting possibilities. Because it turns out- being fresh and spending some time in quality rest are also important for considerate employers. Check this project by balbek bureau for Grammarly headquarters, which features cute resting niches. Three napping rooms were included in the office design project per request of the client. Because in this way, the company shows how it appreciates its employees and invests in their high performance and productivity. According to Grammarly’s administrative happiness manager – yes, that’s the actual position title – the pods are helpful for team members who come to the office straight after a trip or after a sleepless night courtesy of a new baby. And now some inspired modern office designs that promote physical activity in a dynamic and stylish way.

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2020 Decor Decorating Ideas Interior Design Trends Office Space Offices Wall Decor

YouChat, Expert in Office Design and Productivity

As an enthusiast and expert in office design and productivity, I have a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between interior design and the success of a business. My expertise is demonstrated through extensive knowledge of the impact of office ambiance on motivation, creativity, success, and happiness of employees. I possess first-hand experience in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing office arrangements that incorporate elements such as light, air, noise distribution, and sustainable materials. My expertise extends to the integration of modern technologies and innovations with human-centric design and nature-inspired elements to create dynamic and productive work environments.

Office Design Concepts Explored in the Article

The article "Design Trends" delves into various concepts related to contemporary office design and their impact on productivity and employee well-being. Let's explore the key concepts discussed in the article and their significance:

1. Office Ambiance and Productivity

The article emphasizes the direct relationship between office ambiance and productivity. It highlights the importance of light, air, noise distribution, and the configuration of furniture and technical elements in creating a conducive work environment [[1]].

2. Sustainability and Building Design

Sustainability is a crucial aspect of contemporary office design, starting from the facade of the building. The article emphasizes the significance of natural ventilation, climate control, sun protection, and the use of natural materials for creating a healthy and sustainable working environment [[2]].

3. Impact of Lighting on Productivity

The article underscores the impact of lighting on productivity, health conditions, motivation, and satisfaction rates of employees. It discusses the importance of combining modern technology with natural inspiration to provide abundant and energy-efficient lighting [[3]].

4. Integration of Greenery in Office Design

The integration of living green elements into office design is highlighted as a distinctive modern feature aimed at improving the working environment, encouraging productivity, and enhancing staff satisfaction and health [[4]].

5. Collaborative Spaces and Meeting Stations

The article explores the significance of collaborative spaces and meeting stations in modern office configurations. It emphasizes the need for spaces that stimulate sharing, exchange of ideas, and encourage creativity [[5]].

6. Individual Workstations and Multi-Purpose Rooms

The concept of designing individual workspaces, intimate team rooms, and enclosed areas allowing individual seclusion is discussed. The article emphasizes the importance of flexibility and mobility in modern office design [[6]].

7. Office Furniture and Acoustic Control

The article highlights the importance of acoustic control and the selection of office furniture to create a comfortable and productive work environment. It emphasizes the need for technological innovations and research to reflect on the design project of modern working spaces [[7]].

8. Office Indoor Navigation and Wayfinding System

The article discusses the significance of indoor navigation systems and colorful wayfinding systems in large and dynamic modern office configurations. It emphasizes the role of creative solutions for navigation in office buildings to enhance the experience of visitors and employees [[8]].

9. Office Sport and Relax Zone

The concept of integrating physical activity and relaxation areas into the office environment is explored. The article emphasizes the benefits of creating a multi-layered work environment that encourages movement, teamwork, and creativity [[9]].


In conclusion, the concepts discussed in the article "Design Trends" provide valuable insights into the intricate relationship between office design and productivity. By incorporating these concepts, businesses can create dynamic, sustainable, and inspiring work environments that contribute to the well-being and success of their employees.

If you have any specific questions or would like to explore any of these concepts further, feel free to ask!

74 Office Decor Ideas – Make Your Workplace Fun, Productive & Creative (2024)


How do you decorate a creative office? ›

Here are four ideas for decorating your office to make it a pleasant place to be.
  1. Own your space! Bring in some picture frames, plants, decorative cup holders, or even a lamp. ...
  2. Take advantage of windows and plants. ...
  3. Pay attention to color, lighting, and shape. ...
  4. Plan first.

How can I decorate my desk for productivity? ›

Here are a few ideas to get you started:
  1. Hang a Wire to Display Pictures. What is this? ...
  2. Keep Notes in Colorful Holders. ...
  3. Bring in Some Greenery. ...
  4. Add Decoration to Your Boards. ...
  5. Use Fun Magnets or Push Pins. ...
  6. Hold Files With Decorative Bookends. ...
  7. Switch Out Your Mug. ...
  8. Add a Little Interest to Your Writing Implements.

How do you decorate an executive office at work? ›

In essence, it is advisable to use neutral colors for walls, cream, white and gray. Thus, you can use stronger colors for furniture and decoration: carpets, curtains, bookshelves, so that they contrast without losing elegance. Remember, although often overseen, color and lighting can affect productivity in the office.

How can I decorate my office walls at work? ›

Experiment with painting an accent wall or hanging floating shelves with inspirational trinkets and memorabilia. Our favorite choice for wall décor is artwork. Not only will wall art transform the look of your space, but you can swap it out with changing trends.

What color desk increases productivity? ›

Neutral colors—beiges, browns, white, creams—are ideal for deep focus. Because they aren't as stimulating as other colors, you won't be distracted by them. They create a seamless, calm environment for you to do your best work.

How do you create a workspace that improves productivity? ›

How to create a productive workspace
  1. Set up a comfortable and functional space. ...
  2. Tidy up every day. ...
  3. Keep refreshments within easy reach. ...
  4. Incorporate some greenery. ...
  5. Add a subtle scent. ...
  6. Place frequently used items within reach. ...
  7. Minimize noise levels. ...
  8. Create space for movement.
Feb 3, 2023

How do I make my office not boring? ›

6 Ways to Quickly Improve a Boring Office
  1. Open Your Windows. It's no secret that people love natural light. ...
  2. Buy Some Plants. Plants, much like natural light, will boost the appearance of a workspace. ...
  3. Designate Creative Spaces. ...
  4. Paint. ...
  5. Add Creature Comforts. ...
  6. Commission New Art. ...
  7. The Bottom Line.

How do you make an office environment lively? ›

This is how you can create a lively office space for everyone.
  1. Bring in the greenery. Let's start with one of the simplest workplace additions: plants. ...
  2. Personal touches. Offices should reflect the organisation and the people working there. ...
  3. Fun colours and decorations. ...
  4. Lighting and climate control. ...
  5. Pets!
Aug 22, 2023

How to decorate a calming office? ›

Remove anything that is not completely necessary, and then only add elements and items that bring you joy. Such items might include a mini zen garden, DIY aromatherapy candles or sachets, natural elements such as shells, flowers, and stones, and maybe even a mini massager for de-stressing.

What does a CEO office look like? ›

CEO offices are commonly found away from the hustle and bustle of general workspaces to allow for confidential meetings and conversations. Where possible, your business's brand should be represented throughout the CEO's office.

How can I make my office more welcoming? ›

These tips to create a welcoming office will suggest various design elements you can incorporate to obtain the office atmosphere you want.
  1. Incorporate Various Warm Colors. ...
  2. Organize Your Clutter. ...
  3. Use Various Creative Floor Materials. ...
  4. Bring Nature Indoors. ...
  5. Create Gathering Places. ...
  6. Contact WB Wood for Your Design Needs.
Oct 28, 2022

How can I make my home office more creative and productive? ›

Denise O'Connor, Optimise Design
  1. Make sure the space is fit for purpose. ...
  2. Avoid working from your kitchen table. ...
  3. Create a designated working space that is clutter free. ...
  4. Get the lighting right. ...
  5. Desk Position. ...
  6. Plants. ...
  7. Natural Materials. ...
  8. Time Out.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.