Ice Scream: The Movie Script (2024)




The screen is pitch black. Slowly, a single point of light emerges and begins to expand, illuminating the darkness with swirling colors and celestial bodies.

Narrator (V.O):

"In the beginning, before time was measured and existence was defined, there was a void. Then, the Grandmother Earth and Grandfather Sky formed and then, there was Father Sun and Mother Moon. They created life on Grandmother Earth. The celestial realm of the Cloud Kingdom formed. Here, amidst the vast expanse of the heavens, Father Sun and Mother Moon bear two divine siblings, Sunbeam and Raindrop. They frolicked in the eternal light of their father and danced to the rhythm of the celestial winds."

As the narrator speaks, ethereal images of the Cloud Kingdom and the celestial siblings playing amidst the clouds fill the screen, depicting the harmony and serenity of their divine abode.

Narrator (V.O):

"But within this realm of tranquility, a forbidden temptation lurked. The Sacred Temple, guarded by their father, held secrets beyond their comprehension. Yearning to uncover its mysteries, Sunbeam and Raindrop sought entrance, yet were thwarted by their father's decree."

Scenes transition to Sunbeam and Raindrop attempting to enter the Sacred Temple, only to be stopped by their father, the Sun God, who gestures towards the temple with solemn authority.

Narrator (V.O):

"Determined to unlock the temple's secrets, the siblings embarked on a quest, searching tirelessly for the elusive attire required for entry. Their journey led them to the Forbidden Land of Man, where fate intertwined with mortal destiny."

Images shift to the Forbidden Land of Man, where the siblings discover a chest containing the key to their desires. Excitedly, Raindrop jumps down, followed by Sunbeam, leading to their transformation.

Narrator (V.O):

"Unbeknownst to them, the chest held not garments of divinity, but a curse woven by jealous inhabitants of the Cloud Kingdom. Bitten by enchanted serpents, Sunbeam and Raindrop were transformed, their wings shattered, their forms forever altered."

As the narrator describes the curse, scenes depict Sunbeam and Raindrop's transformation into a goat and a wooden cup respectively, their anguish palpable.

Narrator (V.O):

"Cast out from their celestial home, Sunbeam and Raindrop found solace in the realm of mortals, where their destinies intertwined with the lives of humanity. Thus began a saga of redemption, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness."




The imposing castle towers over the kingdom, its dark, foreboding walls casting long shadows over the land. Guards patrol the perimeter with stern expressions.


"In the heart of the kingdom, behind the cold stone walls of his fortress, King Richard ruled with an iron fist. His wrath was known far and wide, and none dared to challenge his cruel reign. None, that is, except one..."



Leonard Goodfellow, a mischievous figure with a twinkle in his eye and a sly smile, sneaks through the courtyard, avoiding the guards.


"Leonard Goodfellow, the kingdom's most notorious prankster, had made it his mission to bring a smile to the faces of the oppressed. Today, he would target the king himself."

Leonard pulls out a small pouch of itching powder and sneaks up to a guard's post. He carefully sprinkles the powder inside the guard's helmet.

GUARD (scratching his head):

"What the...?"

As the guard begins to scratch furiously, Leonard slips past him and enters the castle.



Leonard stands in the grand hall, surveying the room. His eyes land on the throne, where King Richard sits, looking stern and imposing.


"Leonard knew he had to be clever. The king's temper was infamous, and failure would mean certain doom."

Leonard moves to a tapestry on the wall and carefully pulls a thread, setting off a chain reaction that causes a chandelier to sway precariously above the throne.



Leonard sneaks into the kitchen, where a large feast is being prepared. He spots a pie cooling on the counter and grins.

LEONARD (whispering to himself):

"A little extra spice should do the trick."

He pulls out a bottle labeled "Extra Hot Chili Sauce" and pours it liberally into the pie.



The feast is laid out, and King Richard takes a bite of the pie. His face turns red as he begins to sweat profusely.


"Who... who did this?!"

As the king bellows in rage, Leonard slips out of the room, his mission accomplished.


"Leonard's pranks spread laughter and relief among the people, chipping away at the king's fearsome reputation."



A shadowy, eerie house stands silhouetted against a stormy sky. Lightning flashes, illuminating a young boy, TIMMY, as he wakes up inside a cage.


"In the 1800s, a young boy named Timmy found himself trapped in a mysterious house, far from the world he knew."

TIMMY (frightened):

"Where am I?"

Timmy spots a key hanging next to the cage. Using his slingshot, he skillfully knocks the key down and unlocks the cage.



Timmy sneaks through the darkened hallway, clutching his slingshot. He hears strange noises and pauses, his heart pounding.


"Timmy's journey was fraught with danger. A witch named Bruna roamed the halls, and Timmy had to outsmart her to escape."

Timmy peeks into a room and sees a dusty old bookshelf. He finds a hidden compartment containing a rune.

TIMMY (determined):

"One down, two to go."



Timmy enters a room filled with strange artifacts. He finds a diary that reveals the witch's name: Bruna.


"Maybe this will help me figure out how to get out of here."

He hears footsteps and quickly hides under a bed as Bruna enters, searching for him.



Timmy carefully descends into the basem*nt, where he finds a spellbook. He reads the spell to turn a snake into a rope and retrieves a fork from a nearby table.


"This should help me get to the library."

He uses the fork on a grandfather clock, revealing a hidden passageway.



Timmy uses a crowbar to open the attic door. Inside, he finds a feather and tickles a giant monster to retrieve a lost hand.


"Almost there..."



Timmy plays a vinyl record, distracting Bruna long enough to steal her wand. He uses the wand to electrocute Bruna, retrieving another rune.


"With each step, Timmy grew closer to escaping, but his journey was far from over."



Timmy meets a young girl, GRETEL, who offers to help him.


"There is a way back home. You need to find the five seeds of power."

She points him towards a path leading to a grandmother's house, where the next seed, a Red Hood, awaits.


"And so, Timmy's adventure continued, each step bringing him closer to his goal, and each new friend offering hope in a world filled with darkness."


An eerie, dilapidated boarding school stands alone under a stormy sky. Lightning flashes, casting shadows over the building. A sign reads "EAGLES JUNIOR HIGH for Boys."



"On the eve of a new decade, young William Bismarck found himself imprisoned within the foreboding walls of EAGLES JUNIOR HIGH for Boys. It was December 31, 1939, and the air was thick with dread."



William Bismarck, a frightened but determined boy, is locked in a small, dimly lit room. He fiddles nervously with a loose floorboard, trying to stay quiet.


"Sister Madeline, the school's deranged caretaker, had sinister plans for William. She intended to use him in a dark ritual, a ritual that could change everything."

The door creaks open, and Sister Madeline, a stern and twisted figure, enters the room. Her eyes are cold, and her demeanor is menacing.



"Stop that noise, boy! Your fate is sealed, and no amount of fidgeting will save you."

She slams the door shut, leaving William in silence.


"William had three nights to escape the school's clutches, but he had to be cautious. Sister Madeline and her three vicious pet chickens—Gummy, Roostel, and Mr. C—were always on the prowl."



William sneaks out of his room, carefully avoiding creaky floorboards. He spots a shadow moving down the hallway and hides behind a statue as Gummy, a mean-looking chicken, struts by.


"Each night, William had to outsmart his captors and navigate the labyrinthine school to find his way to freedom."



William enters the darkened kitchen, searching for anything that could help him escape. He finds a key hidden in a jar and pockets it. Suddenly, he hears the flapping of wings and ducks under a table as Roostel enters, pecking at the floor.


"Using his wits and the few tools he could find, William inched closer to freedom with each passing night."



On the second night, William descends into the basem*nt, using the key he found to unlock a door. Inside, he discovers an old map of the school, revealing hidden passages and escape routes.


"With the map in hand, William's chances improved, but the school's dark secrets began to unravel before him."



On the final night, William makes his way to the attic. The air is thick with dust and cobwebs. He finds a hidden journal belonging to Sister Madeline, filled with cryptic notes about a ritual and a mysterious figure named Nàzrat.


"As the final night wore on, William realized that escaping was only part of the battle. He had to stop Sister Madeline's ritual and confront the true evil lurking within the school's walls."



William bursts into the ritual room, where Sister Madeline is preparing an altar. She turns, eyes blazing with fury, and commands her chickens to attack.



"You dare defy me, boy? You will not leave this place alive!"

William uses the map and his quick thinking to outmaneuver the chickens, finally reaching the altar. He knocks over a candle, setting the room ablaze.



William runs from the burning school, the flames illuminating the night sky. He turns back briefly to see the silhouette of Sister Madeline, screaming in rage as the building collapses around her.


"William's bravery and resourcefulness had saved him, but the memory of the horrors he faced would stay with him forever. And the dark presence of Nàzrat remained, a shadow that would not easily fade."



A yellow taxi cruises along a winding country road, surrounded by dense forests. The sun is high, casting a warm glow over the landscape. Inside the taxi, an unnamed boy, around twelve years old, looks out the window with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "In the summer of 1963, a young boy received a mysterious invitation to attend a summer camp at an old school. Little did he know, his journey would lead him into the clutches of Sister Madeline, the Evil Nun."



The taxi pulls up in front of a decrepit old school building. The boy steps out, clutching his invitation, and gazes up at the imposing structure. The driver nods and drives away, leaving the boy standing alone.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "The school loomed ominously, a relic of the past shrouded in mystery and foreboding. The boy's excitement quickly turned to unease."

The heavy wooden doors of the school creak open, and Sister Madeline, a stern, sinister figure in a nun's habit, steps out. Her eyes are cold, and a twisted smile forms on her lips.

SISTER MADELINE: (in a sweet, yet menacing tone) "Welcome, child. We've been expecting you."

Before the boy can react, Sister Madeline strikes him on the head with a blunt object. The screen goes black.



The boy awakens in a small, dimly lit room. His head throbs, and he rubs the back of his neck. The door is locked, and the room is bare except for a small cot and a single window with bars.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "Trapped within the walls of the sinister school, the boy had three nights to find his way to freedom. Sister Madeline and her twisted rules would make escape a formidable challenge."

The boy stands and approaches the window, peering out into the dark courtyard below. Determined, he begins to search the room for anything that might help him escape.



The boy sneaks out of his room, carefully avoiding creaky floorboards. The hallway is dark and eerie, with flickering lights casting long shadows. He hears the distant footsteps of Sister Madeline and ducks into a nearby classroom.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "Each night, the boy would have to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the school, evading Sister Madeline and uncovering the secrets hidden within its walls."



The boy reaches the main door, finding it locked with a complex mechanism. He examines the lock, realizing he needs several keys and codes to open it. He glances over his shoulder, hearing Sister Madeline's footsteps approaching.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "The main door offered one way out, but it was heavily guarded and required cunning and resourcefulness to unlock."



The boy discovers a hidden passage leading to an underground parking area. Old, dusty cars are parked in rows. He finds a set of car keys but hears the sound of wheels on gravel—Sister Madeline's approach.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "Another escape route lay through the parking area, where a car might offer a swift getaway if the boy could find the keys and start the engine before Sister Madeline caught him."



The boy sneaks into the laundry room, where a group of other children, known as the laundry kids, are whispering and plotting their escape. They reveal a hot air balloon hidden on the roof.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "Joining forces with the laundry kids, the boy learned of a daring plan to escape using a hot air balloon hidden on the roof. Together, they would need to gather the supplies and find a way to inflate it without drawing Sister Madeline's attention."



The boy finds a grate leading to the school's sewer system. He pried it open and climbed down into the dark, dank tunnels below.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "The sewers offered a final, grim option. Winding through the dark and treacherous tunnels, the boy would have to navigate a maze of pipes and waterways to find an exit far from the school's reach."


The boy solves puzzles and finds hidden keys to unlock the main door.

Hotwiring a car in the parking area while Sister Madeline searches nearby.

Gathering supplies with the laundry kids and inflating the hot air balloon on the roof.

Crawling through the sewers, avoiding traps and deadly drops.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "Every path to freedom was fraught with peril, requiring bravery, intelligence, and a bit of luck. With each attempt, the boy grew more determined, knowing that failure was not an option."



The boy stands at the edge of the school grounds, the first light of dawn breaking over the horizon. Behind him, the school looms dark and silent. He takes a deep breath, ready for whatever comes next.

NARRATOR (V.O.): "With the dawn of a new day, the boy's ordeal had only just begun. But in the face of darkness, his spirit remained unbroken, and his quest for freedom would light the way."




The camera pans over a quaint suburban neighborhood. Children are playing in their yards, and the sun is shining brightly. The scene is peaceful, almost idyllic.


JAMES "J." BROWN, a curious and observant boy of about 10 years old, is sitting by his window, looking outside. He sees a familiar ice cream truck pull up and stop near a group of kids.


A friendly-looking ice cream man, ROD, steps out of the truck with a warm smile, his demeanor seemingly inviting and harmless.


"Oh, hello! Don't you want to try some of my delicious ice cream, hmm?"

One of the kids, CHARLIE, a slightly chubby boy, approaches the truck with excitement, eager for a treat.

J. (from the window):

"Hey, Mom, can I get some ice cream too?"


"Not now, honey. Dinner's almost ready."

J. watches as Charlie reaches the truck, but something unsettling catches his eye. Rod's friendly smile twists into a sinister grin. The atmosphere shifts dramatically.

ROD (after freezing Charlie, voice dark and menacing):

"Get in here, you little bastard!"

Rod forcefully grabs Charlie, pushing him into the truck. Charlie's face is frozen in fear as the door slams shut.

J. (whispering to himself, horrified):

"Oh no... What is he doing?"

The ice cream truck drives away, and the camera focuses on J.'s wide-eyed, horrified expression. He knows he has witnessed something terrible.



Rod is driving the ice cream truck through various neighborhoods, singing eerily to himself.

ROD (singing):

♫ I'm going to catch some kids today! I'm looking for the chump flubby ones! I'm going to find some chubby kids and we're going to have some ice cream fun! (Laughs)


Inside the truck, the atmosphere is dark and cold. Various cages and strange devices are visible in the dim light. Charlie is seen shivering and crying in one of the cages.

CHARLIE (pleading):

"Please, let me go!"

Rod turns to Charlie, his face a twisted mask of evil glee.

ROD (mockingly):

"Oh, don't worry. We're going to have lots of fun."

He laughs maniacally, the sound echoing ominously in the confined space of the truck.

Fast Forward Through the Timeline:

Ice Scream 1: December 27, 1982

Ice Scream 2: December 28, 1982

Ice Scream 3: January 3, 1983

Ice Scream 4: Shortly after Ice Scream 3

Ice Scream 5-7: After Ice Scream 4

Ice Scream 8: After Ice Scream 7

Mr. Meat 1: March 19, 1991

Between Mr. Meat 1 and 2: Somewhere in the 1990s

Mr. Meat 2: October 12-13, 2001


J. Brown graduates from the police academy, determination in his eyes. He looks out over the crowd, his mind set on his mission.


"Years of darkness and terror culminated in J. Brown's quest for justice, as he set out to stop Rod's reign of terror once and for all..."


The bustling cityscape of New York City glistens under the midday sun. The camera zooms in on a particular building, NYPD Headquarters, as we hear the hum of the city streets below.


The busy atmosphere of the detective division is filled with the sounds of phones ringing and detectives discussing cases. JAMES "J." BROWN, now in his mid-twenties, is seen at his desk, looking over files. He is focused, determined, and carries a sense of purpose.

CAPTION: "New York City, 2005"

J.'S PARTNER, DETECTIVE KATE MILLER, mid-30s, approaches his desk with a folder.


(placing the folder on J.'s desk) "We've got a new case, J. Bank robbery downtown. Looks like it might be a big one."

J. nods, picking up the folder and quickly scanning through it.

J.: "Let's roll."


The scene is chaotic with police cars, news vans, and a crowd of onlookers. J. and Kate arrive at the scene and are greeted by OFFICER DAVIS.


"Detectives, glad you're here. The robbers took hostages and managed to escape through the back. Witnesses say they were heavily armed."

J. looks around, assessing the situation.

J.: "We'll need to review the security footage. Any idea on the suspects?"


"Not yet, but we're working on it."


J. and Kate sit with the BANK MANAGER as they review the security footage. The footage shows masked robbers storming the bank, brandishing weapons, and taking hostages.


(pointing at the screen) "There, that one seems to be the leader. Notice how he's directing the others."


"We'll need to get these images to our tech team. See if we can get any leads on who these guys are."


J. examines the alleyway behind the bank where the robbers made their escape. He notices a discarded map partially hidden under a dumpster.


(picking up the map) "Kate, take a look at this. They might have left us a clue."


"Looks like a map of the city... with certain locations marked. We need to figure out what these places have in common."


The map is laid out on a large table, surrounded by other detectives. J. and Kate discuss their findings with the team.


"Each of these marked locations corresponds to businesses that were recently robbed. This isn't their first job."


"And it won't be their last unless we stop them. We need to stake out these locations and be ready for their next move."


EXT. JEWELRY STORE - NIGHT: Detectives stake out, watching the entrance.

EXT. ELECTRONICS STORE - NIGHT: J. sits in an unmarked car, keeping an eye out for suspicious activity.

EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT: Kate and other officers hide in the shadows, waiting for any sign of the robbers.


J. and Kate hear a noise and signal the team. They move in quietly, discovering the robbers unloading stolen goods. A tense moment ensues as they draw their weapons.


"NYPD! Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air!"

The robbers hesitate but eventually comply. Backup arrives, and the robbers are apprehended.


As the robbers are led away in handcuffs, J. and Kate share a relieved glance.


"Nice work, partner."


"Couldn't have done it without you."


J. and Kate return to the station, greeted with applause from their colleagues. They sit down at their desks, the weight of the case finally lifting.


"First case, J. You handled it like a pro."

J.: "Thanks, Kate. On to the next one?"

KATE: "Absolutely."


The border between the United States and Mexico buzzes with activity. J. is on duty with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), patrolling the area for illegal crossings. As he scans the crowd, his gaze locks on LUCIA DIEZ, a young Mexican woman, as she attempts to slip through the crowd unnoticed.


Lucia's eyes meet his, and there's an instant connection, a spark that ignites between them.

J. (to himself):

"She's... different."

J. approaches Lucia, his heart racing.

J.: "Ma'am, I'm going to need to see your identification."

Lucia's demeanor shifts from nervousness to determination.


"I don't have any ID, but please, I need to get to the other side."

J. studies her for a moment, sensing something genuine in her plea.


"Follow me."


J. and Lucia sit across from each other at a table. J. is filling out paperwork while Lucia nervously fidgets with her hands.


"So, Lucia... Why are you trying to cross the border?"


"I'm looking for a better life. A chance to build something for myself."

J. looks at her, struck by her honesty and determination.


"You know it's risky, right? There are laws..."


"I know, but I had to try. I had to take that chance."

Their eyes meet again, the connection between them growing stronger.


"Well, Lucia, I can't just let you go, but I can help you navigate the legal process."

LUCIA (grateful):

"Thank you, J. That means everything to me."

J. smiles, feeling a warmth he hasn't felt in a long time.


"You're welcome. Let's see what we can do."


J. accompanies Lucia to her immigration hearing, offering his support as she makes her case. The judge listens attentively, considering Lucia's plea for asylum.

J. (V.O.):

"I never expected to find love in the line of duty. But Lucia... She changed everything."


J. and Lucia share a quiet moment after the hearing, relief washing over them both.


"Looks like you're staying."

LUCIA (smiling):

"Thanks to you."

J. reaches out, gently taking her hand.


"Maybe this is fate, Lucia. Maybe we were meant to find each other."

Their eyes lock, the world around them fading away as they lean in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss.


The wedding venue is adorned with flowers and twinkling lights, filled with the soft murmur of guests. J. stands at the altar, nervous anticipation written on his face, as he waits for Lucia to walk down the aisle.


The doors open, and Lucia appears, radiant in her wedding gown. She walks down the aisle with grace and beauty, her eyes locked onto J.'s.

J. (whispering to himself):

"She's even more beautiful than I imagined."

J. and Lucia exchange vows, their words filled with love and sincerity.


"I promise to stand by your side, to support you in all that you do, and to cherish every moment we share."


"I promise to love you unconditionally, to be your partner in life's journey, and to always be there for you, no matter what."

They exchange rings, sealing their love with a kiss. The room erupts in applause as they turn to face their friends and family.


The reception is in full swing, with music, laughter, and dancing filling the air. J. and Lucia share a quiet moment on the dance floor, lost in each other's embrace.

J. (whispering):

"I never thought I'd find someone like you, Lucia. You've changed my life in ways I never thought possible."

LUCIA (smiling):

"And you've changed mine, J. I'm grateful every day for the love we share."

They dance together, their hearts overflowing with love and happiness.


J. and Lucia sit together on the couch, a sense of anticipation in the air. Lucia holds a small gift box in her hands, a nervous smile playing on her lips.


"J., there's something I need to tell you."

J. (concerned):

"What is it, Lucia? Is everything okay?"

Lucia takes a deep breath and hands him the gift box. J. opens it to reveal a tiny pair of baby booties.

J. (realizing):

"Are you...?"

LUCIA (excitedly):

"Yes, J.! We're going to have a baby!"

J. is overwhelmed with emotion, pulling Lucia into a tight embrace.


"I can't believe it! This is incredible news!"


The sound of a newborn's cry fills the room as J. stands beside Lucia, their eyes filled with joy and wonder. A NURSE gently places a swaddled baby girl in Lucia's arms.


"Congratulations, she's beautiful."

J. and Lucia exchange a tearful smile as they gaze down at their newborn daughter.

J. (whispering):

"Welcome to the world, Isabel."

EXT. PARK - DAY - 2013

J. and Lucia sit on a bench in the park, watching as their daughter Isabel plays together with her friends. Lucia places a hand on her stomach, a knowing smile on her face.


"They're going to be such good sisters."

J. (smiling):

"They already are."


The sound of another newborn's cry fills the room as J. stands beside Lucia once again. This time, a NURSE places a swaddled baby girl in J.'s arms.


"Congratulations, she's perfect."

J. and Lucia exchange a tender look as they welcome their second daughter into the world.

J. (whispering):

"Hello, Emily. We've been waiting for you."


J., Lucia, Isabel, and Emily play together in the backyard, the laughter of children filling the air. Lucia looks at J. with a knowing smile.


"Our family is complete."

J. (grinning):

"I couldn't agree more."


For the third time, J. stands beside Lucia in a hospital room. This time, a NURSE places a swaddled baby boy in Lucia's arms.


"Congratulations, he's a healthy one."

J. and Lucia exchange a joyful look as they welcome their son into the world.

J. (with tears in his eyes):

"Hey there, Jake. You've got two big sisters who can't wait to meet you."


Ten-year-old EMILY JUANITA BROWN walks through the crowded hallway, clutching her lunchbox tightly. Other KIDS point and laugh as she passes by, whispering to each other.

KID 1: Look, it's Emily! Bet she's still not allowed to have ice cream.

KID 2: Yeah, her dad's like the ice cream police or something!

Emily's face flushes with embarrassment, but she keeps her head down and continues walking.


Emily enters the classroom and takes her seat at her desk, trying to ignore the whispers and giggles from her classmates.

KID 3: Hey Emily, did your dad freeze you last night too?

Kids around the classroom snicker, and Emily's cheeks turn red with shame.


The classroom door swings open, and MS. METENEY, a kind-hearted teacher, enters. The room falls silent as all eyes turn to her.

MS. METENEY: Good morning, class.

Ms. Meteney's warm smile instantly calms the room. She notices Emily's discomfort and approaches her desk.

MS. METENEY: Emily, is everything alright?

Emily nods, her eyes downcast.

EMILY: Yes, Ms. Meteney.

MS. METENEY: Alright then. Let's begin our lesson, shall we?

As Ms. Meteney starts the lesson, the other kids gradually return their attention to the front of the classroom. The teasing and laughter have stopped, replaced by the sound of pencils scratching on paper and the gentle hum of learning.


After class, EMILY is gathering her books when her friend LILY approaches with a bright smile.

LILY: Hey, Emily! Guess what?

Emily looks up, surprised.

EMILY: What's up, Lily?

LILY: I'm having a slumber party this weekend, and I want you to come!

Emily's eyes light up with excitement.

EMILY: Really? That sounds like so much fun!

LILY: Yeah, it's going to be awesome! We'll have games, movies, and even makeovers. It wouldn't be the same without you.

Emily's heart swells with happiness.

EMILY: Thank you so much for inviting me, Lily. I'd love to come!

LILY: Great! I'll give you all the details after school.

They share a hug before heading off in different directions, both looking forward to the weekend ahead.


Later that evening, Emily lies in bed, unable to contain her excitement. She clutches her pillow tightly, a wide grin on her face as she thinks about the slumber party.

EMILY (whispering to herself): This is going to be the best weekend ever. Thank you, Lily.


JAMES "J." BROWN paces back and forth, his brows furrowed with worry. LUCIA watches him, her eyes filled with concern, as she sits on the couch.

LUCIA: J., you can't keep blaming yourself for what happened all those years ago.

J. stops pacing, turning to face Lucia, his expression troubled.

J.: How can I not, Lucia? I was just a kid, but I saw it all. I should've done something more. Maybe if I had...

He trails off, his gaze drifting to the window, lost in painful memories.

LUCIA (gentle, moving closer): You've done so much, J. You became a detective to help people, to make sure monsters like Rod can't hurt anyone else.

J. nods, but his troubled expression remains.

J.: I know, but sometimes it feels like it's not enough. Those kids, my friends... the nightmares don't stop.

Lucia reaches out, taking his hand in hers, her touch offering comfort.

LUCIA (looking into his eyes): Your friends survived because of you. And now, you have a family that loves you. We need you here, J. With us.

J. softens, wrapping his arms around Lucia.

J.: You're right. I'm sorry. It's just... Some nights, it all comes rushing back.

Their moment is interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. EMILY enters, her pajamas rumpled, her expression filled with frustration and defiance.

EMILY (angrily): (wearing her appropriate pajamas) I can't believe you won't let me go! It's not fair!

J. and Lucia exchange a worried glance.

J. (calmly): Emily, please understand. I'm just trying to protect you.

But Emily's defiance remains.

EMILY (stubbornly): I don't need protection! I'm going to that slumber party, whether you like it or not!

With that, she storms out of the house, leaving J. and Lucia in stunned silence.

LUCIA gently lays a hand on J.'s shoulder.

LUCIA (softly): J., maybe you were a bit too harsh on her.

J. sighs, feeling the weight of his decisions.

J. (regretful): I know... I just can't bear the thought of history repeating itself.

He sinks onto the couch, his head in his hands, while Lucia sits beside him, offering comfort and support.

LUCIA (comforting): We'll figure this out together. We always do.

They share a comforting embrace, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the turmoil.


Emily walks with determination towards her friend's house, her resolve unwavering despite her earlier argument with her father. As she approaches the house, something catches her eye.

EMILY (curious, under her breath): What's that?

She notices an ice cream van parked at the end of the street. Rod, the ice cream man, stands beside it, his presence ominous in the dim light.

ROD (coaxing): Come on, little buddy. You know you want some ice cream.

Emily's curiosity turns to concern as she watches a CHUBBY KID, around her age, approach the van cautiously.

EMILY (to herself): That doesn't seem right...

Suddenly, Rod's friendly demeanor shifts, and he grabs the chubby kid's arm with a menacing grip.

ROD (with a sinister grin): Time for a special treat, my friend.

Before Emily can react, she watches in horror as Rod sprays the chubby kid with liquid nitrogen, freezing him in place. The scene unfolds before her eyes, leaving her paralyzed with fear.

EMILY (whispering, trembling): What... What did he just do?

She instinctively backs away, her heart racing with fear and disbelief.

ROD (noticing Emily as she begins to scratch): Well, well, well... Looks like we have a little witness.

He takes a step towards her, his gaze dark and threatening.

EMILY (panicked, backing away): No, stay away from me!

Emily turns and runs, her mind racing with fear and confusion. She knows she has stumbled upon something dangerous, something she never could have imagined.


Emily continues to run through the streets, her breathing heavy, her mind a whirlwind of fear and confusion. She finally stops at a fountain in Central Park, her heart pounding in her chest. She leans over the fountain to catch her breath, then notices her reflection in the water.

EMILY (gasping, whispering): What's happening to me?

She touches her face and sees the spots all over her skin. They itch intensely. She begins to scratch frantically, panic rising in her chest.

EMILY (screaming): Aaaahhh!

Her scream echoes through the park, loud enough to be heard by people in their vehicles, though it doesn't draw their attention. But it catches the ear of one person—Rod, who had been searching for her.


Rod, sitting in his van, perks up at the sound of Emily's scream. A sinister grin spreads across his face.

ROD (to himself): Found you, little girl.

He starts the van and spins it around, driving towards the direction of the scream with grim determination.


Emily continues to scratch at the spots, tears streaming down her face. She feels utterly helpless, unaware that her scream has alerted her pursuer. She looks around frantically, realizing she needs to find a place to hide. Her mind races, trying to come up with a plan.

EMILY (whispering to herself): Think, Emily, think! You have to hide. You have to get away!

She glances around and sees a thick cluster of bushes nearby. She rushes towards them, desperate to put some distance between herself and the danger she knows is coming.


Rod's van screeches to a halt near the fountain. He steps out, scanning the area, his eyes cold and calculating. He listens intently, trying to pinpoint where Emily might have gone.

ROD (calling out, mockingly): Come out, come out, wherever you are...

He begins to move through the park, his footsteps slow and deliberate, searching for any sign of Emily.


Emily crouches low behind the bushes, her body trembling with fear. She hears Rod's voice and tries to control her breathing, praying he doesn't find her. Rod's footsteps draw closer, and Emily clutches her hands over her mouth, stifling her sobs.

ROD (closer now): I know you're here somewhere, little girl. You can't hide from me forever.

Emily bites her lip, forcing herself to remain silent and still. Her only hope is to stay hidden and wait for Rod to move on. The tension is palpable as Rod's footsteps stop just on the other side of the bushes. Emily squeezes her eyes shut, bracing for the worst.

But then, Rod's footsteps begin to move away. Emily lets out a shaky breath, relief flooding through her. She knows she's not safe yet, but for the moment, she's managed to evade her pursuer.

Suddenly, Rod accidentally knocks over Emily's bag, causing handcuffs to spill out onto the ground.

Rod, muttering to himself, frustrated: Where are you, you little brat?

He spots Emily nearby, her face contorted with fear and distress. He approaches cautiously, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

ROD: (mockingly) Well, well, well... What do we have here?

Emily's eyes widen in fear as she realizes she's been discovered. She struggles to find her voice, but her throat is dry, and no sound comes out. Panic sets in as she tries to think of a way to escape.

EMILY (thinking): I am hideously contagious!

With that thought, Emily manages to croak out a hoarse shout, her throat immediately hurting, and her voice gone. She clutches her throat, tears welling up in her eyes from the pain. But she remembers something she learned earlier in class – sign language.

With trembling hands, Emily starts signing desperately, hoping that someone nearby will see and come to her rescue.

Emily, unable to speak, uses sign language to communicate with Rod. Her hands shake as she signs, her eyes pleading for mercy.

EMILY (signing, with fear in her eyes): I surrender. You win. I won't fight. Just please don't hurt me.

Rod watches Emily's frantic signing, a sinister smirk spreading across his face. He enjoys the power he holds over her, relishing in her fear.

ROD (menacingly): Oh, how touching. The little bird has lost her voice. But don't worry my dear, I'll take good care of you.

He moves closer to Emily, his presence looming over her like a dark shadow. Emily trembles with fear, but she knows she has no choice but to comply.

EMILY (signing, tears streaming down her face): Please... just let me go. I won't tell anyone about what I saw. I promise.

Rod chuckles darkly, his eyes gleaming with malice.

ROD: Oh, I have plans for you, little girl. You're going to be my special guest for a while.

Emily's heart sinks as she realizes the full extent of the danger she's in. She knows she's at Rod's mercy, and her stomach churns with dread.

EMILY (signing, with resignation): Okay... I'll go with you.

With a heavy heart, Emily stands up, her body trembling with fear. She casts one last desperate glance around the park, hoping against hope that someone will come to her rescue.

But the park remains empty and silent, the darkness swallowing her whole as she follows Rod into the night.

Emily's eyes widen in alarm as she notices the handcuffs on the ground, realizing the full extent of the danger she's in. She weighs her options, knowing that compliance might be her only chance to survive.

EMILY (signing, with desperation): Please... I'll go with you, but... can you please take it easy on my wrists?

Rod's smirk widens as he picks up the handcuffs, relishing in Emily's vulnerability.

ROD: How thoughtful of you, dear. Don't worry, I'll make sure you're comfortable... in my special way.

Emily's heart sinks as she watches Rod approach, the handcuffs dangling ominously from his hand. She offers her wrists reluctantly, bracing herself for what's to come.

EMILY (signing, with resignation): Just... Please be gentle.

With a swift motion, Rod clasps the handcuffs around Emily's wrists, securing them tightly but not harshly. Emily winces at the pressure but remains silent, knowing that any resistance could lead to even more harm.

Rod grabs Emily's arm roughly, pulling her to her feet. She stumbles forward, her heart pounding with fear as she realizes she's at Rod's mercy.

ROD (tauntingly): Come along, little bird. We have a lot to do before the night is over.

Emily follows reluctantly, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. As they disappear into the darkness, she knows that her life will never be the same.


Rod leads Emily towards his ice cream van, his sinister grin never leaving his face. Emily walks with a mixture of fear and resignation, knowing that she has no choice but to follow him.

They reach the van, and Rod opens the back door, gesturing for Emily to enter first. She hesitates for a moment, her heart pounding with fear, before stepping inside. Rod follows closely behind, closing the door behind them with a heavy thud.


The interior of the van is dimly lit, the air heavy with the smell of frozen treats and something more sinister. Emily's eyes dart around, taking in her surroundings with a sense of dread.

EMILY (signing, nervously): What are you going to do to me?

Rod's grin widens as he moves closer, his eyes gleaming with malice.

ROD: Oh, don't you worry, sweetheart. I have big plans for you.

Emily recoils at his words, her heart racing with fear. She knows she's trapped, at the mercy of a man who delights in causing pain and suffering.

EMILY (signing, with pleading eyes): Please... let me go. I won't tell anyone what I saw.

Rod's laughter fills the cramped space, sending shivers down Emily's spine.

ROD: Oh, but that's where you're wrong, my dear. You've seen too much already. And I can't have you running off and telling tales now, can I?

Emily's blood runs cold at his words, realizing the full extent of the danger she's in. She knows that escape is impossible and that her only hope is to stay alive long enough to find a way out.

As Rod looms closer, Emily braces herself for whatever horrors he has planned, her mind racing with fear and desperation.

Rod retrieves a thermometer from his first aid kit, a wicked glint in his eye. Emily sits silently, her eyes downcast, as Rod checks her temperature.

ROD: "Right in the mouth, you little bastard."

Emily obeys, opening her mouth as Rod places the thermometer under her tongue. After a moment, he examines the thermometer with a twisted grin.

ROD (examining the thermometer): "Well, well... Looks like we've got ourselves a little patient here."

Emily, still handcuffed, uses sign language to ask for a board to write on.

ROD (watching her signs): "Oh, you want to write something down, do you?"

Emily nods, continuing to sign, "Please give me a whiteboard."

ROD (smirking): "Alright, alright. You think writing a few words will help you, huh? Let's see what you have to say."

Rod rummages around the van, eventually finding a small whiteboard, a marker, and an eraser. He hands them to Emily, who takes them gratefully.

Emily writes quickly, her first question: "What is it?"

ROD (grinning as he reads the board): "You have a critical case of chickenpox and the flu, my dear. Lucky for you, I've got just the cure."

Emily's heart sinks as she realizes the full extent of her predicament. Trapped in the clutches of a madman, she can only hope for a way out.

Rod clears a space in the ice cream van, making room for a sleeping bag so Emily can lie down. Despite her fear and discomfort, she complies, knowing she has no other choice.

ROD (gesturing towards the makeshift bed): "Make yourself comfortable, my dear. You'll be here for a while."

Emily nods silently, her eyes darting around the cramped confines of the van. Rod tucks her in before heading to the driver's seat.

ROD (tucking her in): "There you go, all snug and cozy."

Emily curls up in the sleeping bag, trying to block out the terrifying reality of her situation.

ROD (with a sinister grin): "Sweet dreams, Little skinny brat."

He starts the engine and drives off into the night, leaving behind a trail of darkness and uncertainty.


The van rumbles along the darkened road, the only sound the steady hum of the engine. Inside, Emily lies in the sleeping bag, her breathing labored and ragged. She coughs, wheezes, and sneezes, the sickness consuming her body. Unable to communicate through sign language or voice, she can only endure the torment in silence.

ROD (glancing back at Emily, annoyed): Stop your whining! Nobody cries in the ice cream van!

Emily's coughing intensifies each gasp for air a struggle against the tightening grip of illness. She clutches her chest, her face contorted in pain.

ROD (irritated): What's wrong with you now?

As Emily's condition worsens, Rod's concern turns to annoyance. He knows he can't afford to have her succumb to illness, not when she's his captive.

ROD (grumbling to himself): Fine, fine. Can't have you croaking on me just yet.

Rod pulls the van over to the side of the road, the brakes screeching as he comes to a stop. He retrieves a bottle of cough medicine from his first aid kit and hands it to Emily, his expression cold and indifferent.

ROD (shoving the bottle towards Emily): Here. That ought to keep you quiet, you skinny little bastard.

Emily takes the medicine gratefully, her hands trembling as she struggles to open the bottle. She gulps it down, the bitter taste burning her throat, before falling back into fitful sleep.

Rod ensures that the sleeping bag is zipped tightly around Emily, the cuffs still securely fastened to her wrists. He grabs whatever blankets he can find to keep her warm, his actions mechanical and devoid of empathy.

ROD (to himself): Can't have you freezing to death on me yet either.

With Emily safely secured in the back of the van, Rod returns to the driver's seat and starts the engine. The van pulls back onto the road, disappearing into the darkness once more.

Meanwhile, in the NYPD, J has a series of flashbacks:


J. is seen inside Rod's ice cream van, desperately trying to free Charlie from his cage. With a burst of determination, he manages to unlock the cage using the key he found. Together, they jump out of the moving van, narrowly escaping Rod's clutches. Charlie claps his hands in joy, grateful for his freedom, and hands J. a blender as a token of gratitude.



J. witnesses Lis arguing with Rod outside her house. Lis notices J. and invites him to play, mentioning that Charlie and Mike are at "Dungeon Comics." Before J. can react, Rod freezes Lis and kidnaps her. J. manages to free Lis from the van, but she refuses to jump out, fearing she might hurt herself. As they drive past Dungeon Comics, Mike spots Lis and attempts to save her by throwing the Perfume Bottle, revealing his crush on Lis.



J. opens his front door and sees Rod's ice cream van parked outside. Mike confronts Rod, demanding he release Lis. Enraged, Rod attacks Mike and forces him to eat a special ice cream, causing Mike to gain weight rapidly. Despite his efforts to fight back, Mike is eventually frozen and kidnapped by Rod. J. witnesses the entire confrontation from hiding, feeling powerless to intervene.



JAMES "J." BROWN walks briskly through the dimly lit streets of New York City, his expression tense with concern. He reaches the spot where he parked his car, only to find it empty.

J. (frustrated, muttering to himself): "Where did I park...?"

He checks his pockets, his heart sinking as he realizes that the handcuffs are missing. Panic sets in as he begins to connect the dots.

J. (alarmed): "The handcuffs... Emily..."

His mind races with worry as he tries to piece together what might have happened to Emily. Was she in danger? Had she somehow managed to escape? The uncertainty gnaws at him, fueling his determination to find her.

J. (calling out): "Emily! Emily, where are you?"

His calls echo through the empty streets, but there's no response. Fear grips his heart as he contemplates the worst-case scenarios.

J. (desperate): "I have to find her... I have to protect her."

With renewed determination, J. sets off into the night, his only goal to find Emily and bring her back to safety.


Rod's ice cream van pulls up to the ominous, run-down factory. The air is thick with a sense of dread as he parks and exits the vehicle, slightly waking Emily up.


The room is dimly lit, filled with strange machinery and the eerie hum of cold air. Rod carries the chubby boy, who is already in his cage, and places the cage on a conveyor belt marked "Quality Control." The boy looks around fearfully, his eyes wide with terror.

ROD (smiling sinisterly): "Don't worry, my boy. You'll be taken care of soon enough."

Rod secures the cage and then turns, leaving the boy alone in the cold, industrial room. The sound of the boy's whimpering fades as Rod exits.


Rod returns to the van, where Emily lies in a sleeping bag, still mute from the loss of her voice. She stares up at the ceiling of the van, her mind racing with fear and confusion. Rod enters and looks down at her with a twisted smile.

ROD (mockingly): "Now, now, my dear. Don't look so glum. You'll be joining your little friend soon enough."

ROD (continuing): "Let's get you inside. We have so much fun planned for you."

Gently, Rod lifts her from the sleeping bag and places her into a small cage.

ROD (mockingly): "Be a good girl and give me your hands. I need to remove the handcuffs before I can lock the cage."

Emily forcefully obeys, and Rod gently removes the handcuffs. After closing the cage door, he puts it on the flatbed, travels up the garage lift, and pulls the cage on with Emily locked inside.

ROD (humming softly): "I caught all the kids, the stupid chubby kids, look at them in their cage."


Rod carries the cage through the darkened factory grounds. The eerie hum of machinery and the faint, sickly sweet smell of ice cream permeate the air.


Rod’s footsteps echo as he walks down the dimly lit hallway, the cage with Emily inside swaying slightly with each step.

ROD (singing softly): "I caught all the kids, the fat stupid kids, now some ice cream will be made!"


Rod enters the quarantine room, a sterile and clinical space lined with medical equipment. He places the cage gently on a clean bed and activates the quarantine protocols, locking the room down.

ROD (continuing to sing): "We're going to squeeze some kids today, We're going to squeeze the chump flubby ones, We're going to squeeze some kids today. We're going to make some ice cream fun!"

He looks at Emily with a twisted smile, reveling in his control over her. Emily, feeling desperate but resigned to her need for medical aid, gestures towards the board that Rod gave her earlier. She begins to write on it slowly.

EMILY (writing): "What is it?"

Rod watches her, intrigued by her politeness and obedience. He leans in to read the board.

ROD (chuckling): "What is it? Oh, my dear, you're quite the curious one, aren't you?"

Emily nods, her eyes pleading for some semblance of understanding.

ROD (smirking): "You're in the quarantine room. This is where we keep the sick ones. We wouldn't want your illness spreading, now would we?"

Emily writes again, her hand trembling.

EMILY (writing): "Will I get better?"

Rod reads her message and laughs, a cold, hollow sound.

ROD (tauntingly): "Oh, you'll get better, alright. But not in the way you think. You see, my dear, you're part of a grand experiment. You're going to help me perfect my recipe."

Emily's eyes widen in fear, but she remains composed, writing another message.

EMILY (writing): "What do you want from me?"

Rod's smile widens as he reads her question.

ROD (sinister): "I want you to stay quiet and obedient. You're going to be the key ingredient in my new creation. Now, rest up. You'll need your strength for what's to come."

Emily shivers, the weight of her predicament settling heavily on her shoulders. She lies back in the cage, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty as Rod watches her with a twisted sense of satisfaction.

Emily lies in the cage, shivering from the cold and her illness. The room is eerily quiet, save for the distant hum of machinery. The harsh fluorescent lights cast long shadows on the walls.

The door creaks open, and Rod enters, carrying the softest blanket and pillow he could find. He approaches Emily's cage with a twisted sense of care, almost as if he enjoys playing the role of a caretaker.

ROD (with a mockingly gentle tone): "Look what I have for you, my dear. Something to make you more comfortable."

He opens the cage and places the pillow behind Emily's head, then drapes the soft blanket over her. Emily watches him with wary eyes, unsure of his intentions.

ROD (smoothing the blanket): "There we go. Nice and cozy. We wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable, now, would we?"

Emily, still unable to speak, nods slightly. She writes on her board again.

EMILY (writing): "Why are you doing this?"

Rod reads her message and chuckles, his eyes glinting with amusem*nt.

ROD (smirking): "Why? Because I can, my dear. Because I enjoy it. And because you are going to help me perfect my ice cream recipe."

Emily's eyes widened with fear. She writes another message, her hand trembling.

EMILY (writing): "Will you hurt me?"

Rod leans in close, his face inches from the bars of the cage. His expression is both menacing and strangely gentle.

ROD (whispering): "Hurt you? Oh, my dear, I don't plan to hurt you. I plan to transform you. You're going to be part of something much bigger, something extraordinary."

Emily shivers, clutching the blanket tighter around her. She writes another message, her eyes pleading.

EMILY (writing): "Please, let me go."

Rod's smile fades slightly, replaced by a look of cold determination.

ROD (firmly): "I'm afraid that's not possible. You're too valuable to me now. But don't worry, my dear. You'll be taken care of."

He stands up, his demeanor shifting back to that of a twisted caretaker. He closes the cage door and locks it securely.

ROD (cheerfully): "Now, get some rest. You'll need your strength."

Emily clutches her whiteboard tightly, her eyes fixed on Rod as he finishes arranging the pillow and blanket in her cage. With a trembling hand, she writes on the board.

EMILY (writing): "My name is Emily."

Rod turns to Emily, a smirk playing on his lips as he reads her message.

ROD: "Well, Emily, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He pauses, a twisted gleam in his eyes.

ROD (continuing): "I am Rod, but you can call me your host."

Emily's heart sinks at his words, but she forces herself to maintain composure. She writes again on the whiteboard.

EMILY (writing): "How long will I be here?"

Rod chuckles softly, leaning closer to read Emily's question.

ROD: "Ah, that's the million-dollar question, isn't it? As long as it takes, Emily. As long as it takes."

He straightens up, a cold smile on his face.

ROD (continuing): "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some preparations to attend to. Rest up, Emily. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

Emily curls up under the blanket, her mind racing with fear and confusion. As Rod leaves the room, she feels the weight of her predicament pressing down on her. The soft blanket and pillow offer little comfort in the face of the nightmare she finds herself in.

With that, Rod turns and exits the room, leaving Emily alone with her thoughts and fears. She clutches the whiteboard to her chest, feeling more isolated and helpless than ever before.

The night stretches on, each passing moment feeling like an eternity to Emily as she lies alone in the cold, sterile room. Her mind races with fear and uncertainty, the reality of her situation sinking deeper with each passing second.

As the hours tick by, Emily finds herself drifting in and out of fitful sleep, her dreams haunted by visions of Rod and the icy grip of the factory. Every noise, every shadow sends a shiver down her spine, her senses heightened by fear.

Outside the quarantine room, the factory hums with activity as Rod and his accomplices work tirelessly to carry out their twisted plans. Emily can hear the distant clatter of machinery and the muffled voices of Rod's henchmen, each sound serving as a chilling reminder of her captivity.

But amidst the darkness and despair, Emily finds a glimmer of hope. She clings to the memory of her family, their love and support giving her strength in the face of adversity. With each breath, she vows to fight for her freedom, to never give up hope of escaping the clutches of her captor.


The first light of dawn creeps over the horizon, casting a faint glow on the imposing structure of the ice cream factory. The air is crisp and cold, a stark contrast to the warmth of the rising sun.


Emily stirs awake, the events of the previous night flooding back to her in a rush of fear and confusion. She sits up slowly, feeling the weight of her captivity pressing down on her.

EMILY (writing): "Where am I?"

EMILY (writing): "What does he want from me?"

The silence weighs heavily on her, a constant reminder of her helplessness. With a heavy sigh, Emily lays back down on the makeshift bed, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Rod enters the room, a twisted smile playing on his lips as he approaches Emily's cage.

ROD: "Good morning, my dear. I hope you had a restful night."

Emily's heart races with fear as she watches him, her hands trembling as she clutches the board tightly.

EMILY (writing): "What do you want from me?"

ROD: "Oh, just a little cooperation, that's all. You see, you're going to help me make some special ice cream."

EMILY (writing): "I won't do it. I won't help you hurt anyone."

ROD: "You don't have a choice, my dear. You see, you're already contaminated. Might as well put that infection to good use, hmm?"

EMILY (writing): "Please, let me go. I won't tell anyone what happened here. I promise."

ROD: "Oh, I'm afraid it's too late for that, my dear. You're staying right here with me."

Emily's heart sinks as she realizes the hopelessness of her situation. Trapped in Rod's clutches, with no one to hear her cries for help, she knows that escape is all but impossible.


Rod leads Emily into the heart of the factory, where massive machines churn and whirr, producing gallons of ice cream. The air is thick with the sickly sweet scent of sugar and dairy, making Emily's stomach churn with nausea.

ROD: "You see, my dear, ice cream is more than just a delicious treat. It's a work of art, a masterpiece of flavor and texture. And you, my dear Emily, are going to help me create the most delectable ice cream the world has ever seen."

Emily's heart sinks as she realizes the true extent of Rod's twisted obsession. Trapped in this nightmarish factory, she knows she must find a way to outsmart him and escape before it's too late.

ROD: "Now, let's get started, shall we?"

Emily nods silently, her mind racing as she searches for a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. With every fiber of her being, she resolves to stay strong and fight for her freedom, no matter the cost.

Emily glances around the production room, her eyes scanning the cluttered workstations for any sign of a surgical mask and gloves. Spotting a stack of protective gear in the corner, she approaches cautiously, her heart pounding with nervous anticipation.

Using sign language, Emily gestures towards the surgical mask and gloves, her movements precise and deliberate. She knows that maintaining hygiene is crucial, especially in a place as unsanitary as Rod's ice cream factory.

EMILY (using sign language): May I have a surgical mask and gloves, please?

Rod watches her intently, his expression unreadable as he considers her request. After a moment of hesitation, he nods slowly, reaching for the surgical mask and gloves on the shelf.

ROD: Here you go, my dear. Safety first, after all.

Emily's heart skips a beat as Rod hands her the protective gear. With a silent expression of gratitude, she dons the surgical mask and gloves, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knows that this small act of precaution could make all the difference in her quest for freedom.

EMILY (using sign language): Thank you.

With the surgical mask and gloves in place, Emily feels a renewed sense of determination. Armed with this newfound protection, she knows that she's one step closer to outsmarting Rod and escaping from this nightmare factory. Emily obediently follows Rod's instructions, her heart heavy with fear and uncertainty. As she works alongside him in the factory, she keeps a careful eye out for any opportunity to escape, biding her time until the moment is right. The hours pass slowly, each minute feeling like an eternity as Emily toils away under Rod's watchful gaze. She feels the weight of her captivity pressing down on her, but she refuses to give up hope. With every breath, she remains vigilant, searching for any sign of weakness in Rod's defenses. Despite her sickness and weakness, Emily pushes herself to stay alert, her mind racing with thoughts of escape. She knows that she must be patient, waiting for the perfect moment to make her move. As the day wears on, Emily's resolve only grows stronger. With each passing hour, she draws closer to her goal of freedom, determined to outsmart Rod and find her way back to safety. But as the day comes to a close and the factory grows quiet, Emily knows that her window of opportunity is closing fast. With a heavy heart, she prepares herself for the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that she must remain strong and resilient in the face of adversity. With a silent vow to never give up hope, Emily braces herself for whatever trials await her, ready to fight for her freedom until her last breath.


Rod and Emily return to the quarantine room, the faint glow of the overhead light casting eerie shadows across the sterile walls. Emily's eyes flicker with exhaustion as she settles into her makeshift bed, the soft blanket providing a small measure of comfort in this cold, unfamiliar environment. Emily glances up at Rod, her expression guarded yet compliant. She understands the importance of appearing cooperative, knowing that any hint of resistance could jeopardize her chances of escape. So, she remains silent, biding her time until the perfect opportunity presents itself.

ROD (walking towards Emily): "Well, my dear, it's been quite a productive day, wouldn't you say?"

Emily nods silently, her eyes betraying the weariness weighing heavily on her soul. She knows she must continue to play along, for now, until she can find a way to outsmart Rod and break free from this prison of ice and fear.

ROD (grinning as he tucks her in): "Get some rest, Emily. Tomorrow will be another busy day."

With that, Rod exits the quarantine room, leaving Emily alone in the oppressive darkness once more. She closes her eyes, her mind consumed by thoughts of freedom and survival. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against her, she refuses to surrender to despair. As long as there is breath in her body, she will continue to fight for her freedom.


Rod enters the quarantine room carrying a box full of books, a smirk playing on his lips as he sees Emily sitting on the bed, her expression guarded but curious. Emily watches him warily, her voice slowly returning but still fragile, choosing not to argue with her captor for now.

ROD (cheerfully): "Good morning, Emily! I thought you might enjoy some reading material to pass the time."

He places the box of books on the bed beside Emily, gesturing for her to take a look. Emily's eyes flicker with a mixture of surprise and suspicion as she peers into the box, unsure of what to make of this unexpected gesture.

EMILY (softly): "Thank you."

Her voice is barely above a whisper, the strain evident in her words as she struggles to speak. Rod nods in acknowledgment, a predatory glint in his eyes as he watches her closely, gauging her reaction to the gift.

ROD (chuckling): "Take your time, Emily. There's no rush. You've got all day to explore those books."

With a final smirk, Rod exits the quarantine room, leaving Emily alone with the box of books. She watches him go, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival. Despite the fragile truce between them, she knows that danger lurks around every corner in this twisted world of ice and fear. Emily reaches for a book, her fingers trembling slightly as she opens it, seeking solace and distraction within the pages. For now, she will bide her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make her move and break free from Rod's clutches.


Emily pores over the pages of the books Rod gave her, her fingers trembling as she turns each page. As she reaches the bottom of the box, her hand brushes against a leather-bound journal, its pages worn and faded with age. Curiosity piqued, Emily lifts the journal from the box and flips through its pages. As she reads, her eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

EMILY (whispering to herself): "No... it can't be..."

Page by page, Emily delves into Rod's dark past, each entry revealing more about the man behind the facade. She learns of his obsession with revenge, his twisted experiments, and his quest for power. As she reaches the final page, a sense of dread washes over her. She realizes the depths of Rod's depravity and the extent of his crimes.

EMILY (voice trembling): "He... he's a monster..."

Despite the horrors she uncovers, Emily can't shake the feeling of compassion stirring within her. She believes that everyone deserves a second chance, even someone as twisted as Rod. But Emily knows she can't reveal her discovery, not to anyone. Not even to Rod himself. She must keep her newfound knowledge hidden, buried deep within her heart.

EMILY (to herself): "Everyone deserves a second chance... even him."

With a heavy heart, Emily tucks the journal away, burying it beneath the other books in the box. She knows that her discovery changes everything, but she also knows that she must tread carefully. As she returns to her reading, Emily resolves to keep Rod's secret safe, even as she grapples with the weight of her newfound knowledge.


Rod returns to the quarantine room, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he sees Emily sitting on the bed, the box of books beside her. He watches her intently, his eyes gleaming with malice as he senses her unease.

ROD (cheerfully): "Enjoying the books, my dear?"

Emily nods hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper as she responds.

EMILY (softly): "Yes... Thank you."

Rod's smile widens, his gaze lingering on Emily's trembling form as he approaches her.

ROD (chuckling): "Good. I'm glad you're finding them to your liking. But remember, Emily, reading won't save you from what's to come."

Emily's heart skips a beat as Rod's words sink in, a chill running down her spine at the implication of his threat.

EMILY (voice trembling): "What do you mean?"

Rod's smile fades slightly, replaced by a look of cold determination as he tucks her in.

ROD: "You'll see soon enough, my dear. But for now, get some rest. You'll need your strength."

With a final smirk, Rod exits the quarantine room, leaving Emily alone with her fears and doubts. She watches him go, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival.

As she curls up under the blanket, Emily resolves to stay strong, to fight for her freedom no matter the cost. With Rod's dark secret weighing heavily on her heart, she knows that her only hope lies in out


Emily stirs awake, feeling notably better than before. Her voice is back, and her flu and chickenpox are gone. The door to the quarantine room opens, and Rod enters, carrying a bowl of ice cream.

ROD (smirking): Good morning, my dear. Feeling better, I hope?

Emily sits up slowly, her eyes locking onto the bowl in Rod's hands. She knows what it is, and what it signifies.

EMILY (resigned): I feel... better. But there's no escaping this, is there?

ROD (with a sinister smile): I'm afraid not. But look on the bright side, you get to enjoy some delicious ice cream before... well, before everything else.

Rod offers the bowl to Emily. After a moment of hesitation, she takes it, her hands trembling slightly.

EMILY (accepting her fate): Fine. I accept it.

She begins to eat the ice cream, each bite bringing her closer to her transformation. Rod watches intently, his eyes gleaming with a twisted satisfaction.

EMILY (after finishing the bowl): I guess... this is it then. I'll be turned into ice cream.

Rod's smile widens as he nods.

ROD (almost gleefully): Indeed. You're quite the brave one, my dear.

As the effects of the special ice cream take hold, Emily feels her body changing, becoming heavier and chubbier. She accepts it, knowing there's no other option.

As Emily finishes the last spoonful of ice cream, she feels a heaviness settling over her body. She looks down and sees that she has indeed become noticeably chubbier, her clothes straining against her newfound weight. Despite her acceptance of her fate, a flicker of desperation ignites within her.

EMILY (tentatively): Rod, can you... freeze me?

Rod's eyes widened in surprise at Emily's request. He hadn't expected her to ask for such a thing.

ROD (guardedly): Freeze you? Why would you want that, my dear?

EMILY (resolutely): I don't want to be turned into ice cream. If I'm frozen, at least I won't feel anything when you do so.

Rod considers her words for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities. Finally, he nods, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

ROD (slyly): Very well, my dear. Since you asked so nicely.

With a flick of his wrist, Rod activates his mask, the freezing mist enveloping Emily in an icy embrace. She shivers as the cold seeps into her bones, but she remains steadfast, knowing that she has no choice.

ROD (tauntingly): There, now you'll be preserved for eternity. A perfect addition to my collection.

As Emily stands frozen in place, Rod admires his handiwork with a sense of satisfaction. With one last smirk, he turns and exits the quarantine room, leaving Emily trapped in the icy grip of his mask. Rod carefully places the frozen Emily into a cage, her body rigid and cold to the touch. He secures the cage onto a flatbed wagon, his movements precise and deliberate. With a satisfied smirk, he begins to push the wagon out of the quarantine room.

ROD (to himself): Time to take you to your final destination, my dear.


Rod maneuvers the flatbed wagon through the dimly lit hallway, the sound of the wheels echoing off the concrete walls. Emily remains frozen in the cage, her eyes closed and her body immobile. Rod passes by various rooms, each filled with ominous machinery and storage units. The factory hums with the sound of activity, a stark reminder of the twisted operations taking place within its walls.


Rod finally arrives at the extraction room, a cold, sterile environment filled with advanced equipment and large vats. He parks the wagon near a central workstation and begins preparing the machinery for the extraction process.

Rod (muttering): Everything must be perfect. Can't afford any mistakes.

He carefully removes Emily from the cage, her frozen form glistening under the harsh fluorescent lights. Placing her onto a metal table, Rod begins to connect various tubes and sensors to her body, each movement calculated and precise.

ROD (satisfied): There we go. Almost ready.

Rod steps back to admire his work, a twisted sense of accomplishment evident in his expression. He activates the machinery, the room filling with the hum of high-tech equipment coming to life. As the extraction process begins, Rod watches intently, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

The room fills with a chilling mist as the machinery works its dark magic, slowly transforming Emily into the very substance she had sought to escape.

Rod (whispering to himself): Another masterpiece in the making.

As the extraction process unfolds, Emily's frozen form gradually liquefies, her essence becoming one with the swirling mist within the machinery. Rod watches with a mix of fascination and satisfaction as Emily's transformation nears completion.

ROD (whispering): Soon, you'll be a part of something truly extraordinary.

The machinery hums louder, its mechanical arms moving with precision as they extract every last trace of Emily's essence. Rod monitors the process closely, ensuring that nothing goes awry as he eagerly anticipates the final result.

Suddenly, an unseen force knocks Emily out of the machinery. She collapses to the ground, unconscious. When she awakens, she finds herself alone in the extraction room. Rod and his van are gone.

Emily (groggy but determined): What... What happened?

She notices the cages filled with children and rushes to the control room. With a determined push, she presses the button to release the prisoners.


Emily (CONT'D) (calls out): All prisoners freed!

The cages open, and the children step out, bewildered but relieved. Emily gathers them around and quickly explains what happened.

Emily (CONT'D) (to the children): Listen up, everyone. Two demon-like creatures were in the extraction room, fiddling with the cords.

KIDS (amazed): So that’s how you got out.

Emily nods.

Emily (CONT'D): They shoved Rod in his van and drove off as soon as they knocked me out.

The children exchange looks of both relief and worry. Emily continues, her voice resolute.

Emily (CONT'D): I know Rod's done terrible things, but he took care of me while I was sick. I believe there's still some good in him. I want to rescue him.

Just then, a phone on the wall rings. Emily picks it up.

Emily (CONT'D) (into the phone): Hello? Yes? Oh! uh-huh. I'll tell them.

She turns to the children, her expression serious.

Emily (CONT'D) (to the children): Officer Jacob Bismarck called and said that I accidentally used death vision on him to look at what his late grandfather saw.


Elisa and Sister Madeline: Sing me to sleep Soon I'll be dreaming We will carry on I will always I will always be your son Sing you to sleep Soon you'll be dreaming We will carry on I will always be your mom.

William Bismarck (Officer Jacob Bismarck’s late grandfather, Age 7): Why am I here?

Sister Madeline: As long as you don't shut up for once, I'm going to let go of my little friends. So be quiet! Hi, pretty. How did you nap? After these days with me, I'm sure you will regret being a bad student.


When Joseph Sullivan arrives, he will ring the doorbell to call Sister Enda and when she comes and sees him, she will be excited as she sees the new box of ice creams that Joseph is holding and takes it from him. When her feet touched the sewer bars, one of the bulbs broke outside, scaring her, and making her drop the bunch of keys which was tied onto her waist.


The chickens went back to normal and jumped on the cross to break through the ceiling. William went back to the ritual room but remained hidden.

Sister Madeline is sobbing, her shoulders shaking with grief.

SISTER MADELINE (sobbing): All I wanted was to bring my girl back.

Suddenly, Nàzrat appears in front of her, a dark figure with an air of menace.

NÀZRAT: Your extreme suffering has invoked me. So here I am. My name is Nàzrat.

SISTER MADELINE (confused): Naz...what?

NÀZRAT: You have not been an exemplary woman. But you still have time to redeem yourself. I can grant your wish. But I will ask for something in exchange.

SISTER MADELINE (desperate): YES! Yes! I am all yours.

NÀZRAT: I won't ask you to be my wife... But you will give me 40 years of your life...

SISTER MADELINE (fervent): I am capable if you bring Elisa back to life!

NÀZRAT: Starting today, you will have to be an exemplary mother and human being, without being able to leave the school. You will worship me, hot or cold...

SISTER MADELINE (determined): I am capable of that if you bring my little girl back to life.

NÀZRAT: But, I must warn you that by breaking the rules, you will immediately suffer terrible misfortunes. If you are a bad mother, you will become ugly. If you don't adore me, you will lose your sanity. And if during this time, you go out once to take a breath, your offspring will know the most horrible death.

SISTER MADELINE (resolute): I am capable... Yes, I am capable!

NÀZRAT: So be it, get on your feet!

Nàzrat uses his magic, making Sister Madeline pregnant. She gasps, her hands going to her belly.

SISTER MADELINE (shocked): Oh miracle! It's a miracle...

Sister Madeline faints, accidentally knocking over a small pot of blue liquid. It spills onto the hands of William, the player of Evil Nun, turning them blue.

Nàzrat notices William and smirks at him and William tries to cover himself.

Flashback ends.

Emily: Anyway, he wants a spellbook, a deciphering mask, and a long rope.

KID #5: What for?

Emily: Beats me, but you have to get them quickly.

The children nod in understanding, ready to take on the task. Emily watches them go, a sense of pride swelling in her chest. She may have been through hell, but she's determined to make things right.

Emily (to herself): Let's do this.

With a deep breath, Emily sets off to find Rod and bring him back from the darkness. She knows it won't be easy, but she's willing to do whatever it takes to save him.

Emily's determination shines through as she swiftly takes charge, guiding the freed children and organizing their efforts to rescue Rod. Despite the uncertainties and dangers ahead, she remains resolute in her belief that there's still hope for Rod's redemption.

As the children scatter to gather the items requested by Officer Bismarck, Emily reflects on the strange revelation about Rod's past that she uncovered. She knows there's more to the story than meets the eye, and she's determined to uncover the truth behind Rod's actions and the mysterious entities that intervened in their escape.

EXT. ICE CREAM FACTORY - Nautical Twilight Dawn

Officer Bismarck meets the kids outside and makes sure they have everything while the other officers apprehend the crime scene.

OFFICER BISMARCK: Good kids, jump in.

The kids nod eagerly, passing over the items they've gathered to Officer Bismarck. He inspects them quickly, a sense of urgency evident in his movements.

OFFICER BISMARCK (CONT'D): This will do. Now, let's move.

The police car speeds off, sirens blaring, as the children brace themselves for the chase ahead.

INT. ICE CREAM VAN - MOVING - Nautical Twilight Dawn

Inside the van, chaos reigns as the demon creatures continue their malevolent work. Rod struggles against his restraints, his muffled cries for help drowned out by the cacophony. His mask has been ripped off, revealing his true face for the first time to the viewers.

Rod gagged and bound, writhes in his seat, his eyes wide with fear and confusion. With the removal of his mask, his true nature is exposed, including a triangle birthmark on his forehead. Despite his struggles, he remains trapped, helpless against the demons' onslaught.

As the scene unfolds, it becomes evident that Nazrat's magic and Joseph's special Ice cream have imbued Rod with youth and immortality, preserving him at age 43. Despite his physical appearance, there is a sinister aura about him, hinting at the darkness lurking within.

Despite the dire circ*mstances, there is a silver lining amidst the chaos—the removal of Rod's mask allows the viewers to finally see his true face and understand the depth of his character. With this revelation, the viewers gain insight into Rod's true nature, setting the stage for the events to come.

Suddenly, the sound of sirens fills the air, growing louder and closer with each passing moment. Rod's eyes widen in alarm as he realizes what's happening. The police are closing in.

ROD (muffled, panicked) Mmmmm!

He struggles against his bindings, desperate to break free before it's too late.

EXT. CITY STREETS - Nautical Twilight Dawn

The police car races through the crowded streets, weaving through traffic with practiced precision. The children peer out the windows, their eyes fixed on the van up ahead.

Emily, her voice laced with determination, shouts out to Rod, her words carrying over the noise of the pursuit.

EMILY We're coming!

The police car gains on the van, inching closer with each passing second. The children hold their breath, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

Finally, with a burst of speed and skill, the police car pulls alongside the van. The children work quickly, using the rope to lasso the van and bring it to a halt.

Officer Bismark jumps in the trunk and notices the demons assaulting him. He realizes that the demons ripped off his mask so they could gag him.

OFFICER BISMARCK, his voice calm but firm, addresses Rod while shooing the demons away.

OFFICER BISMARCK It's okay, Rod. I know you're under arrest for a multitude of serious charges, but we have got to rescue you first because it's the right thing to do.

Rod looks bewildered, his eyes darting between Officer Bismarck and the children. He struggles to make sense of the situation as the events unfold around him.

OFFICER BISMARCK (CONT'D) Before you think Emily called the police to turn you in, let me explain. Emily accidentally conjured a death vision. It showed me that my late grandfather, William, saw you forming in Sister Madeline's tummy by Nàzrat, your birth father.

Rod's eyes widen in shock and confusion as he tries to process Officer Bismarck's words. The truth hits him like a ton of bricks, shattering his preconceptions and leaving him reeling as Officer Bismarck finishes untying him.

OFFICER BISMARCK (CONT'D) Put on the brakes, Rod. Now.

Rod, his mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions, takes a deep breath and follows Officer Bismarck's command. He reaches for the brake pedal, his hands shaking with uncertainty. With a trembling hand, Rod brings the van to a stop, the screech of tires echoing through the air. The police car pulls up alongside, the officers ready to take action.

OFFICER BISMARCK (CONT'D) You have my permission to cuff him and follow the arrest protocol. But we have got to get him to safety in the process.

A random colleague steps forward, his expression serious as he approaches Rod with handcuffs in hand. He moves with precision, ensuring that Rod is properly restrained while also maintaining a respectful distance.

POLICE OFFICER: Rod Sullivan, I need you to turn around and place your hands behind your back.

Rod, his hands trembling slightly, complies with the officer's instructions. As the handcuffs click into place, a sense of finality settles over him. He knows that he's facing the consequences of his actions, but he's also grateful for the chance at redemption that lies ahead.

POLICE OFFICER: Rod Sullivan, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?

Rod nods his expression with a mix of resignation and understanding. He knows the gravity of the situation he's in.

OFFICER BISMARCK: (to the random colleague) I'll let you make sure he's secure. We can't afford any slip-ups anyway.

The random colleague nods in acknowledgment, double-checking the restraints to ensure they're snug but not too tight. He exchanges a glance with Officer Bismarck, a silent understanding passing between them as they work together to bring Rod to safety.

POLICE OFFICER: He's secured, Officer Bismarck.

OFFICER BISMARCK: We're going to get you the help you need, Rod. But first, we need to make sure you're safe.

Rod nods again, grateful for the officers' assistance. He may be facing serious charges, but he's also being given a chance at redemption.

The officers lead Rod away, their mission to ensure his safety and well-being. Emily watches them go, a sense of hope swelling in her heart.

Emily, her voice filled with conviction, approaches Rod as the officers lead him away.

EMILY (Noticing wounds on Rod's arm and leg): We're here to help you, Rod. (Yanking his apron off and tearing it in half) You took care of me, and now it's our turn to help you. (Uses the two halves to bandage his wounds).

Rod winces slightly as Emily tends to his injuries, a mixture of pain and gratitude evident in his expression.

ROD (Gratefully): Thank you, Emily. I never expected... any of this.

Emily offers him a reassuring smile, her eyes reflecting her sincerity.

EMILY: Everyone deserves a second chance, Rod. No matter what mistakes we've made in the past, there's always an opportunity to make things right.

Rod nods, a sense of resolve settling over him. Despite the challenges ahead, he knows that he's not alone in this journey towards redemption.

The tension rises as the children and Officer Bismarck embark on their mission to rescue Rod. With determination in their hearts, they confront the dangers ahead, united in their goal to bring him to safety.

As the pursuit unfolds, Rod's true nature is revealed, shedding light on the darkness that has consumed him. Despite his struggles, he finds himself caught between the forces of good and evil, unsure of where he truly belongs.

The revelation of Rod's past sends shockwaves through him, forcing him to confront the truth of his origins and the choices that have led him to this moment. With the support of Emily and the children, he begins to see a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, a chance for redemption that he never thought possible.

As the officers secure Rod and lead him away, Emily extends a helping hand, offering him the compassion and forgiveness he so desperately needs. With her guidance, he begins to heal, both physically and emotionally, as he embarks on the journey towards redemption.

The scene unfolds with a mix of tension and emotion as Rod grapples with the consequences of his actions and the choices that lie ahead. Despite the darkness that surrounds him, there is a glimmer of hope in the form of Emily's unwavering support and the children's determination to help him find redemption.

As Rod is led away by the officers, Emily watches with a sense of pride and determination, knowing that they've taken the first step towards bringing him back from the brink. With a renewed sense of purpose, she vows to stand by Rod's side as he faces the challenges ahead, ready to offer him the support and guidance he needs to find his way back to the light.

The scene fades to black, leaving the audience with a sense of anticipation and hope for what lies ahead. Despite the obstacles they may face, Emily and Rod are united in their quest for redemption, ready to face whatever challenges come their way together.

INT. POLICE VAN - Civil Twilight Dawn

The police van is filled with a tense silence. Rod sits handcuffed, his eyes filled with gratitude, anger, and confusion. Emily sits across from him, holding the diary she discovered.

EMILY: Rod, I know about your past. Your birth, how you were in the foster care of Joseph Sullivan, and those ten birthday letters from Sister Madeline, your birth mother...

OFFICER BISMARCK, confused: How did you know all of that?

Emily opens the diary and shows it to Officer Bismarck. Rod's eyes widened in shock and anger.

Rod, angrily: Where did you get that?

Emily, calmly: You gave it to me in the box with the books.

Rod's anger fades into confusion as he tries to process this information.

Rod, shocked: I didn't mean to... It must have gotten in there by accident.

Emily nods, understanding. She continues to explain.

EMILY: I read your diary, Rod. I know about your difficult childhood, and how you were abandoned and taken in by Joseph Sullivan. I know about the letters from Sister Madeline, and how she tried to reach out to you every year on your birthday.

Rod's expression softens, a mixture of pain and sorrow crossing his face. He looks down, unable to meet Emily's gaze.

Emily (CONT'D), softly: I know you've done terrible things, but everyone deserves a second chance. You took care of me when I was sick with flu and chickenpox, and I believe there's still some good in you.

Rod looks up, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and hope. He nods slowly, acknowledging Emily's words.

KID #2: Chickenpox? Did he take care of you?

The other kids start giggling. Emily looks at the kids.

Rod, quietly: Maybe... maybe there is.

Officer Bismarck watches this exchange, feeling a glimmer of hope. He turns to Emily, impressed by her empathy and courage.

OFFICER BISMARCK: You’re a remarkable young girl, Emily. We’ll make sure Rod gets the help he needs.

The scene is emotionally charged, and it seems like Emily's understanding and compassion are starting to break through Rod's defenses. Officer Bismarck's acknowledgment of Emily's maturity and empathy adds depth to the moment, highlighting her character's strength and insight.

Rod's past, revealed through the diary, adds layers to his character, showing the audience the struggles he has faced and hinting at the complexities that have shaped him into who he is. Emily's acknowledgment of his past and her belief in his potential for change offers a glimmer of hope for Rod's redemption.

The interaction between the characters is nuanced, with each one contributing to the overall emotional impact of the scene. Emily's empathy, Rod's vulnerability, and Officer Bismarck's recognition of both are essential elements that drive the narrative forward and deepen the audience's connection to the story.

INT. POLICE VAN - Civil Twilight Dawn

The police van is filled with a tense silence. Rod sits handcuffed, his eyes filled with gratitude, anger, and confusion. Emily sits across from him, holding the diary she discovered.

EMILY: Rod, I know about your past. Your birth, how you were in the foster care of Joseph Sullivan, and those ten birthday letters from Sister Madeline, your birth mother...

OFFICER BISMARCK, confused: How did you know all of that?

Emily opens the diary and shows it to Officer Bismarck. Rod's eyes widened in shock and anger.

Rod, angrily: Where did you get that?

Emily, calmly: You gave it to me in the box with the books.

Rod's anger fades into confusion as he tries to process this information.

Rod, shocked: I didn't mean to... It must have gotten in there by accident.

Emily nods, understanding. She continues to explain.

EMILY: I read your diary, Rod. I know about your difficult childhood, and how you were abandoned and taken in by Joseph Sullivan. I know about the letters from Sister Madeline, and how she tried to reach out to you every year on your birthday.

Rod's expression softens, a mixture of pain and sorrow crossing his face. He looks down, unable to meet Emily's gaze.

Emily (CONT'D), softly: I know you've done terrible things, but everyone deserves a second chance. You took care of me when I was sick with flu and chickenpox, and I believe there's still some good in you.

Rod looks up, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and hope. He nods slowly, acknowledging Emily's words.

KID #2: Chickenpox? Did he take care of you?

The other kids start giggling. Emily looks at the kids.

Rod, quietly: Maybe... maybe there is.

Officer Bismarck watches this exchange, feeling a glimmer of hope. He turns to Emily, impressed by her empathy and courage.

OFFICER BISMARCK: You’re a remarkable young girl, Emily. We’ll make sure Rod gets the help he needs.

The scene is emotionally charged, and it seems like Emily's understanding and compassion are starting to break through Rod's defenses. Officer Bismarck's acknowledgment of Emily's maturity and empathy adds depth to the moment, highlighting her character's strength and insight.

Rod's past, revealed through the diary, adds layers to his character, showing the audience the struggles he has faced and hinting at the complexities that have shaped him into who he is. Emily's acknowledgment of his past and her belief in his potential for change offers a glimmer of hope for Rod's redemption.

The interaction between the characters is nuanced, with each one contributing to the overall emotional impact of the scene. Emily's empathy, Rod's vulnerability, and Officer Bismarck's recognition of both are essential elements that drive the narrative forward and deepen the audience's connection to the story.


J, who is still worried about his daughter, is sitting on the couch, watching his regularly scheduled program "Mythical Mysteries." The show's introduction is playing:

TV ANNOUNCER: "Welcome to Mythical Mysteries, where we unravel the secrets behind the world's most enigmatic legends and myths..."

Suddenly, the program is interrupted by a breaking news bulletin.


"BREAKING NEWS" graphic appears, with dramatic music.


ANCHOR 1 (JOHNSON): Good evening. I'm Alex Johnson.

ANCHOR 2 (DAVIS): And I'm Maria Davis. We interrupt your regular programming to bring you a breaking news story coming out of Washington State.

ANCHOR 1 (JOHNSON): Just moments ago, a dramatic series of events unfolded at an ice cream factory in Washington. Our sources indicate that a young girl named Emily Juanita Brown, daughter of NYPD detective James "J." Brown reported missing from New York City, New York, has been found safe in Metaline Falls, Washington State.

ANCHOR 2 (DAVIS): We have our field reporter, Mark Thompson, live on the scene with more details. Mark, what can you tell us?


REPORTER (THOMPSON): Thanks, Alex. I'm here at the scene where law enforcement and rescue teams have just secured the area. It all started early this morning when Emily Juanita Brown, aged 10, managed to alert authorities from within the factory.

THOMPSON (CONT'D): According to reports, Rod Sullivan (J’s expression unreadable as he studies the man who has caused so much pain to him, Charlie, Mike, and Lis over the years), the factory operator, had been keeping Emily and other children in a quarantine room. Emily, who was ill with the flu and chickenpox, was being cared for by Rod under sinister circ*mstances.


THOMPSON (VOICEOVER): In a harrowing turn of events, Rod Sullivan attempted to force Emily to consume a special ice cream that would begin a transformation process. However, Emily's quick thinking and resilience, along with the efforts of Officer Jacob Bismarck and his team, led to a successful intervention.


THOMPSON: Emily revealed that she had discovered Rod's diary, which contained details about his troubled past, including his foster care under Joseph Sullivan and birthday letters from his birth mother, Sister Madeline. This diary provided crucial insights that helped the authorities understand Rod's motivations.


THOMPSON (VOICEOVER): During the rescue, Rod was detained and is now facing multiple charges. However, Emily, demonstrating incredible empathy, emphasized that despite his actions, Rod deserves a second chance. She recounted how Rod had taken care of her during her illness, showing that there might still be some good in him.


THOMPSON: The rescue mission was not without its challenges. Demonic creatures were reportedly involved in the chaos, and they attacked Rod, leading to his mask being removed and revealing his true nature. Rod is now in police custody, and efforts are being made to ensure his safety and provide him with the help he needs.


ANCHOR 1 (JOHNSON): Thank you, Mark. This story is still developing, and we will continue to bring you updates as more information becomes available. It's a complex situation with many layers, including Rod Sullivan's mysterious background and the involvement of supernatural elements.

ANCHOR 2 (DAVIS): Emily's bravery and resilience have been remarkable throughout this ordeal. She and the other children are now safe and receiving medical attention. We commend the swift action of Officer Bismarck and his team.

ANCHOR 1 (JOHNSON): For now, we return you to your regular programming. Stay tuned to WNTV for continuing coverage of this breaking story.

ANCHOR 2 (DAVIS): Thank you for joining us. I'm Maria Davis.

ANCHOR 1 (JOHNSON): And I'm Alex Johnson. Good night and stay safe.

J gathers his family in the living room after watching the news report.

J: "Everyone, gather around. I just saw something on the news that we need to discuss."

Lucia, Isobel, and Jake join him, their faces filled with concern.

J: "Emily's been found. She's safe in Washington State."

Lucia's eyes widen in relief, and Isobel and Jake exchange excited glances.

Lucia: "Thank goodness! Is she okay?"

J: "According to the report, she's safe and receiving medical attention. But there's more to it. It seems she was involved in some kind of ordeal at an ice cream factory."

Isobel: "An ice cream factory? What happened?"

J explains the details he gleaned from the news report, recounting Emily's bravery and the involvement of Officer Bismarck.

Jake: "That's so cool! Emily's like a superhero."

J nods, a sense of pride swelling in his chest.

J: "She sure is. And now, we're going to join her. We're catching the next flight to Washington."

Lucia and the kids cheer in agreement, their excitement palpable.


On the airplane, J takes out his phone and dials a familiar number.

Mike: "Hello?"

J: "Hey, Mike. It's J."

Mike: "J! Long time no talk. What's up?"

J: "I just saw something on the news that I think you need to know about. Emily's been found in Washington State. She was involved in some kind of situation at an ice cream factory."

Mike's voice fills with concern.

Mike: "Is she okay?"

J: "She's safe now, but it sounds like it was pretty intense. I thought you and Lis might want to know."

Mike: "Absolutely. Thanks for letting us know, J. We'll keep an eye on the news for updates. And give Emily our best when you see her."

J: "Will do, Mike. Take care."

With that, J ends the call, feeling grateful for the support of his friends as they embark on this journey to reunite with Emily.


Officer Bismarck turns to Emily and Rod, his expression gentle yet resolute.

OFFICER BISMARCK: Emily, Rod, I know this has been a harrowing experience for both of you. Before we head to the station, I'd like to extend an invitation to join me for breakfast at my home. It's important to me that you both have a safe and comfortable environment to gather your thoughts after everything that's happened.

Emily and Rod exchange surprised glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty.

EMILY: Thank you, Officer Bismarck. That's very kind of you.

ROD (tentatively): Are you sure that's allowed, considering... Well, everything?

Officer Bismarck smiles reassuringly.

OFFICER BISMARCK: Absolutely, Rod. Despite the circ*mstances, I believe it's important to show compassion and understanding. Besides, my wife and daughter would be thrilled to have some company for breakfast.

Emily and Rod exchange another glance, silently communicating their acceptance of Officer Bismarck's offer.

EMILY: In that case, we'd be honored to join you, Officer Bismarck.

ROD (with a hint of gratitude): Thank you.

Officer Bismarck nods, his eyes reflecting a sense of satisfaction.

OFFICER BISMARCK: Excellent. We'll make a quick stop at the station to wrap up some paperwork, and then we'll head straight to my place. I promise you'll feel right at home.

As the police van continues on its journey, a sense of relief washes over Emily and Rod. Despite the uncertainty of what lies ahead, they find solace in the prospect of a warm meal and the company of a kind-hearted officer who has shown them compassion in their time of need.

The scene fades out as the police van drives towards Officer Bismarck's home, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Emily, Rod, and their newfound ally.


Officer Bismarck's house exudes warmth and comfort as Emily and Rod step inside. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon fills the air, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

Officer Bismarck leads them to the cozy dining area, where a spread of delicious breakfast foods awaits them. The table is set with plates, utensils, and glasses of orange juice.

OFFICER BISMARCK: "Please, have a seat. Make yourselves at home."

Emily and Rod exchange grateful smiles as they take their seats at the table. Officer Bismarck serves up generous portions of eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, pancakes, etc. ensuring that they have everything they need.

EMILY: "Thank you so much, Officer Bismarck. This is kind of you."

OFFICER BISMARCK: "It's the least I can do after everything you've been through. You both showed incredible courage back there."

Rod nods in agreement, his expression filled with gratitude.

ROD: "Yeah, thanks. I didn't know what was going to happen, but you and Emily helped me through it."

OFFICER BISMARCK: "You're welcome, Rod. And remember, you're not alone in this. We're here to support you."

As they enjoy their breakfast together, a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect fills the room. Despite the challenges they've faced, they know that they have each other's backs.

The morning sunlight streams through the windows, casting a warm glow over the scene. For Emily, Rod, and Officer Bismarck, this breakfast marks the beginning of a new chapter—one filled with hope, healing, and the promise of a brighter future.

The cozy dining area is filled with the delicious aroma of breakfast, but Rod is just twirling his food around on his plate, lost in thought. Emily notices and speaks up, her concern evident.

EMILY: (noticing Rod just twirling his food around) What's wrong?

Rod looks up, a mixture of confusion and sorrow in his eyes.

ROD: It's just...everything that's happened. It's a lot to take in. I can't believe all of this is real.

Emily nods, understanding his turmoil. She reaches across the table and places a comforting hand on him.

EMILY: I know it's overwhelming. But you're not alone. We're here to help you through this.

OFFICER BISMARCK: Emily's right, Rod. This is a fresh start. You have people who care about you now.

Rod takes a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. He looks at Emily and Officer Bismarck, their kindness offering a glimmer of hope.

ROD: I just...I don't know how to move forward from here. I've done so many terrible things. How do I make it right?

EMILY: One step at a time. You've already taken the first step by being here, by accepting help. The rest will come.

Officer Bismarck leans forward, his expression earnest.

OFFICER BISMARCK: We're going to make sure you get the support you need, Rod. Therapy, counseling—whatever it takes to help you heal and find a better path.

Rod nods, a small, tentative smile forming on his lips. For the first time in a long while, he feels a flicker of hope.

ROD: Thank you. Both of you. I don't know what I'd do without you.

EMILY: You won't have to find out. We're in this together.

The three of them share a moment of solidarity, the promise of a new beginning hanging in the air as they continue their breakfast, the heavy weight of the past starting to lift.

As Emily, Rod, and Officer Bismarck continue their conversation over breakfast, Charlie Owens, unnoticed by the others, swiftly makes his way to the kitchen counter where the special ingredients for the ice cream are kept. With a practiced hand, he swaps out the vial containing the mysterious substance for another one filled with what appears to be an antidote to the special ice cream. Satisfied with his covert action, Charlie slips away unnoticed, leaving the others none the wiser.

Meanwhile, Emily, eager to demonstrate how Rod's special ice cream works, leads Officer Bismarck to the kitchen. She carefully prepares a small serving, explaining the process to him as she goes. However, as she offers the ice cream to Rod to sample, she inadvertently uses the vial containing the antidote instead of the original ingredient.

EMILY: (excitedly) Here, Rod, try this. It's just a sample.

Rod hesitates for a moment before taking a small spoonful of the ice cream. As he savors the taste, a look of recognition flickers across his face, followed by a wave of nostalgia. But before anyone can react, Emily notices something alarming as he returns to the weight he was before he tried it as a child.

Rod hesitates for a moment before taking a small spoonful of the ice cream. As he savors the taste, a look of recognition flickers across his face, followed by a wave of nostalgia. But before anyone can react, Emily notices something alarming: Rod's body begins to transform, reverting to the weight he was before he tried it as a child.

EMILY: (panicking) Oh no, something's wrong! At least he is not chubby anymore.

OFFICER BISMARCK: (urgent) Emily, call an ambulance!

Emily immediately dials 911, her hands shaking as she explains the situation.

EMILY: (into the phone) We need an ambulance, now! Someone is having a severe reaction!

As they wait for the ambulance, Officer Bismarck and Emily do their best to keep Rod calm and stable. Emily holds his hand, her eyes filled with worry and guilt.

EMILY: (softly) Hang in there, Rod. Help is on the way.

The sound of sirens grows louder as the ambulance approaches, a beacon of hope amid their crisis.



The ambulance doors close with a decisive thud as Lis Carter, one of the paramedics, exchanges a concerned glance with her colleague. They swiftly move into action, securing Rod to the stretcher as the vehicle lurches into motion.

Lis, her brow furrowed in concentration, adjusts the straps with practiced precision. But as she leans in closer to Rod, a flicker of recognition crosses her face. She freezes, her eyes widening in disbelief.

LIS: (whispering to herself) No... It can't be.

Her colleague, noticing Lis's reaction, shoots her a questioning look.

PARAMEDIC COLLEAGUE: Lis, everything okay?

Lis hesitates for a moment, torn between duty and the memories flooding back to her. But then, with a determined nod, she steels herself and continues her task.

LIS: (forcing composure) Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just focus on getting him stabilized.

As they work, Lis's mind drifts back to a fateful encounter from years ago.


A younger Lis, filled with the boundless energy of youth, races through the neighborhood streets. She spots J, a childhood friend, and bounds over to him with unabashed enthusiasm.

LIS: (excitedly) Don't play with me! Give me the ice cream!

She turns to J with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

LIS: Hi, J! Are you coming to play? The boys are in the secret lair. My brother has told me he has something to tell me. Well, it sure is silly. Well, you know what?

Before Lis can finish her sentence, she's abruptly interrupted by the appearance of Rod, whose demeanor is far from friendly.

ROD: (menacingly) Get in here, you other bastard!

In an instant, Lis finds herself frozen in place, her heart pounding in her chest as fear grips her. The memory fades, leaving Lis shaken but resolute.


In the ambulance, Lis's hands tremble slightly as she recalls the chilling encounter from her past. But with a deep breath, she pushes aside her emotions and focuses on the task at hand.

The journey continues, the ambulance racing through the streets towards the hospital. Lis remains silent, her thoughts consumed by the unexpected twist of fate that has brought her face to face with a figure from her past.



Inside the ambulance, the atmosphere is tense as Lis continues to monitor Rod's vitals while grappling with the unsettling memories resurfacing from her past. Despite her inner turmoil, she remains focused on her duties as a paramedic.

LIS: (firmly) Rod, can you hear me?

Rod, still reeling from the effects of the ice cream, nods weakly in response.

ROD: (hoarsely) Yeah...

Lis's expression softens momentarily before she steels herself, her professional demeanor returning.

LIS: (authoritatively) I need you to stay with me, Rod. Can you tell me how you're feeling? Any pain or discomfort?

Rod winces slightly, his eyes darting around the confined space of the ambulance.

ROD: (strained) My head... it feels like it's splitting open. And my chest... It's tight.

Lis nods, her brow furrowing in concern as she adjusts the monitors attached to Rod.

LIS: (calmly) Alright, we're almost at the hospital. I need you to try and relax, okay? You're in good hands.

As Lis continues to monitor Rod's condition, she can't shake the nagging feeling of unease that grips her. Despite her professional demeanor, she knows that there's more to Rod's story than meets the eye.

LIS: (curtly) Rod, I need you to level with me. What exactly happened back there at the ice cream factory?

Rod hesitates, his gaze flickering between Lis and the passing scenery outside the ambulance window.

ROD: (guarded) I... I don't know. It's all a blur. One minute, everything was fine, and the next...

Lis narrows her eyes, sensing Rod's evasion.

LIS: (pressing) Rod, this isn't a game. Lives were at stake. You need to tell me everything you remember.

Rod shifts uncomfortably under Lis's scrutiny, his expression clouded with uncertainty.

ROD: (reluctantly) There were... creatures. Demonic... things. They attacked me. And then... I don't know. It's like I blacked out.

Lis's suspicion deepens, but before she can push further, the ambulance screeches to a halt outside the hospital emergency room.

LIS: (firmly) We'll talk more about this later. Right now, focus on getting better.

With that, Lis and her colleague spring into action, unloading Rod from the ambulance and rushing him into the emergency room, leaving behind unanswered questions and a lingering sense of unease.


The atmosphere in the operating room is tense as the surgical team works diligently to stabilize Rod. The hum of medical equipment fills the air, and the overhead lights cast a bright, sterile glow over the scene.

The lead surgeon, DR. KAPLAN issued commands to his team, their movements precise and practiced. Rod lies on the table, his condition critical.

DR. KAPLAN: (focused) Clamp. Let's get his vitals stabilized. We need to keep his heart rate steady.

NURSE: (handing over tools) Here you go, doctor. His blood pressure is still fluctuating.

As the team works tirelessly, an unseen presence slips into the room. It's Nazrat, moving silently and with an ethereal grace. The demon watches the surgeons for a moment, his eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

Nazrat raises his hands, and a faint, dark mist begins to swirl around them. He steps closer to Rod, who lies unconscious on the operating table.

Nazrat places his hands just above Rod's chest, and a dark energy pulses from his fingertips. The mist penetrates Rod's body, and his wounds begin to close, his vitals stabilizing miraculously.

DR. KAPLAN: (confused, noticing the changes) What the... His vitals are improving rapidly. This is... impossible.

NURSE: (astonished) Doctor, look at his wounds. They're healing on their own.

The surgical team exchanges bewildered glances, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events. Meanwhile, Nazrat continues his work, his eyes never leaving Rod.

NAZRAT: (whispering) You will not escape me so easily, Sullivan. Your destiny is entwined with mine.

The mist begins to dissipate as Nazrat steps back, his work complete. He vanishes as silently as he appears, leaving the surgeons to marvel at the miraculous recovery unfolding before them.

DR. KAPLAN: (shaking his head) I don't know how this happened, but let's not waste this opportunity. Let's get him stabilized and into recovery.

The team works quickly to finish the procedure, their movements now filled with a renewed sense of urgency and hope.


Nazrat exits the hospital, a sense of urgency in his movements.

EMILY: (to Officer Bismarck) We have to find him before he does something else.

OFFICER BISMARCK: (nods) We need to act fast.

Emily rushes out of the waiting room, determined to track down Nazrat.


Emily scans the parking lot, searching for any sign of Nazrat. Her eyes land on Joseph's old motorcycle.

EMILY: That's it! (to Officer Bismarck) He must have taken Joseph's motorcycle. Come on!

Emily and Officer Bismarck rush towards the motorcycle.


Emily rides Joseph's motorcycle through the bustling city streets, with Officer Bismarck holding on tightly behind her.

EMILY: We have to hurry. Nazrat could be anywhere by now.

OFFICER BISMARCK: Don't worry, we'll catch up to him.

They navigate through traffic, determined to catch up to Nazrat before it's too late.


Emily and Officer Bismarck pull up outside the abandoned ice cream factory, the engine of the motorcycle roaring to a halt.

EMILY: This is it. He's got to be inside.

They exchange a determined look before heading toward the entrance of the factory, ready to confront Nazrat and uncover the truth behind the mysterious Entities.


Emily stands outside the Frosty Ice Creams Factory, her heart racing with determination. The memories of her previous encounter with Nazrat fuel her resolve as she surveys the abandoned building.

Without hesitation, Emily strides forward, her steps purposeful as she approaches the entrance. The factory looms before her, its dilapidated facade a stark reminder of the darkness that lurks within.

With a deep breath, Emily pushes open the rusty doors and steps inside, her eyes scanning the dimly lit interior. The air is heavy with the scent of decay and neglect, but Emily presses on, her determination unwavering.

As she navigates the maze-like corridors of the factory, Emily's senses are on high alert. Every creak of the floorboards, every shadowy corner, feels like a potential threat.

Suddenly, Emily hears a faint whispering coming from deeper within the factory. She follows the sound, her heart pounding in her chest as she draws closer to the source.

As she rounds a corner, Emily comes face to face with Nazrat, his sinister form hovering before her. His eyes gleam with malice as he regards her with cold indifference.

EMILY: (firmly) Nazrat, I know what you're capable of. You won't get away with what you've done to Rod.

Nazrat's lips curl into a sinister smile, his voice a low, menacing growl.

NAZRAT: (mocking) Ah, little Emily. Always so full of fire and defiance. But you underestimate the power that resides within me.

Emily stands her ground, her gaze steady despite the fear that courses through her veins.

EMILY: (determined) I won't let you hurt anyone else. Not Rod, not my family, not anyone.

Nazrat's laughter echoes through the factory, sending shivers down Emily's spine.

NAZRAT: (mocking) Oh, how amusing. But you cannot stop what has already been set in motion. Rod's fate is sealed, and there is nothing you can do to change that.

Emily's fists clench at her sides, her resolve hardening with each passing moment.

EMILY: (defiant) We'll see about that.

With a swift movement, Emily lunges forward, her fists aimed squarely at Nazrat. But before she can make contact, Nazrat vanishes into thin air, leaving Emily alone in the darkness.

Undeterred, Emily continues her search, her determination burning brighter than ever. She knows that time is running out, but she refuses to give up hope.

With each step she takes, Emily draws closer to uncovering the truth behind Nazrat's sinister plans and saving Rod from his clutches once and for all.



Emily stands amidst the eerie silence of the abandoned factory, clutching Sister Madeline's ancient book tightly in her hands. Determination burns in her eyes as she flips through its weathered pages, searching for the incantation she needs.

EMILY: (whispering) Come on, come on. There has to be something in here.

Finally, her gaze lands on the page she's been seeking. With a steady hand, Emily begins to recite the ancient words, her voice resonating with power and purpose.

EMILY: (chanting) Spirits of the lost, heed my call. Grant me strength to bind the darkness within these walls.

As Emily speaks, a faint glow emanates from the pages of the book, surrounding her in a soft, ethereal light. The air crackles with energy as the spirits of the lost answer her summons, swirling around her in a spectral dance.

With a swift motion, Emily raises her hand, and from the swirling mist, a shimmering bottle materializes. It glows with an otherworldly light, pulsing with the energy of the trapped spirits.

EMILY: (commanding) Nazrat, I command you to submit to this vessel. You will be contained, but your life will be preserved.

Nazrat's form materializes before Emily, his eyes blazing with fury and defiance. But before he can react, Emily thrusts the bottle forward, trapping him within its confines.

NAZRAT: (roaring) No! You cannot imprison me!

Emily seals the bottle with a quick incantation, the ancient symbols glowing with power as they lock Nazrat's essence inside.

EMILY: (firmly) You may be contained for now, but your darkness will never prevail.

With a final gesture, Emily tucks the bottle safely away, knowing that Nazrat's malevolent influence has been thwarted—for the time being.

EMILY: (resolute) Rod will be safe. And I'll make sure of it.

With her task complete, Emily takes a deep breath, a sense of triumph washing over her. She may have faced darkness and danger, but with courage and determination, she emerged victorious.

As she leaves the factory behind, Sister Madeline's book clenched tightly in her hands, Emily knows that she has the strength and the power to face whatever challenges lie ahead.



Rod lies in a hospital bed, his eyes fluttering open as he gradually regains consciousness. The room is bathed in soft sunlight, casting a warm glow over the serene atmosphere.

Emily stands by his bedside, her expression filled with relief as she watches him stir awake. She reaches out, gently grasping his hand in hers.

EMILY: (softly) Rod, can you hear me?

Rod blinks, his vision clearing as he focuses on Emily's face. A weak smile tugs at his lips as he meets her gaze.

ROD: (hoarsely) Emily... I... What happened?

EMILY: (smiling) You're in the hospital. You had a bit of a scare, but you're going to be okay.

Rod's brow furrows in confusion as he struggles to recall the events leading up to his hospitalization.

ROD: (thoughtfully) I remember... the ice cream factory. And then... everything went black.

EMILY: (nodding) It's okay. You're safe now. That's all that matters.

As Rod continues to regain his strength, Emily fills him in on the events that transpired after his collapse at the factory. She recounts her encounter with Nazrat, the ancient book, and her daring mission to imprison the demon once and for all.

Rod listens intently, his expression shifting from confusion to awe as Emily describes her courageous actions. Despite the danger she faced, he can't help but feel a swell of admiration for her bravery.

ROD: (impressed) You did all that?

EMILY: (shrugging modestly) I had a little help from some friends. But yeah, it was pretty wild.

Rod reaches out, gently squeezing Emily's hand in gratitude.

ROD: (grateful) Thank you, Emily. For everything.

EMILY: (smiling) You don't have to thank me. We're in this together, remember?

Their moment is interrupted by the arrival of Dr. Kaplan, who enters the room with a warm smile.

DR. KAPLAN: (cheerfully) Well, look who's awake. How are you feeling, Mr. Sullivan?

Rod offers a weak smile in return, his gaze flickering between Emily and the doctor.

ROD: (honestly) Like I've been through the wringer. But I think I'll live.

Dr. Kaplan chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt.

DR. KAPLAN: (teasing) That's the spirit. We'll make sure to get you back on your feet in no time.

As Dr. Kaplan checks Rod's vitals and discusses his treatment plan, Emily stands by his side, her presence a comforting anchor in the whirlwind of emotions that swirl around them.

Together, they face the challenges that lie ahead with courage, resilience, and unwavering determination. And as they embark on the road to recovery, they know that they'll always have each other to lean on.


When everyone notices the mess Nazrat made as soon as Rod,wearing a different set of clothes, is discharged.

Rod: I’ll clean it up.

Officer Bismarck: Are you sure?

Emily: (whispers as soon as she realizes Bruna, the witch who kidnapped Timmy in the 1800s) If you don’t have a proper sentencing, she’ll get us. (Rips off one of Bismarck’s tickets and hands it to Rod along with a Community Service uniform) Here, put these on. You can still clean up. If you are sentenced instead of asking to volunteer, she won’t know you’re doing the right thing.


Rod stands in the hospital discharge area, dressed in a fresh set of clothes, ready to leave. As he looks around, he notices the mess left behind by Nazrat's presence. Debris litters the floor, and the walls bear scorch marks from the demonic entity's dark energy.

Rod sighs, realizing the extent of the cleanup ahead. He turns to Officer Bismarck and Emily, determination in his eyes.

ROD: I'll clean it up.

Officer Bismarck raises an eyebrow, concern etched on his features.

OFFICER BISMARCK: Are you sure? It's quite a mess.

Emily leans in close to Rod, her voice barely above a whisper as she shares her insight.

EMILY: (whispering urgently) If you don't have a proper sentencing, she'll get us. (She writes on one of Officer Bismarck's tickets, rips it off, and hands it to Rod along with a Community Service uniform.) Here, put these on. You can still clean up. If you're sentenced instead of asking to volunteer, she won't know you're doing the right thing.

Rod's eyes widen in understanding as he accepts the uniform and ticket from Emily. He nods in gratitude, realizing the importance of her advice.

ROD: Thanks, Emily. I'll do it your way.

With a determined stride, Rod heads towards the mess, ready to tackle the cleanup task ahead. As he dons the Community Service uniform, he knows that he's taking a step towards redemption and ensuring their safety from the vengeful witch.

Officer Bismarck watches with a sense of admiration, proud of Rod's willingness to do the right thing despite the challenges he faces. And as Rod begins his work, the hospital discharge area transforms into a symbol of hope and renewal, a testament to the power of second chances and the strength of friendship.

Rod glances at Emily, curiosity evident in his expression.

ROD: "Emily, why is Juanita your middle name?"

Emily's eyes sparkle with warmth as she recalls the story behind her middle name.

EMILY: "Well, it's actually because of Mom and Dad's love story. You see, Dad, who's always been Officer Brown to me, met Mom when she was trying to cross the border from Mexico to the United States. She didn't have any identification, but Dad saw something in her, something genuine and determined."

Rod listens intently as Emily recounts the tale, his curiosity piqued.

EMILY (CONT'D): "Dad helped Mom navigate the legal process and supported her through her immigration hearing. It was a tough journey, but they made it through together."

Rod nods, understanding dawning on his face.

ROD: "So, Juanita is in honor of your mom's journey?"

EMILY: "Exactly. Dad said that it symbolizes hope and new beginnings. Mom's journey taught us that no matter how difficult things may seem, there's always a chance for a better tomorrow."

Rod smiles, touched by the significance of Emily's middle name.

ROD: "That's beautiful, Emily. Your parents' love story sounds like something out of a movie."

Emily grins, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes.

EMILY: "Yeah, they're like the ultimate power couple. And they taught me that love and kindness can change the world."

As they share a moment of reflection, the bond between Emily and Rod grows stronger, fueled by the shared understanding of the importance of love, hope, and second chances.


As Bruna strides toward them with a dark and menacing expression, Emily and Rod exchange a glance filled with urgency and fear.

BRUNA: (sinisterly) Well, well, what do we have here? Looks like the little bird has returned to its nest.

Emily's heart races, and she doesn't hesitate. Grabbing Rod's hand, she pulls him away.

EMILY: (frantically) Run!

They sprint through the abandoned school, Bruna's laughter echoing behind them, sending chills down their spines.

BRUNA: (mocking) Run, little ones! But you can't escape the darkness that awaits you!

Emily and Rod push themselves to their limits, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they navigate the maze-like corridors. They burst through the exit, but Bruna appears before them, blocking their path with a wicked grin.

BRUNA: (smirking) Nowhere left to run, my darlings. You belong to me now.

Emily stands her ground, shielding Rod from Bruna's malevolent gaze.

EMILY: (defiantly) We'll never belong to you, Bruna. We'll fight you every step of the way.

BRUNA: (amused) Oh, how amusing. But you can't fight fate, little bird. You're mine, whether you like it or not.

Emily's eyes dart around, looking for an escape. She notices the treehouse, a place of safety and refuge, a place she knows Rod feels connected to.

EMILY: (to Rod) Climb!

Rod doesn't need to be told twice. They dash towards the treehouse, scrambling up the ladder. Bruna snarls, her eyes narrowing with rage as she watches them ascend.

BRUNA: (furious) You think you can hide from me?

They reach the treehouse, and Emily quickly pulls up the ladder, creating a temporary barrier between them and Bruna. She looks around the treehouse, memories flooding back of when Rod used to play here as a child.

ROD: (breathless) Emily, what do we do now?

Emily looks around the treehouse, searching for anything they can use to protect themselves. She spots the wooden horses he used to play with, now old and worn but still sturdy.

EMILY: We hold our ground. This place is ours. We won't let her take it from us.

As Bruna paces below, her eyes filled with malevolent intent, Emily and Rod brace themselves, ready to fight for their sanctuary. The bond between them, forged through shared memories and strengthened by their resolve, fuels their determination to stand against Bruna and whatever darkness she brings.

ROD (V.O.): "Father, you were my family. I never met my mother, but that never mattered to me. You and I were a great team, father. I always wanted to be an ice cream maker as big as you... though I wish you had more time for me as a child. I had so many problems in class. Now I'm older, and I take good care of myself. Everyone gets what they deserve over time, isn't that right, father?"

EMILY: I’m sorry about your foster family. We’ll get through it together.


Lily stands in her living room, worry etched on her face. She's upset that Emily didn't come over the night she was captured. Her thoughts are interrupted when she notices a mysterious object on the kitchen table—a grail, gleaming in the sunlight streaming through the window.

LILY: (startled) What in the world?

She approaches the table cautiously, her curiosity piqued. As she reaches out to touch the grail, memories flood her mind—a flashback to a conversation between William and the mystical object.



William stands before the grail, his expression weary yet determined. The grail glows softly, its ancient power stirring to life.

WILLIAM (Officer Bismarck’s late grandfather): Since the last time I saw that spirit of fire, a lot has happened. In these five years, that poor baby grew up in school, the nuns disappeared, and I've had to survive here by feeding on almost anything. I could have escaped from the school a long time ago, but I can't leave yet. I have to fix all the harm I've caused. I was an idiot! I actually helped Sister Madeline complete her evil ritual. Who's going to help me end this?

The grail emits a soft, ethereal light.

THE GRAIL: I will give intelligence.

WILLIAM: Where am I? Also, have you spoken? You're not a normal cup, right?

THE GRAIL: Fill me up. I'll help.

William hesitates but pours water into the grail.

WILLIAM: Okay. Hope I'm doing this right.

The grail glows brighter, its ancient power fully awakening.

THE GRAIL: So be it. We have made it back.

William's brow furrows in confusion as he addresses the enigmatic object.

WILLIAM: Hey wait! Don't go!

THE GRAIL: We meet again.

WILLIAM: I don't understand anything. Stranger things happen every day in this school. Like those mutant chickens. Didn't I cure them years ago? Why have they reappeared? Also, I kinda remember there were three?


[Scene: Exterior - Eagle's Junior High School - Day]

[The camera focuses on a young boy, JOHN, walking towards the entrance of Eagle's Junior High School. It's a sunny day with a gentle breeze. John seems excited, carrying a backpack over his shoulder.]

[Cut to: Interior - Eagle's Junior High School - Day]

[John enters the school building, greeted by the bustling atmosphere of students chatting and moving between classes. He looks around, trying to find where he needs to go. Suddenly, he notices a peculiar figure through one of the windows.]

[Cut to: Close-up of the window]

[Through the window, we see a mysterious man in blue attire, WILLIAM, staring intensely at John. His hands are unnaturally blue, almost glowing.]

[Cut to: John's reaction]

[John's expression changes from excitement to confusion and slight fear as he locks eyes with William. He hesitates for a moment before continuing to walk deeper into the school.]

[Cut to: Interior - School Hallway - Day]

[John walks down the hallway, still shaken by the encounter. He hears footsteps behind him and turns around to see SISTER MADELINE, a stern-looking nun, approaching with a hammer in her hand.]

John: (nervously) Sister Madeline?

[Sister Madeline raises her hammer, her expression stern.]

Sister Madeline: (firmly) You shouldn't be wandering around, John. It's time for you to learn a lesson.

[Before John can react, Sister Madeline swings the hammer, narrowly missing John's head. He stumbles back, fear evident in his eyes.]

[Cut to: Exterior - Eagle's Junior High School - Day]

[John rushes out of the school, his heart racing. He glances back at the window where William was standing, but the man is gone. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and walks away from the school, the events of the day etched into his memory.]

[Scene: Interior - John's Room - Morning]

[John wakes up groggily, rubbing his eyes as he sits up in bed. He notices a piece of paper on his bedside table and picks it up. It's a note addressed to him.]

[Cut to: Close-up of the note]

[The note reads: "John, Follow my advice to the end. - William"]

[John furrows his brow, puzzled by the cryptic message. After a moment of contemplation, he nods to himself, determined to see where this leads.]

[Cut to: Interior - School Corridor - Day]

[John cautiously navigates the school corridors, keeping an eye out for Sister Madeline. He peeks around corners and listens for footsteps before continuing on his journey.]

[Cut to: Classroom - Day]

[John enters an empty classroom, searching for clues. He rummages through desks and cabinets until he finds a key labeled "Main Door Key" tucked away in a drawer.]

[Cut to: John's reaction]

[John's eyes widen in surprise and relief as he holds the key in his hand. He pockets it quickly, eager to make his escape.]

[Cut to: Exterior - Eagle's Junior High School - Day]

[John approaches the main door of the school, glancing over his shoulder one last time to make sure Sister Madeline isn't following him. With a steady hand, he inserts the key into the lock and turns it.]

[Cut to: John stepping outside]

[Sunlight floods in as John steps out of the school, a sense of freedom washing over him. He takes a deep breath of fresh air, grateful to have escaped the confines of Eagle's Junior High School.]

[Cut to: John walking away from the school]

[John walks away from the school, determined to uncover the mysteries behind William's note and the strange occurrences at Eagle's Junior High School.]

[Fade out.]

[Scene: Exterior - Eagle's Junior High School - Morning]

[John stands outside the school, steeling himself for another day of uncovering the mysteries within. He takes a deep breath and pushes open the school doors, determined to follow William's guidance.]

[Cut to: Interior - School Corridor - Day]

[John cautiously navigates the familiar corridors, his senses alert for any signs of danger. He moves swiftly, keeping to the shadows to avoid detection.]

[Cut to: Laundry Building - Day]

[John arrives at the laundry building, noticing Sister Philippa, a kind-hearted nun, hard at work washing clothes. He approaches her cautiously, hoping she can help him.]

John: Sister Philippa?

[Sister Philippa turns to face him, a warm smile lighting up her face.]

Sister Philippa: John, what brings you here?

John: I... I need your help. There are children trapped in the laundry, and I think they need our assistance to escape.

[Sister Philippa's smile fades, concern etched on her features.]

Sister Philippa: Trapped children? We must help them immediately. Follow me.

[Cut to: Interior - Laundry Room - Day]

[John and Sister Philippa enter the laundry room, where they find several children huddled together, frightened and confused.]

John: (gently) It's okay. We're here to help you. Follow us, and we'll get you out of here.

[The children nod, relief washing over their faces as they follow John and Sister Philippa towards the laundry van parked outside.]

[Cut to: Exterior - School Grounds - Day]

[John and Sister Philippa usher the children into the van, ensuring they're safe before climbing in themselves. With a sense of urgency, Sister Philippa starts the engine, preparing to drive them to safety.]

[Cut to: John's determined expression]

[John looks back at the school, knowing there are still mysteries to uncover and challenges to overcome. But for now, his priority is the safety of the children in the van.]

[Cut to: The van driving away from the school]

[The van speeds away from Eagle's Junior High School, leaving behind the shadows of its secrets as John and Sister Philippa embark on a journey to help those in need.]

[Fade out.]

[Scene: Interior - John's Room - Morning]

[John stands in his room, determined to uncover more secrets hidden within the school. He begins searching the area around his closets, hoping to find any clues that may lead him to the truth.]

[Cut to: Close-up of the closets]

[John's fingers brush against a loose panel hidden behind the closets. With a sense of anticipation, he pushes the panel aside, revealing a dark passageway beyond.]

[Cut to: John's expression]

[John hesitates for a moment before stepping into the secret passage, his curiosity driving him forward into the unknown.]

[Cut to: Secret Passage - Day]

[John navigates the narrow passageway, his heart pounding with excitement. He follows the twists and turns until he reaches a small chamber at the end, where a cup sits on a table, illuminated by a faint light.]

[Cut to: Close-up of the cup]

[John picks up the cup, examining it closely. It feels oddly familiar, as if it's been waiting for him all along.]

[Cut to: John placing the cup on the table]

[As John places the cup on the table, the room suddenly transforms, revealing a hidden gym minigame. Instructions appear before him, detailing the tasks he must complete to obtain the mask hidden within.]

[Cut to: John's determined expression]

[John sets out to complete the tasks, his focus unwavering as he navigates through the challenges of the gym minigame.]

[Cut to: John exploring the Maze - Day]

[John ventures into the Maze, determined to conquer its twists and turns in pursuit of the racing minigame. He moves swiftly, his senses alert for any signs of danger.]

[Cut to: Sister Madeline's sudden appearance]

[Suddenly, Sister Madeline emerges from the shadows, her hammer raised menacingly. Before John can react, she strikes, hitting him with a force that sends him reeling.]

[Cut to: John's stunned expression]

[John stumbles back, pain coursing through his body as he tries to regain his footing. Sister Madeline looms over him, her expression filled with malice.]

Sister Madeline: (menacingly) You thought you could escape me? Think again, John.

[Cut to: John's determination]

[Despite the pain, John refuses to give up. With a fierce determination, he rises to his feet, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.]

[Cut to: To be continued...]

[The screen fades to black, leaving John's fate hanging in the balance as the story continues to unfold.]

[Scene: Interior - John's Room - Morning]

[John awakens on April 19, 1964, feeling a renewed sense of determination to continue his strange journey within Eagle's Junior High School. He rises from his bed, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.]

[Cut to: John stepping out of his room]

[John steps out of his room and into the school corridors, his footsteps echoing against the walls as he embarks on the next leg of his journey.]

[Cut to: Racing Minigame - Day]

[John enters the racing minigame, a determined look on his face as he prepares to conquer its challenges. He navigates through obstacles and hurdles, his speed increasing with each passing moment.]

[Cut to: Close-up of John's face]

[John's determination never wavers as he races towards the finish line, pushing himself to the limit to complete the minigame.]

[Cut to: Classrooms Minigame - Day]

[With the racing minigame conquered, John moves on to the classrooms minigame. He explores each classroom meticulously, solving puzzles and riddles to progress further.]

[Cut to: John solving a puzzle]

[John's mind works quickly as he solves each puzzle with precision, unlocking hidden secrets and uncovering valuable clues along the way.]

[Cut to: Church Minigame - Day]

[The final challenge awaits as John enters the church minigame. He approaches the altar, a sense of reverence washing over him as he prepares to face the trials ahead.]

[Cut to: John completing tasks in the church]

[John completes each task with unwavering focus, his determination guiding him through the sacred halls of the church as he inches closer to the ultimate goal.]

[Cut to: John's triumphant expression]

[With the church minigame completed, John stands victorious, a sense of accomplishment filling his heart as he reflects on how far he's come on this strange and surreal journey.]

[Scene: Interior - Eagle's Junior High School - Day]

[John cautiously navigates the crumbling stairwell, his heart pounding with fear as he evades Sister Madeline's relentless pursuit. Suddenly, the staircase gives way beneath him, sending him plummeting towards the ground below.]

[Cut to: John's terrified expression]

[John's screams echo through the empty halls as he falls, his life flashing before his eyes. But just before he hits the ground, he manages to grab hold of a nearby ledge, clinging to it for dear life.]

[Cut to: Sister Madeline's malicious grin]

[Sister Madeline looks down at John with a twisted smile, her eyes filled with malice as she watches him dangle precariously from the broken stairs.]

Sister Madeline: (sinisterly) You thought you could escape me, John? You're mine now.

[Cut to: John's struggle]

[With every ounce of strength he has left, John pulls himself up onto the ledge, panting heavily as he narrowly avoids certain death.]

[Cut to: Exterior - Eagle's Junior High School - Day]

[John stands outside the school, the pieces of the mask clutched tightly in his hands. With a sense of determination, he fits the final piece into place, unlocking the power of the grail.]

[Cut to: The Grail opening a door]

[The grail begins to glow brightly, revealing a hidden door adorned with William's face. John hesitates for a moment before stepping through the doorway, unsure of what he will find on the other side.]

[Cut to: John entering the room]

[Inside the room, John discovers fragments of memories belonging to William, piecing together the enigmatic figure's past and motivations. With each memory uncovered, John's understanding of the truth deepens.]

[Cut to: John's realization]

[As the memories come to an end, John realizes the true extent of William's sacrifice and the role he must play in bringing closure to the mysteries of Eagle's Junior High School.]

[Cut to: John completing the mask]

[With newfound resolve, John completes the mask and makes his way to the laundry, where the children and William await their freedom.]

[Cut to: John and the children boarding a hot air balloon]

[With the hot air balloon ready for takeoff, John helps the children and William climb aboard, their faces filled with hope and anticipation as they prepare to leave the confines of the school behind.]

[Cut to: The hot air balloon rising into the sky]

[The hot air balloon ascends into the sky, carrying John, the children, and William to safety as they leave Eagle's Junior High School behind them, their journey finally at an end.]

[Scene: Exterior - Eagle's Junior High School - Evening]

[Sister Madeline stands alone outside the school, her gaze fixed on the receding silhouette of the hot air balloon carrying the children and William to safety. A mixture of sadness and anger clouds her expression as she watches them escape.]

[Cut to: Sister Madeline's determined expression]

[Sister Madeline takes a deep breath, steeling herself against the emotions threatening to overwhelm her. With a resolute determination, she begins to walk slowly around the school grounds, her footsteps echoing in the stillness of the evening.]

[Cut to: Sister Madeline's memories]

[As she walks, memories of happier times flicker through Sister Madeline's mind. She recalls moments spent with Rod and Elisa, their laughter and innocence filling her heart with warmth.]

[Cut to: Sister Madeline entering Rod's old pink room]

[Sister Madeline enters Rod's old pink room, a sacred space filled with memories of happier days. She clutches her hammer tightly, the weight of it in her hand offering a small measure of comfort.]

[Cut to: Sister Madeline holding her hammer like a baby]

[With tears welling in her eyes, Sister Madeline cradles her hammer in her arms, rocking it gently back and forth as if it were a precious child. In this moment, the hammer becomes a symbol of the love and loss she feels for both Rod and Elisa.]

[Cut to: Sister Madeline's sorrowful expression]

[A single tear escapes Sister Madeline's eye as she gazes around the room, her heart heavy with longing for the children she once cared for so deeply.]

[Cut to: Sister Madeline's resolve]

[Despite the pain of her loss, Sister Madeline remains resolute. With a silent vow, she swears to carry on, honoring the memory of Rod and Elisa in her own way as she continues her journey through life.]

[Cut to: The room falling into darkness]

[The room falls into darkness as Sister Madeline stands alone, her silent vigil a testament to the enduring power of love and sacrifice in the face of adversity.]

[Fade out.]


Lily fills the grail with water, a sense of anticipation filling the air. She waits anxiously for a response, her heart pounding with excitement and trepidation. Suddenly, the grail begins to shimmer, its surface rippling with unseen energy. A message materializes before Lily's eyes, written in elegant script.


"Dear Lily,

You have been chosen to receive this message because you possess the courage and wisdom needed to face the challenges ahead. The world is in turmoil, and dark forces are at work, threatening to disrupt the balance of existence.

You must embark on a journey to uncover the truth and restore harmony to the realms. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and only you can make a difference.

Trust in yourself, for you are stronger than you know. Seek out those who share your purpose, and together, you will overcome the darkness that seeks to engulf us all.

May the light guide your path,

The Grail"

Lily reads the message with a mixture of awe and determination, her resolve solidifying with each word. She knows that she cannot ignore the call to action—not when the fate of the world is at stake. With newfound purpose, Lily sets out to fulfill her destiny, ready to confront whatever challenges lie ahead. Armed with the wisdom of the grail and her own inner strength, she embarks on a journey that will test her courage and resilience like never before. And as she takes her first steps into the unknown, a glimmer of hope ignites within her—a beacon of light in the darkness, illuminating the path forward.


The school hallways are filled with the bustling of students. Ms. Meteney stands by her classroom door, watching them with a distant look in her eyes. Her thoughts drift to her past.



Young Rebecca (Ms. Meteney) walks hand in hand with her parents. Her mother, Susan, suddenly starts crying and sneezing violently, overwhelmed by the flowers around them.

REBECCA (YOUNG): Mommy, are you okay?

SUSAN: (struggling to speak) It's just... the flowers...



Mr. Meat (Rebecca’s father) brings flowers home. Susan starts choking severely.

MR. MEAT: (coldly) Oh, Susan, not again...

Susan collapses, seemingly lifeless. Mr. Meat drags her out of the house.


Mr. Meat leaves Susan in the forest. A tourist finds her and calls for help.



Young Rebecca writes in her diary.

REBECCA (YOUNG): (voiceover) This day was very nice, but my mum suddenly disappeared. It is very strange. My mum misses me.



Susan sneaks into the house and rescues Rebecca's sister, Michelle. Mr. Meat nearly catches them.


Rebecca writes in her diary again.

REBECCA (YOUNG): (voiceover) There are no flowers in the garden.



Rebecca writes in her diary, expressing her longing for her mother and her curiosity about her father's laboratory.



Mr. Meat performs experiments, transforming Rebecca into a human-pig hybrid and locking her in a case in the garage.



Anthony and Dr. White rescue Rebecca and reverse the transformation. They escape in Anthony's car.

MR. MEAT: (yelling) How is it possible? I will chase you until the end of my days! You won’t escape!


Rebecca reunites with her mother and sister.


Rebecca, her mother, and sister arrive to witness Mr. Meat's execution.


Rebecca consoles her mother as they witness the execution.

REBECCA: It's almost over, Mom.

Suddenly, there's an electrical malfunction. Mr. Meat breaks free, and everyone who drank the Bloody Mary turns into pigs, except Rebecca.


Rebecca remakes the antidote and gives it to her family and friends. They escape via helicopter, leaving the prison behind.



Ms. Meteney blinks, coming back to the present. She hears the whispers of students around her.

LILY (O.S.): (chuckling) Will you stop squiggling, please? You're drawing attention.

Lily enters the school, running towards Ms. Meteney. She has the grail in her bag, which continues to squirm.

LILY: Alright, you can come out now.

The grail emerges from the bag, and Lily approaches Ms. Meteney.

LILY: Ms. Meteney, we need to talk. I think this will help explain a lot.

Ms. Meteney looks at Lily, then at the grail, a mix of curiosity and recognition dawning on her face. Lily and Ms. Meteney stand in an empty classroom. The grail, now nicknamed Auntie Chalice, rests on the teacher's desk. Ms. Meteney looks at it with a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

LILY: Ms. Meteney, I know this sounds unbelievable, but this grail... it's actually a goddess named Raindrop. She lived with her brother, Sunbeam, in the Cloud Kingdom.

Ms. Meteney raises an eyebrow, listening intently.

LILY (CONT'D): Tens of thousands of years ago, they were gods. Their father, the Sun God, forbade them from entering the Sacred Temple without the right clothes. The other inhabitants got tired of Raindrop's crying and tricked them into jumping to the Forbidden Land of Man, where humans lived.

MS. METENEY: (slowly) And you're saying this... Raindrop is now the grail?

LILY: Yes, exactly. Sunbeam, or Nazrat as we know him, turned into a goat, and Raindrop was transformed into this grail when they were bitten by magical snakes. Their father refused to help them return home, leaving them to find their own way back.

Ms. Meteney looks at the grail, her skepticism melting into a kind of wonder.

LILY (CONT'D): Over time, Raindrop became known as Auntie Chalice. She has been trying to help humans ever since.

AUNTIE CHALICE (GRAIL): (glowing softly) It is true, Rebecca. I have seen many ages pass and helped where I could.

Ms. Meteney steps back, startled by the grail speaking.

MS. METENEY: (whispering) This... this is incredible.

LILY: And there's more. Nazrat, or Sunbeam, impregnated Sister Madeline with Rod Sullivan. That's why we call Auntie Chalice... well, Auntie. She's his sister.

Ms. Meteney's eyes widen, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place.

MS. METENEY: So, Rod Sullivan is... Nazrat's son?

LILY: Yes. And that's why we need to understand all of this. To stop Nazrat and save Rod, we need to know their history. Auntie Chalice can help us.

Auntie Chalice glows brighter, a sign of her willingness to assist.

AUNTIE CHALICE (GRAIL): I will guide you, Rebecca. Together, we can unravel the mysteries and bring peace.

Ms. Meteney nods, her resolve strengthening.

MS. METENEY: Alright. Let's do this. For Rod, and for all of us.

Lily and Ms. Meteney exchange a determined look, ready to embark on this perilous journey with Auntie Chalice.


Lily and Ms. Meteney rush through the bustling terminal, tickets in hand. They’ve booked the next flight to Metaline Falls, Washington, a small town with a mysterious reputation. Auntie Chalice, securely wrapped in Lily’s backpack, occasionally glows softly, indicating her presence and readiness.

LILY: (breathless) Are you sure this is the right thing to do, Ms. Meteney?

MS. METENEY: (determined) Yes, Lily. We need to get to the source of all this. Metaline Falls is where the answers are.

They make their way to the boarding gate, nerves and excitement bubbling within them.


Lily and Ms. Meteney settle into their seats, the hum of the engines providing a steady background noise. Lily looks out the window, her thoughts racing. Ms. Meteney glances at her, sensing her anxiety.

MS. METENEY: (softly) We’ll find the answers, Lily. Trust Auntie Chalice.

Lily nods, taking a deep breath. She retrieves the grail from her backpack, holding it close.

LILY: Auntie Chalice, are we doing the right thing?

Auntie Chalice glows softly in response.

AUNTIE CHALICE: (whispering) Trust in your journey, Lily. The path you are on is the right one.

Lily smiles faintly, reassured by the grail’s words. She glances at Ms. Meteney, who offers a comforting nod. The plane takes off, leaving New York behind as they head towards their uncertain future in Metaline Falls.


The small airport is surrounded by dense forest, giving it an eerie, secluded atmosphere. Lily and Ms. Meteney step off the plane, the cool air of Washington a stark contrast to the bustling heat of New York.

LILY: (looking around) This place feels... different.

MS. METENEY: (nodding) It’s definitely got a certain... charm. Let’s find a place to stay and start our search.

They head towards the airport exit, feeling a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.


The inn is cozy and rustic, with wooden beams and warm lighting. Lily and Ms. Meteney check in, exhausted from their journey. They settle into their room, a modest but comfortable space.

LILY: (sitting on the bed) So, what’s our plan?

MS. METENEY: (unpacking) First, we rest. Tomorrow, we start looking for clues about Nazrat and Auntie Chalice’s past. There’s bound to be someone in this town who knows something.

Auntie Chalice sits on the bedside table, glowing faintly as if in agreement.

AUNTIE CHALICE: (softly) Seek out the town historian. They will hold the key to the past.

Lily and Ms. Meteney exchange a determined look.

LILY: Alright. Tomorrow, we find the historian.

MS. METENEY: (smiling) We’ll figure this out, Lily. One step at a time.

They prepare for bed, the weight of their mission heavy on their shoulders but their resolve unwavering. As they drift off to sleep, Auntie Chalice’s glow provides a comforting light in the darkness, a beacon of hope for the journey ahead.


The town of Metaline Falls is quaint and quiet, its streets lined with old buildings and charming shops. Lily and Ms. Meteney make their way to the local library, following Auntie Chalice’s guidance. The town historian, an elderly woman named MARGARET, welcomes them warmly.


The library is filled with ancient books and documents, the smell of aged paper filling the air. Margaret leads Lily and Ms. Meteney to a back room, where old town records are kept.

MARGARET: (smiling) You’re looking for information on ancient myths and legends, yes? We have plenty of those around here.

MS. METENEY: (nodding) Yes, specifically about a goddess named Raindrop and a figure named Nazrat.

Margaret’s eyes widen with recognition.

MARGARET: (whispering) Ah, those names are indeed familiar. Follow me.

She leads them to a dusty corner of the library, pulling out an old, leather-bound book. The cover is adorned with intricate designs and ancient symbols.

MARGARET: This book contains the stories and myths of our ancestors. It speaks of gods and goddesses who once walked among us. Perhaps you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

Lily and Ms. Meteney take the book, their excitement palpable. As they begin to read, the pages reveal the ancient tales of Raindrop and Sunbeam, their journey to the human world, and the challenges they faced.

LILY: (reading) This is it, Ms. Meteney. This is exactly what we needed.

MS. METENEY: (smiling) We’re one step closer to finding the truth. Let’s keep reading.

As they delve deeper into the book, the story of Raindrop and Sunbeam unfolds, providing the crucial information they need to understand their mission and how to stop Nazrat.


Lily and Ms. Meteney leave the library, the book in hand and their hearts filled with hope. The journey ahead is still fraught with danger, but they are more determined than ever to uncover the truth and save Rod.

LILY: (looking up at the stars) We’re going to do this, Ms. Meteney. We’re going to save him.

MS. METENEY: (nodding) Yes, we are. Together, we’re unstoppable.

Auntie Chalice glows warmly from Lily’s backpack, a silent but reassuring presence as they walk back to their inn, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Meanwhile, While Emily and Rod were sleeping, Mike was about to zap him with his Electrogun, but Emily woke up in time.

Emily: Watch it with that thing! Remember what happened last time:

Mike confronts Rod with determination, wielding his homemade electro gun.


Hey, you!

Rod, amused, responds with his characteristic charm.


Yes, you tell me, sweet little boy? (Chuckles)


Yes, you! I know you have Lis, and I want you to release her!

Mike's voice trembles with anger and desperation as he confronts Rod.


Lis? I think you're confused, boy. (Chuckles)


No, I know it's you! I saw her in the truck of your dirty van! If you don't release her, I'm going to fry your brain with this shotgun that I made myself!

Rod laughs dismissively, taunting Mike with his words.


(Laughs) Do you really think I know who you're talking about, huh? I don't remember the names of all the children I have for you, you idiot! Stupid boy! You have the guts to face me, huh? But you're not fat enough to be useful to me... wait a second! There's an easy solution to that, open up and say: aah! (Makes airplane noises) Perfect landing! (Laughs)

Mike's expression twists in horror as he realizes what Rod has done to him.


What have you done? Oh, that was a very tasty ice cream... I don't know why you did this, but I'm going to have to exterminate you anyway... Huh? What's happening to me? What is this? Ahh!

Rod's laughter echoes in Mike's ears as he undergoes a transformation, becoming chubby and flabby under Rod's cruel manipulation.


Oh, hello, chubby boy. Now you're chubby and flabby just like I like it! (Laughs)

Emily's voice breaks through Mike's distressing flashback, grounding him in the present.

EMILY: Mike, it's okay. That was a long time ago. You and Lis are married now, and she's a paramedic. You're safe.

Mike blinks, the memories slowly receding as he focuses on Emily's words. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

MIKE: (shaken) Yeah, you're right, Emily. It's just... seeing him again, it brought back all those memories.

Emily reaches out, offering Mike a reassuring hand.

EMILY: I know, Mike. But we're all here together now. We'll figure this out, and we'll make sure he can't hurt anyone else.

Mike nods, gratitude and determination shining in his eyes.

MIKE: Thanks, Emily. Let's focus on the task at hand. We need to stop him before he can cause any more harm.

Emily nods in agreement, her resolve firm.

EMILY: Agreed. We won't let him get away with this.

With renewed determination, Emily and Mike turn their attention back to Rod, ready to confront him and put an end to his sinister plans once and for all.

Mike notices Emily tearing Rod's apron to bandage his wounds and asks her about it, his curiosity piqued.

MIKE: Emily, how did you do that? And how did Bismarck manage to save Rod and stop the van?

Emily pauses, taking a moment to gather her thoughts before responding.

EMILY: Well, Mike, it was a combination of quick thinking and teamwork. When Bismarck realized that the demons were attacking him and that Rod was in danger, he acted fast. He managed to keep control of the situation while also steering the van to safety.

MIKE: But how did you tear the apron like that? It looked like you did it effortlessly.

EMILY: Oh, that? It's something I learned from my dad. He used to be a medic in the military, and he taught me a few basic first aid techniques. Tearing fabric to create makeshift bandages is one of them. It's not ideal, but it can work in a pinch.

MIKE: Wow, that's impressive. You really saved the day back there.

EMILY: Thanks, Mike. But it was a team effort. We all played a part in making sure Rod was safe.

Mike nods, impressed by Emily's resourcefulness and the quick actions of everyone involved in the rescue. He's grateful for their teamwork and determination in the face of danger.

MIKE: Yeah, you're right. We make a pretty good team.

With a sense of camaraderie and determination, Emily and Mike continue their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. They know that as long as they stick together, they can overcome anything.

Emily's curiosity piques as she gazes at Eagles Junior High School from a distance. Determined to investigate further, she looks around for something she can use to zipline across to get a closer look. Spotting a sturdy rope nearby, she wastes no time in securing one end to a nearby structure.

EMILY: (to herself) This should do the trick.

With a swift and practiced motion, Emily fastens the other end of the rope to a sturdy object on her side of the gap. Checking to ensure the rope is securely anchored, she tests it with a firm tug before attaching herself to the zipline.

EMILY: Here goes nothing.

With a deep breath and a surge of adrenaline, Emily takes a running start and launches herself into the air, gripping the zipline tightly as she glides across the gap between buildings. The wind rushes past her, exhilarating her senses as she draws closer to Eagles Junior High School.

As she nears the building, Emily carefully slows her momentum and comes to a stop, landing gracefully on the rooftop. She unclips herself from the zipline and takes a moment to catch her breath, surveying her surroundings with a sense of anticipation.

EMILY: Time to see what secrets this place holds.

With a sense of determination fueling her, Emily sets off to explore Eagles Junior High School, ready to uncover whatever mysteries lie within its walls.

Then there was trouble:

Sister Madeline: (Spotting Emily) A fat ugly creature like you can't be my baby, so I'll smash you with my hammer!!!

Emily: (backflips out of the way) What are you talking about?


Nuns are gathered around baby Rod, their expressions a mix of awe and confusion.

Nun 1: (Looking at baby Rod) Oh, my eyes fool me, I'm sure. Is he healthy? I don't understand. How is this possible?

Nun 2: Oh my god, look at him! Oh, it can't be. Is this true? How could this be? This baby seems to have been born...?

Nun 3: I don't understand... so it's true. It is a miracle... a miracle.


As Sister Madeline brandishes her hammer, Emily's instincts kick in, and she swiftly backflips out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the deadly swing.

EMILY: (alarmed) Sister Madeline, wait! You're making a mistake!

SISTER MADELINE: (menacingly) Silence, foul creature! You dare to defy me?

Emily's mind races as she tries to make sense of Sister Madeline's accusations. Confusion and fear cloud her thoughts as she struggles to find a way to reason with the enraged nun.

EMILY: (desperately) Sister Madeline, please listen to me! I'm not who you think I am!

But Sister Madeline's eyes blaze with fury, her grip on the hammer tightening as she prepares to strike again.

SISTER MADELINE: Lies! Deception! You cannot fool me, spawn of darkness!

With no other option, Emily draws upon her agility and quick reflexes, dodging Sister Madeline's attacks with acrobatic skill. She knows she must find a way to defuse the situation before it escalates further.

EMILY: (frantically) Someone help me! This woman's lost her mind!

But as Emily looks around for assistance, she realizes they're alone, with no one to intervene in the dangerous confrontation. She knows she must rely on her own wit and resourcefulness to outmaneuver Sister Madeline and escape the perilous situation unscathed.

As the power outage plunged the room into darkness, Sister Madeline's rage intensified. She knew that someone had sabotaged the fuse box, thwarting her plans and allowing Emily to escape. With a fierce determination, she set out to uncover the identity of the perpetrator.

SISTER MADELINE: (furious) Who dares to defy me? Who is responsible for this treachery?

In the dim light, Sister Madeline's sharp gaze scanned the room, searching for any sign of the culprit. Her mind raced with suspicion and calculation as she considered the possibilities.

Then, her eyes fell upon a figure lurking in the shadows, their presence betraying their guilt. With a menacing glint in her eyes, Sister Madeline approached the individual, her steps measured and deliberate.

SISTER MADELINE: (coldly) Ah, I see you, lurking in the shadows like a coward. You thought you could outsmart me, but you were wrong.

The figure trembled, unable to meet Sister Madeline's gaze as they stood before her, caught in the act of sabotage.

SISTER MADELINE: (accusatory) You thought you could disrupt my plans and aid this abomination in its escape. But now, you will face the consequences of your actions.

With a swift motion, Sister Madeline seized the perpetrator, her grip firm and unyielding. She dragged them into the light, exposing them to the full force of her wrath.

SISTER MADELINE: (threateningly) You will pay dearly for your betrayal. No one defies Sister Madeline and lives to tell the tale.

As the situation escalated, tensions reached a boiling point, and the fate of both Emily and the saboteur hung in the balance. Sister Madeline's relentless pursuit of justice threatened to unleash chaos and destruction upon all who dared to oppose her.


Emily lies unconscious, her mind swirling with visions and echoes of her inner thoughts. The chant she uttered reverberates through the ethereal landscape of her subconscious.


Father Sun, Mother Moon, heed my call for the good of my father due to your grandson's sins. How can I cleanse them and let him help on a quest to defeat the forces of evil even worse than him even though he has done his force of evil for forty-eight years? After your children were tricked and your daughter became a cup, your son had that child with a nun who lost her daughter. How can I convince him to do the right thing?

As Emily's words echo, they seem to summon a presence, a divine force drawn by her plea for guidance.



In the bustling city, all eyes turned skyward as Emily's chant permeates the air, drawing the attention of all who hear it.


J, Emily's father, walks through the streets, his expression unreadable as he hears the distant echo of his daughter's voice. His steps quicken as he follows the sound, a sense of urgency driving him forward.



In a secluded corner of the city, J arrives at the treehouse, where Rod and Mike are gathered. His arrival is met with a mix of tension and anticipation.


His voice calm but commanding, J addresses the two men before him.


Rod, Mike... It seems my daughter's plea has summoned a higher power. Father Sun himself has appeared, drawn by her words.

Rod and Mike exchange wary glances, uncertain of what to expect from this unexpected turn of events.



A radiant figure emerges in the sky, bathed in golden light. Father Sun, the divine entity invoked by Emily's chant, descends from the heavens, his presence casting a warm glow over the city below.


His voice echoes with wisdom and authority as he addresses J, Rod, and Mike.


I have heard your call, Emily, and I am here to offer guidance and counsel. Speak your truth, and let us find a path forward together.

J, Rod, and Mike look up in awe and reverence, ready to receive the divine guidance that awaits them.


J, Rod, and Mike stand before Father Sun, their expressions a mix of awe, apprehension, and determination. Father Sun gazes down at them, recalling Emily's chant with a solemn, knowing expression.


Echoing the chant Emily uttered in her unconscious state.

Father Sun, Mother Moon,

Heed my call for the good of my father,

Due to your grandson's sins.

Father Sun's gaze falls upon Rod, his eyes piercing and compassionate.


How can I cleanse them,

And let him help on a quest

To defeat the forces of evil,

Even worse than him,

Even though he has done his share of evil

For forty-eight years?

Father Sun pauses, reflecting on the ancient history and the tragic events that led to this moment.


After your children were tricked,

And your daughter became a cup,

Your son had that child with a nun,

Who lost her daughter.

How can I convince him to do the right thing?


Stepping forward, his voice steady and filled with a father's determination.

My daughter, Emily, seeks a way to bring light where there is darkness. She believes that even those who have done wrong can find redemption. We are here to understand how we can make that possible.


His voice trembled with a mix of guilt and hope.

I know I've done terrible things. I want to change, to make things right. But I don't know how. Please, show me the way.


Speaking with conviction, his eyes fixed on Father Sun.

We all have a part to play in this. Rod has a chance to help defeat a greater evil. If he can change, if he can truly make amends, then maybe there's hope for all of us.


Nods, his expression softening with understanding.

Emily's plea has reached the heavens. To cleanse the sins of the past and pave the way for a better future, Rod must confront his inner darkness and embrace the light within him. This path will not be easy, but it is the only way.


Addressing Rod directly.

Rod, my grandson, you must seek forgiveness from those you have wronged. Only by facing the consequences of your actions and making amends can you begin to cleanse your soul. This journey will require courage, humility, and an unwavering commitment to change.


Nodding, his resolve strengthening.

I understand. I will do whatever it takes to make things right.


Turns to J and Mike.

J, Mike, you must support Rod on this path. Guide him, hold him accountable, and help him stay true to his newfound purpose. Together, you can defeat the greater evil that threatens all of humanity.



We will stand by him, no matter what.


With determination.

We're in this together.


Smiling with approval.

Then go forth with the blessings of the heavens. Remember, redemption is not a destination but a journey. Stay true to the light, and you will find the strength to overcome any darkness.

With that, Father Sun's radiant form begins to fade, leaving J, Rod, and Mike standing in the glow of his departing light. They exchange determined glances, ready to embark on the arduous but necessary journey towards redemption and the defeat of greater evils.


The power flickers back on, casting a harsh light on the chaotic scene. Sister Madeline stands amidst the confusion, her face contorted with rage and frustration.


Shouting furiously.

Where is she?! Emily! You can't hide from me!

She scans the area, eyes blazing with fury, but Emily is nowhere to be seen.


Charlie, carrying an unconscious Emily in his arms, moves quickly through the shadows. His face is set with determination. He pauses for a moment, glancing around to ensure they haven't been followed.


Whispering to himself.

Hang in there, Emily. We're almost safe.

He adjusts his grip on her, careful not to jostle her too much, and continues to move stealthily through the darkened streets.


Charlie reaches a small, hidden safe house at the edge of the city. He knocks on the door in a specific pattern, and it opens to reveal J, Rod, and Mike waiting inside.



Charlie, you made it!


Nodding, his expression serious.

We don't have much time. Sister Madeline is on the hunt. We need to help Emily recover and figure out our next move.


Stepping forward, concern etched on his face.

Is she okay?


Gently setting Emily down on a makeshift bed.

She took a hard hit, but she'll be fine. We need to stay vigilant.


Looking out a small window, keeping watch.

We should plan our next steps. Sister Madeline won't stop until she finds us.


Nodding, his voice firm.

We need to regroup and figure out how to stop her and the other forces at play. Emily's chant summoned Father Sun, and we have a path forward, but it won't be easy.


Groaning softly as she starts to regain consciousness.

Where... where am I?


Smiling down at her.

You're safe, Emily. We got you out of there. Just rest for now.


Struggling to sit up, her determination shining through.

No... we can't rest. We have to stop Sister Madeline and the greater evil. We have to follow Father Sun's guidance.


Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

We'll do it together, Emily. You're not alone in this.

The group exchanges determined looks, their resolve solidifying. They know the road ahead is fraught with danger, but together, they are ready to face whatever comes next.


The safe house is shrouded in darkness as the group sleeps, their forms barely visible in the dim light filtering through the windows. Suddenly, three shadowy figures slip through the door, their movements swift and silent. These are the elderly bullies from Rod's school days, their faces twisted with malice.


Whispering to the others.

There he is, just like we planned. Let's make this quick.

They approach Rod's sleeping form, their footsteps muffled by the carpeted floor. Rod stirs slightly, sensing a presence nearby, but remains asleep.


Grinning wickedly.

Looks like the kid's still out cold. This'll be easier than we thought.

They close in on Rod, their hands reaching out to grab him. With practiced precision, they bind his wrists and ankles, ensuring he's unable to escape.


Startling awake as he feels the ropes tightening around him.

What the...? Who are you?!


Sneering down at him.

You don't remember us, Sullivan? We're the ones you tormented back in school. And now, it's payback time.

Rod's eyes widen in realization as he recognizes his captors. Fear and anger flicker across his face, but he knows he's outnumbered and outmatched.


Struggling against his restraints.

Let me go, you old geezers! This won't end well for you!


Chuckling darkly.

Oh, we're not afraid of you, Sullivan. Not anymore. We've waited a long time for this moment, and now, we're finally going to settle the score.

They hoist Rod onto their shoulders, carrying him out of the safe house and into the night, leaving behind a sense of foreboding and uncertainty.


Rod's struggles gradually cease as he comes to terms with the situation. His mind races with memories of his past encounters with these bullies, the taunts and jeers that haunted him for years. With a heavy sigh, he resigns himself to his fate, realizing that resistance is futile against the overwhelming odds.


Pausing in his futile attempts to break free, he meets the gaze of his captors with a mix of resignation and defiance.

Fine. You got me. What do you want?

The elderly bullies exchange triumphant glances, reveling in their victory over their former tormentor.


Smirking maliciously as he tightens the ropes around Rod's wrists.

What do we want? Oh, you'll find out soon enough, Sullivan. But for now, just sit tight and enjoy the ride.

Rod's jaw clenches with frustration, but he knows he has no choice but to comply. He watches helplessly as the bullies drag him out of the safe house, his mind racing with thoughts of what lies ahead.


Under his breath, a hint of defiance lingering in his voice.

This isn't over. You hear me? It's far from over.

As the bullies carry him away into the darkness, Rod's resolve burns bright, a flicker of hope amidst the despair. Though he may be bound by ropes, his spirit remains unbroken, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.


Rod's eyes widen with dread as he's dragged into the dimly lit warehouse, the echoes of his captors' footsteps reverberating through the empty space. The air hangs heavy with the stench of decay, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurks within.


His heart pounds in his chest as he struggles against the bonds that bind him, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

What do you want from me?

The elderly bullies sneer at him, their faces twisted with malice as they advance menacingly.


With a sad*stic grin, he brandishes a rusty wrench, his eyes glinting with cruelty.

What do we want? Oh, we want to have a little chat, Sullivan. A chat about all the pain and suffering you caused us back in the day.

Rod's breath catches in his throat as he realizes the true extent of his predicament. His past sins have come back to haunt him, and there's nowhere to hide.


His voice trembling with fear and desperation.

I-I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I was just trying to survive.

But his pleas fall on deaf ears as the bullies close in, their intentions clear. Hours pass in agonizing torment as Rod endures unspeakable horrors at the hands of his tormentors.


His body wracked with pain, his spirit on the brink of breaking.

Please... Please, just let me go.

But his pleas are met with cruel laughter, the echoes of his suffering lost in the darkness of the abandoned warehouse.



The scene opens in a cozy cottage, filled with warmth and love. A young Rod sits at the table, his eyes shining with excitement as he imitates airplane noises, a spoonful of food poised in front of his mouth.


With boundless enthusiasm, he eagerly demonstrates his airplane noises to his father, Joseph.

Airplane noises... And it's coming right up for your mouth. More airplane noises!

Joseph, his father, smiles proudly at his son's antics, a sense of affection evident in his gaze.


With a gentle tone, he encourages his son, his words infused with paternal pride.

Very good, son. This is how you'll become a big, strong man.


Beaming with pride, he looks up at his father, his eyes shining with adoration.

Yes! Yes! A big, strong man like you, father. With a good job and many friends... I will be a famous ice cream man too, and a genius as great as my father. The recipe for happiness is within everyone's reach! Isn't that so, father?

Joseph's smile falters slightly at Rod's innocent words, his expression turning serious.


His tone gentle but firm, he imparts a valuable lesson to his son.

Yes, son, it is like that. But that doesn't mean you don't have to work hard anyway.

Rod's youthful exuberance is tempered by his father's words, his face falling slightly as he absorbs the gravity of Joseph's message.


His voice tinged with disappointment, he asks his father a question that weighs heavily on his mind.

Well, when am I gonna be able to eat one of those ice creams? Have I worked enough already?

Joseph's expression softens as he looks at his son, a mix of love and concern in his eyes.


With a reassuring smile, he gently redirects his son's focus.

No, Rod. You can never eat those special ice creams. You better get dressed quickly to go to school. I'll see you tomorrow, a little longer, maybe...

Child Rod's gaze falls on the freezer with a red lock, his curiosity piqued by its mysterious contents.



The scene transitions to Eagle's Junior High School, where a young Rod navigates the bustling hallways, his thoughts consumed by questions about his identity and future.


His inner monologue reflects his youthful curiosity and uncertainty as he observes his surroundings.

Eagle's Junior High School, with wise monks or nuns, it's my school, my dear school in Washington, my home. The verdant forest green, caressed by silvery streams, yeah... What will we do in class today? I want to learn about plants and animals, the monks at my school... they have so many things to teach me. Why are older people so serious? Ugh, when I grow up, will I be bald and fat too? Eww, yuck! Will I be someone important? I hope so. Sometimes, I try to remember who my mother was. I can't remember anything! Groans Mother, who are you? Where are you? Why can't I remember? Why doesn't anybody know anything? It's so confusing.

As Rod grapples with his inner turmoil, a sudden flashback transports him to another time, another life.


In the midst of chaos and destruction, a young girl named Elisa flees from a bombing raid, her cries for help drowned out by the sounds of war.


Her voice filled with terror as she desperately seeks refuge amidst the devastation.

Help! Somebody help me!

Suddenly, tragedy strikes as Elisa is engulfed by the blast of a bomb, her body consumed by flames.

Rod's eyes widen in shock as he experiences Elisa's fear and despair as if it were his own.


Rod's mind reels from the intensity of the memories, his thoughts consumed by the weight of his past and the mysteries of his identity.



Rod is bound and battered, the three elderly bullies from his school years standing over him. The room is dimly lit, shadows dancing across the walls. Emily bursts in, her eyes blazing with determination.


Her voice ringing with fury as she confronts the bullies.

So, you're the ones who caused his behavior! You called him "chubby" after he disobeyed his foster family back when y'all were in school.


The scene transitions to a young Rod, standing alone in the schoolyard, tears streaming down his face as a group of kids taunt him mercilessly.


Chanting in unison, their voices cruel and mocking.

Chubby! Chubby! Chubby!

Child Rod looks down, his heart heavy with shame and confusion.


His voice trembling with sadness and frustration.

I don't understand... why am I so different from others? Actually, I don't eat so much to be so... fat. Yes, I've recently tried some of my father's special ice cream, but it was only once! Why am I so different? I don't want to be like that!

The taunting continues, the words echoing in his mind. Suddenly, Adult Rod appears beside his younger self, his expression filled with a mix of regret and understanding.


His voice soft as he kneels beside Child Rod.

Why are you crying, little boy?


Through his tears, he looks up at his older self.

You know why!


Nodding solemnly.

Yes, it's true. You and I are the same, that's right. The thing is, I see you sitting there, so small... so helpless... sometimes I forget that I was like that.


His voice rising with anger.

Yes, you have to remember, the insults, the beatings... all those dirty and filthy children. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!


Gently placing a hand on his younger self's shoulder.

No, no... be patient. Dedicate to work hard to save as much money as you can. Get out of that school from hell... it's not good for you, boy. Do not come down, eventually, you will get ahead... I promise.


Hope flickering in his eyes.

Can I ask my father for help?


Shaking his head.

No, he will not listen to you. He hides many secrets that you will have to discover later, you'll see. You will become an ice cream maker as good as him, mark my word son... you will discover how to take revenge on them all. Chuckles An unexpected help will come to you, a letter from your mother, in which she will finally tell you something important. So, pay attention, kid, you'll be just fine.


Emily's eyes flash with anger as the scene returns to the present.


Her voice trembling with intensity.

Listen, due to his crimes, if we ever get to court, I'll allow the Judge (who just entered the warehouse and saw all the fuss and then introduced himself) to sentence him to life. But IF I catch you calling him "Chubby" one more time, it will be YOU THREE who are going to jail. IS THAT CLEAR!!!

The bullies shrink back, fear flickering in their eyes. The Judge, having observed the situation, steps forward.


Clearing his throat, he introduces himself.

Excuse me, but I believe introductions are in order. I am Judge Howard. How much of that did you hear?


Whispering sheepishly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

How much of that did you hear?


With a stern but understanding gaze.

Enough to understand the gravity of the situation. We need to ensure justice is served for everyone involved. Now, let's get him to safety and proceed with the necessary legal actions.

Emily nods, a sense of relief washing over her as the Judge takes charge, ensuring Rod's safety and the bullies' accountability. The scene fades, leaving behind the echoes of past traumas and the promise of a new beginning.


The attic is filled with old, dusty items, covered in cobwebs and shadows. Emily, rummaging through boxes, suddenly freezes as her hand touches a delicate, pink gown. She pulls it out, her eyes widening in surprise.


Holding up the gown, her voice puzzled.

I hate to be rude, but what is a girl's outfit doing in your attic?


The scene transitions to a memory, colors fading to a sepia tone. A young Rod stands in a large, pink room filled with tall women dressed in black. The atmosphere is eerie and oppressive.


His voice is distant and reflective.

I don't remember it clearly. This pink dress is the only thing I have left from that previous life.


Her voice echoed with a sinister edge.

You are my beautiful baby. You are a beautiful girl, Elisa. E-li-sa.

The memory shifts, showing Sister Madeline holding baby Rod, her face twisted with a cruel smile. The scene is haunting, filled with shadows and a sense of foreboding.


Confusion and fear in his voice.

Hmm. I remember a lot of tall women dressed in black. A very large room and all in pink. Who is my mother? Is it her? That beautiful woman? Or is it something else? Some kind of monster with ugly teeth and a pale face?

The memory distorts, Sister Madeline's face morphing into something monstrous as she cackles. The scene then shifts back to the present, the sounds of her laughter fading into the background.


Emily stands there, holding the gown, a look of shock and realization on her face. The attic feels even more oppressive now, the weight of the past pressing down on her. The eerie silence is broken by distant footsteps as the others approach.


Whispering to herself, her voice trembling.


As the others enter the attic, they notice Emily's expression and the pink gown in her hands. The atmosphere is thick with tension and unanswered questions.


Noticing the gown, his voice gentle but firm.

Emily, what did you find?


Turning to face them, holding up the gown.

This... this belonged to Rod. He was... he was Elisa.

The group exchanges confused and concerned looks, the revelation hanging heavy in the air as they try to process the information.


Stepping forward, his voice calm and reassuring.

We need to get to the bottom of this. Rod's past is more complicated than we realized, but we must ensure justice is served and that he receives the help he needs.

Emily nods, the pink gown still clutched in her hands, a symbol of the tangled past they are all now a part of. The scene fades, leaving them standing in the attic, bound together by the echoes of Rod's history and the uncertain path ahead.

Emily discovers the World War II records in the library and finds out exactly how Elisa got killed in 1938.


Emily sits at a table, surrounded by stacks of dusty World War II records. She flips through pages upon pages of documents, her brow furrowed in concentration.


Under her breath, frustration evident in her voice.

Come on, there has to be something here...

Her eyes scan the pages, searching for any mention of Elisa's name. Finally, her gaze lands on a faded entry, and her breath catches in her throat.


Reading aloud, her voice trembling with emotion.

Elisa... daughter of Sister Madeline. Born 1931, Poland. Died March 17, 1938, in a bombing raid on her family's farm.

The words hit her like a ton of bricks, and she feels a surge of sadness and empathy for the young girl whose life was cut short by war.


Whispers to herself, tears welling in her eyes.

Oh, Elisa...

Emily takes a moment to compose herself, wiping away her tears before continuing her search. She delves deeper into the records, determined to uncover the truth about what happened to Elisa on that fateful day.

As she sifts through the documents, her mind races with questions and possibilities. The weight of Sister Madeline's tragic past hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the library.


Her voice filled with determination.

I will find out what happened to you, Elisa. And I'll make sure your story is heard.

With renewed resolve, Emily dives back into the records, determined to uncover the truth and bring justice to Elisa's memory.


Emily's eyes widen in shock as she reads the date stamped on the document. Her hands tremble slightly as she absorbs the information, her mind racing with the implications of what she's just discovered.


Whispers to herself, the weight of the revelation sinking in.

October 31, 1939... Sister Madeline managed to transfer part of Elisa's soul into Gummy...

Her heart pounds in her chest as she continues to read, her eyes scanning the text for more details.


Voice filled with disbelief.

And on December 31, 1939... after making a deal with Nàzrat... Elisa's soul entered Rod.

The pieces of the puzzle start to click into place in Emily's mind. The events of the past, the mysterious connections between Sister Madeline, Elisa, and Rod, all begin to make sense.


Her determination solidifying.

This changes everything...

With newfound clarity, Emily closes the document and rises from her seat, her mind racing with plans and possibilities. She knows she must confront Sister Madeline and uncover the truth behind Elisa's fate once and for all.

Leaving the library behind, Emily sets out on her quest for answers, her resolve unwavering as she prepares to confront the secrets of the past.


The group is gathered in the living room, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of a lamp. Emily is seated across from Rod, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern.


Breaking the silence, his voice heavy with emotion.

There is something you need to know about your father, Emily. He used my special ice cream to have himself captured by me.

Emily's eyes widen, a mix of confusion and alarm crossing her face.


Leaning forward, her voice barely above a whisper.

What do you mean?

Rod takes a deep breath, preparing to reveal the dark truth.


The scene shifts to J, who is in the dimly lit factory, gathering ingredients for the special ice cream. His hands shake slightly as he mixes the concoction, determined to execute his plan.


Whispering to himself, his voice tinged with desperation.

This has to work...

As J consumes the ice cream, his body begins to transform, becoming chubby. The eerie silence of the factory is broken by Rod's sinister laughter echoing through the halls.


Voice dripping with mockery.

Oh, what a beautiful child! Come here, I have a gift for you. That's right, come a little closer, that's right. Where's your mommy, little boy, hmm? Do you want to try some of my delicious ice cream, hmm? Is anybody looking, is anybody watching? Laughs

J, now transformed and vulnerable, falls for Rod's trap. Rod captures him with a swift, practiced movement, his laughter echoing menacingly.


Gloating, his eyes filled with twisted satisfaction.

I got him! They fall for the same trick, every time! Laughs

The scene darkens, shifting to Sister Madeline's ominous figure standing in the shadows.


Her voice was cold and filled with a chilling certainty.

It's over. Finally, the waiting time is over. I will finally return with my precious son.

The flashback fades, bringing the scene back to the present in the safe house.


Emily's face is pale, her mind reeling from the revelation. She looks at Rod, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and determination.


Voice steady, but filled with resolve.

We need to stop them, Rod. We need to end this once and for all.

Rod nods, a sense of purpose returning to his eyes. Together, they know they must face the darkness of the past to protect their future.

The group rises, united by their shared mission, ready to confront Sister Madeline and uncover the final pieces of the puzzle that have haunted them for so long.


Emily and Rod are seated, the room tense with the weight of Rod's story. The rest of the group listens intently.


Taking a deep breath, he begins.

When we arrived, Mr. and Mrs. Carter were there, along with Mr. Owens.

Emily furrows her brow, confused.


Who are they?


You'll see. Let me take you back to that moment.


The scene shifts to the dark, eerie factory. Rod's voice hums an unsettling tune as he walks through the dimly lit corridors.

ROD (singing):

♫ Humming I caught all the kids, the stupid chubby kids, look at them in their cage! I caught all the kids, the fat stupid kids, now some ice cream will be made!... I'm going to squeeze some kids today, I'm going to squeeze the chump flubby ones, I'm going to squeeze some kids today, and we're going to have some ice cream fun! Evil laugh♫

The camera follows Rod as he approaches a large cage filled with frightened, chubby children. His eyes gleam with twisted delight.


Mocking the children, his voice filled with malevolence.

Well, well, kids, you're all reunited again. Laughs I'll leave you a moment, so you can talk about your adventures. Laugh again But don't get too comfortable! No-no-no! Now that you're all beautiful, and plump, and chubby, I'll take you to my special room, and I'll squeeze you to the last drop!

The children huddle together, their faces pale with fear as Rod walks away, his laughter echoing through the factory.


The flashback ends, and Emily looks at Rod with a mixture of horror and determination.


We have to stop them, Rod. We can't let this continue.


Nodding, his face grim.

I know. And with your help, we can put an end to this nightmare.

The group stands, united in their resolve. They know the path ahead will be dangerous, but they are ready to face whatever comes their way to save the children and end the horrors of the past.


The group approaches the factory, the building looming ominously in the moonlight. They exchange determined glances before moving forward, ready to confront the evil within.

As they enter, the scene is set for a final confrontation, one that will determine the fate of the children and the redemption of Rod.

The camera pans over the factory, the sense of foreboding palpable as the group steels themselves for the battle ahead.


Emily stands, her eyes blazing with determination as she looks at Rod.


You said so yourself, Rod. I'm just as elusive as my dad.

Rod nods, a shadow of a smile crossing his face as he remembers.


Rod is in the factory, watching the monitors as he searches for a runaway child. His voice echoes in the dark, filled with frustration and amusem*nt.


What an elusive boy. I hope he doesn't go too far. If something happens, my mini-Rods will let me know.

Rod's mini-Rods, small mechanical minions, scurry through the factory, their eyes scanning for the boy. The scene shifts to show J, a young boy, hiding in the shadows, his heart pounding as he evades capture.


Whispering to himself.

Stay calm. Just stay calm.

He peers out from his hiding spot, watching the mini-Rods pass by, their mechanical eyes missing his presence by inches.

The camera follows J as he navigates through the factory, his small frame slipping through tight spaces and dark corners. His breath is ragged, but his determination is unwavering.

ROD (V.O.):

What an elusive little mouse. But every mouse eventually finds the cheese.

J spots a vent and quickly climbs inside, crawling through the narrow space as the mini-Rods close in on his previous location.


The flashback ends. Emily's face is set with resolve as she looks at Rod.


You never caught him, did you?


Shaking his head.

No. He was too clever, too quick. Just like you.

Emily nods, the fire in her eyes unwavering.


Then let's use that to our advantage. We'll be just as elusive. We'll be smarter, faster. And we'll end this once and for all.

The group nods in agreement, their determination palpable. They know the fight ahead will be tough, but they are ready.


The group approaches the factory, the building looming ominously in the moonlight. They exchange determined glances before moving forward, ready to confront the evil within.

As they enter, the sense of foreboding intensifies. The camera pans over the factory, setting the stage for the final confrontation, one that will determine the fate of the children and the redemption of Rod.


Emily, Rod, and the rest of the group move through the factory with purpose. The eerie silence is broken only by the occasional clank of machinery and the distant whirr of the mini-Rods.



Stay close. Stay quiet.

The group nods, their steps light and deliberate. They know that every second counts in their mission to save the children and stop the horrors that have plagued this place for too long.

As they navigate through the factory, the stage is set for the final showdown. The sense of impending conflict hangs heavy in the air, but the group's resolve is stronger than ever.

The camera lingers on their determined faces as they prepare to face the challenges ahead, united in their quest for justice and redemption.

Emily: So, you were upset when my dad made Boris fall down through the floor so he can get to the control room to free those prisoners. They even jump through pipes.


J presses the button and the three cages open.

Charlie: Yes!

Lis: It is so nice!

Rod: Hey! What's going on in here, huh? Let's go. Get back here! I said get back here, you little bastard! Gosh, mister! These kids are driving me crazy! How could they have run away again, huh? Well, these tubes don't take them very far. They're actually still inside my factory. It's only a matter of time before I find them!

Rod (V.O.): Yes, I was mumbling about it as well.


Rod grumbles to himself as he paces around the factory.

Rod: They're a bunch of brats! Fat, Chubby, brats! At the last moment, they always escape me. But as long as they are still inside my factory, sooner or later, they will end, turned into ice cream! Evil laugh

Rod (V.O.): Meanwhile, Mr. Carter made his way to the Engine Room.

Mike: Where am I?


Mike: In this factory, I don't stop falling. J!

J: Hey, Mike!

Both: Woo, yeah!

J: Let's rescue the others.

Mike: Let's go.

J: I've seen something suspicious near here, there's a lot of food waste.

Mike: Hmm. Maybe there's kind of a giant kitchen around here.

Back in the present, Emily and Rod exchange a knowing glance, their shared memories binding them together in a common purpose. Despite the challenges they've faced and the mistakes they've made, they find strength in each other's presence as they continue their journey towards redemption and reconciliation. The weight of their past actions hangs heavy in the air, but they are determined to forge a new path forward, one filled with hope and possibility. With each step they take, they draw closer to the truth and to the ultimate showdown with the forces of evil that threaten to consume them all.


Emily, Rod, and the others gather in a dimly lit room. The atmosphere is tense, but there's a shared sense of purpose. Rod takes a deep breath, preparing to reveal more about their intertwined past.



They even looked for Mr. Owens.



J and Mike navigate through the factory, determined to find their friends and put an end to Rod's reign of terror.


I can tell for all that amount of food that these pipes lead to a place where candy is cooked day and night, non-stop.


Liz is hidden in that place for sure. She's so sweet she'll probably blend in with all that candy though.


Charlie could also be there. We need to reunite with everyone. It's the only way to give Rod what he deserves. We'd better stay focused, you hear me? Wait a minute, isn't that Charlie?


(spotting Charlie)

Yep, that's Charlie.


Charlie wanders the kitchen, muttering to himself, desperate and hopeful.


Where are my friends? Why don’t they come rescue me? Well, it seems like I will have to escape by myself. At least this kitchen looks harmless, maybe I could even eat some. I think... I think I need a plan.


Charlie went through the pipe


Charlie! Fantastic!



We’re back together! Oh, man!


Well, now we just need to find Liz.


Okay. Well, in that case, I have something very important to do first.


Fine. J and I are going to start.


Don’t take too long.


Rod looks around at the gathered group, seeing their determined faces. Emily steps forward, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.



We’ve all come a long way, Rod. It’s time to finish this.

Rod nods, feeling the weight of their collective past but also the strength of their resolve.


Let’s do this. For all of us.

The group moves forward, ready to confront their shared demons and bring an end to the evil that has haunted them for so long.


Emily stands in front of Rod, her expression curious and determined. The others are gathered around, listening intently.


How did one of the paramedics, Mrs. Carter (née Owens), recognize you back at Bismarck's house?

Rod's eyes narrow as he recalls the events of that fateful night.



The house is in chaos. Paramedics are rushing in and out, attending to various injuries. Mrs. Carter spots Rod and freezes, her eyes wide with recognition.


Rod? Is that you?

Rod's expression is a mix of surprise and wariness.

ROD (V.O.)

Yes, she recognized me. And it all started back when we were searching for Liz.



Mike and J are frantically searching for Liz.


No. Not there. Not there either. Can't find Liz anywhere. Wait a minute. When we escaped from Rod, do you remember which pipe she went down?


I think it was the blue pipe here.


What do you mean you think she went that way? Tell me for sure. Right now, Liz could be dead or worse.


We're doing what we can, Mike. Calm down a little.


I don't want to calm down. I'm sick of looking at the screen and not seeing anything.

Mike throws a tantrum, knocking over equipment.


No, don't do that. It's dangerous. You're making too much noise. Wow. Looks like the pipes have opened up again.


Perfect! This is something else! You need that? I'm gonna go rescue your sister. Jay, when I enter the pipe, keep pressing the button so that the lid stays closed. Please, keep an eye on it to make sure nothing happens. Alright, let's go!


Lis is sitting in a corner, looking tired and worried.


Well, I better do something soon.



Lis? Can you hear me? Are you okay?


Mike? Yes, I'm fine. Even though I've been hanging around here for a thousand years. Shall we go now?


Lis, I finally found you. And Mike is with you. What a relief.


J? Is that you? How nice to hear from you. We need a keycard to escape. It seems that Rod has one stashed inside a safe box in his town's warehouse.


Hmm. Let me think about it and see if I can come up with something. Hmm. What a coincidence. Looks like Rod is going to town.


Uh... Ouch! What's wrong?


Charlie, stop fooling around and follow Rod into town. I need you to get what he keeps in his safe in the parking lot.


Okay, I'm coming. (Following the ice cream van) Wait a minute. Why am I doing this?


Charlie enters, holding the keycard triumphantly.


Hey, I'm here. (hands over the keycard and then spots a cake) I haven't eaten anything in ages. This is my lucky day. (begins eating)


Rod sighs, looking down at his hands.


Mrs. Carter knew me from back then. She was there, trying to help, but we were all caught in the nightmare of that factory.

Emily nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. The group around them is silent, processing the shared memories and the revelations that have come to light.



We’re all connected by this. But now, we have a chance to end it. For good.

Rod looks at her, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. The group stands united, ready to face whatever comes next.


Emily giggles, breaking the tension in the room.


Looks like you've caught Mr. Owens eating dessert.



Mike and Lis are together, relief evident on their faces.


Liz, we're together at last.


Get out of here, Mike.


Listen, Liz, in case we don't get out of here, there's something I want you to know.


Of course we're gonna escape from here. We'll talk right now, but first, let's go to the boys.


Um, I don't want to say it in front of everyone.


J is anxiously watching the monitors.


I'm so glad you're both well.


Rod bursts into the room, his eyes wild with anger.


Hey! What are you doing here, huh? Don't run away, Chubby kid! Come back here!


Charlie rushes in, out of breath.


I don't know how, but Rod found me and followed me here. Chubby kids, get out of there now!


Charlie, where were you? You should have come back as soon as you handed over the key card. That doesn't matter now. We have to stop Rod from getting in. By the way, how nice that we're all together at last.


Rod's voice echoes through the hallways, filled with menace.


Oh, chubby kids! Get out of there now!


The group scrambles to block the door, working together to keep Rod out.


We need to find a way to escape. Fast.


There must be another way out of here.


What about the ventilation system? It could lead us outside.


It's worth a try. Let's move!

The group hurriedly moves towards the ventilation system, working together to unscrew the grates and climb inside.


Emily looks at Rod, her expression softening.


We were all just kids, trying to survive. But now, we have each other. We can make it through this.

Rod nods, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. The group stands united, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, determined to overcome their past and forge a new future together.


Rod's determination is evident as he makes a decision.

ROD: I'm gonna call Bismarck and ask if I can turn myself in.

EMILY: Whoa! My grandma tried that to report my dad missing, and we all know how that turned out.



Emily's grandma anxiously makes a call to the Spokane Police Department.

OPERATOR (V.O.): Hello. You're calling the Spokane Police Department. How may I help you?

EMILY'S GRANDMA: Hello. My son, Jay Brown, has disappeared. We haven't seen him for more than a day. My husband and I have been looking for him, and we haven't found him. Worst of all, two of his best friends, the Owens children, have disappeared too. They were in the newspaper, and we didn't know what to do.

OPERATOR (V.O.): Please, ma'am, keep calm. We also have received all the calls about missing children in recent weeks. We're looking for the culprit right now, so please, stay calm. We're doing everything we can to solve this terrible problem.

EMILY'S GRANDMA: More children disappeared in the last few weeks? What a horror!

OPERATOR (V.O.): Could you tell us anything that may help us find your son? Has anything strange happened in the past few days?

EMILY'S GRANDMA: Now that you mention it, lately I've been hearing a strange ice cream man's melody.

OPERATOR (V.O.): I see. Please tell me more about it. Where are you calling from exactly?


The group struggles to hold the door against Rod's furious onslaught.

ROD: Ooh, chubby kids, get out of there now!

J: Guys, what are we doing holding the door? If we don't do something soon, the crazy ice cream man is going to break the door down any minute.

J: I think I found a way out. Come this way, quick.

LIS: Jay, where are you going? The ladies go first.

ROD: Well, well. Well, I finally have you all! No! Damn chubby kids! They escaped again! I can't take it anymore! This will be the last time they run away! Since I kidnapped them and locked them in my factory, they haven't stopped giving me problems! Oh, I no longer want to use them as ingredients in my special ice cream. This has become personal. Oh, I wasn't planning on resorting to this, but the party's over, bastards.

CHARLIE: I can't take it anymore. If I run... One more step, and my legs will come off my body.

MIKE: Charlie, keep quiet! That sound we just heard? I think I know what it is. Rod's activated the security system, and all the exits are sealed. Fortunately, I found this lying around a while ago, and it's given me a great idea. From the looks of it, there are three generators supplying power to the security system. And if we can disable them, we can escape this factory. Oh, and I have this as well. The person leading the exploration of each area will carry one and use it to call the rest when they find one of the generators.

J: Huh! Mike, your habit of collecting junk and papers is amazing! Now let's go, team. Time to find those generators and go back with our families.

ALL FOUR: Yeah! Let's go!

The group gears up, ready to face the challenges ahead and escape from Rod's clutches once and for all.


Sister Madeline's arrival sparks tension in the air as she mistakes Lis for her son.

SISTER MADELINE: Is this my son's factory? It looks very magnificent from up close. At last, I'll be able to hug him and...

Sister Madeline's joyful expression turns to malice as she spots Lis.

SISTER MADELINE: Who's there? A fat ugly creature like you can't be my baby. So I'll smash you with my hammer. Ha ha ha ha!

Lis recoils in shock and fear as Sister Madeline advances menacingly, her hammer raised, ready to strike. The atmosphere grows increasingly tense as the confrontation unfolds.


The miniature robotic minions, Boris and the Mini Rods, engage in a chaotic dialogue as they grapple with their malfunctioning components.

MINI ROD 1: Boris is assembling well.

MINI ROD 2: Boris needs more extra parts... Maybe one of my legs?

MINI ROD 3: The energy is coming back into my body!

Boris, the central figure of the robotic trio, begins to show signs of distress, his voice tinged with frustration and pain.

BORIS: Boris feels pain in his body! Boris is very angry! Ahh! You disgusting girl, you hurt Boris! Attack! Strike! Destroy!

Suddenly, Charlie and J intervene, their voices laced with defiance as they stand against the malfunctioning robots.

CHARLIE: And... now!

J: Hey, you ugly broken robot. Your face looks like a rusty frying pan and makes me want to cry! You're too weak to be a security guard, even a kid like me can beat you! Eh... Boris... ugly!

Boris, enraged by their insults, lashes out with renewed ferocity, ready to unleash destruction upon his adversaries.


Mike and Charlie work together, focused on their mission to disable the second generator.

MIKE: Charlie, get in position.

CHARLIE: Roger that. Let's go!

With precision and efficiency, they maneuver through the room, swiftly deactivating the generator.

CHARLIE: Yay, we did it! Mike, you are an excellent driver. We have to do this again!

Their triumph fills the room, echoing with the relief of progress made against the odds. As they share a moment of camaraderie, their determination to escape the factory grows stronger.


J, Charlie, Lis, and Mike trudge through the dense forest, their breath visible in the chilly night air. Despite their exhaustion, relief washes over them as they realize they've escaped the ice cream factory together.

J: In the end, we all managed to get out of here together!

Charlie: Great. This is like a dream.

Lis: Am I dreaming, Mike?

Mike: Stop talking nonsense. I need to concentrate if we want to get home in one piece.

Their journey is far from over, but their spirits remain resilient. Suddenly, the sound of crunching branches and snapping twigs fills the air, and the van crashes into a tree, halting their progress.

J: Well, looks like we'll have to continue on foot from here.

With determination in their hearts, they press on, navigating the darkness of the forest as they inch closer to safety.


Rod's eyes widen in disbelief as he observes the monitors, his heart pounding with fear and frustration. He hastily dons his mask, his mind racing with thoughts of impending disaster.

Rod: Hmm? Huh? What is going on?

He clenches his fists, a surge of panic coursing through him as he realizes the gravity of the situation.

Rod: What!? No! This is impossible! They managed to... to... to deactivate the security system! At least the rest of the cubby kids are still under control ar... are still under control in... in th... in the... in the Extraction Room.

He paces back and forth, his mind whirring as he contemplates his next move.

Rod: Huh? Wha... wha? The... the... the... the... the door to the Extraction Room has opened, it must have occurred when the security system was deactivated! Noooohohoho! Well, maybe I should pay this place a visit, and close that door before the room gets distempered! And my chubby kid pantry is spoiled! Singing Evil laugh.

With determination etched on his face, Rod storms out of his secret bedroom, his footsteps echoing ominously in the silent corridors of the factory. The hunt for the escaped children is far from over, and Rod is determined to ensure they don't evade his grasp for long.


Emily stands before Rod, her expression serious yet compassionate, as she imparts her wisdom.

Emily: Rod, listen to me. I know you've been through a lot, and I understand why you've done the things you have. But you need to realize that two wrongs don't make it right.

Rod's eyes flicker with a mix of emotions—defiance, uncertainty, and perhaps a glimmer of understanding.

Rod: But Emily, you don't understand. They... they hurt me. They bullied me, ridiculed me, made me feel like I was nothing. I had to fight back. I had to make them pay.

Emily reaches out, gently placing a hand on Rod's shoulder, her touch a comforting anchor in the storm of his emotions.

Emily: I know, Rod. And I'm not saying what they did was okay. It wasn't. But sinking to their level won't make things better. It won't heal the wounds or bring back what was lost.

Rod's gaze softens, a hint of vulnerability shining through the armor of his defenses.

Rod: What should I do then? How can I make things right?

Emily offers him a reassuring smile, her voice filled with warmth and empathy.

Emily: Start by letting go of the anger and the desire for revenge. Focus on building something positive instead—something that brings light into the world, rather than darkness.

Rod nods slowly, the weight of Emily's words sinking in.

Rod: Thank you, Emily. I... I'll try.

With a supportive nod, Emily offers Rod a sense of hope and possibility, reminding him that redemption is always within reach, no matter how dark the path may seem.


The safe house is shrouded in darkness, save for the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the windows. Emily moves swiftly, her steps purposeful as she guides Rod to the basem*nt, their breaths hushed with anticipation.

EMILY: Quick, Rod. Down here. It's not much, but it'll keep you safe.

Rod follows Emily obediently, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. They disappear into the depths of the basem*nt just as the sound of splintering wood echoes through the house.

EMILY: (whispering) They're here. Stay quiet and stay hidden. I'll handle this.

Emily slips away into the shadows, leaving Rod alone in the darkness.


Outside, the intruders—sinister figures cloaked in darkness—advance upon the safe house with purposeful strides. Their eyes gleam with malevolence as they prepare to carry out their sinister mission.

SINISTER FIGURE 1: This is it. The safe house.

SINISTER FIGURE 2: Excellent. Let's make this quick. We have what we came for.

With ruthless efficiency, they breach the door and storm into the safe house, their presence a harbinger of chaos and destruction.


In the basem*nt, Rod crouches in the shadows, his heart racing with adrenaline-fueled fear. He listens intently as the sounds of chaos and commotion erupt from above.

ROD: (whispering to himself) Hang in there, Emily. You can do this.

Alone in the darkness, Rod waits with bated breath, hoping against hope that Emily will emerge victorious from the impending confrontation.


Emily moves with the grace and stealth of a predator as she confronts the intruders, her eyes flashing with determination.

EMILY: (firmly) You're not welcome here. Leave now, or face the consequences.

The sinister figures sneer in response, their voices dripping with malice.

SINISTER FIGURE 1: We're not going anywhere, little girl. We have business to attend to.

EMILY: (undaunted) So do I. And I won't let you harm anyone under my protection.

With a swift motion, Emily engages the intruders in a fierce battle, her martial prowess on full display as she holds her own against overwhelming odds.


In the basem*nt, Rod listens intently to the sounds of the struggle raging above, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and admiration for Emily's bravery.

ROD: (whispering) You've got this, Emily. I believe in you.

Alone in the darkness, Rod waits anxiously for any sign of victory, his thoughts consumed with concern for his courageous friend.


The battle rages on, each blow exchanged with ferocious intensity as Emily refuses to back down in the face of adversity.

EMILY: (gritting her teeth) Is that all you've got? I expected more from the likes of you.

With a final, decisive strike, Emily dispatches the last of the intruders, her chest heaving with exertion as she surveys the aftermath of the confrontation.

EMILY: (breathless) It's over. They won't be bothering us again.


In the basem*nt, Rod's tense anticipation gives way to relief as the sounds of the struggle above gradually subside.

ROD: (softly) Thank you, Emily. You saved us once again.

Alone in the darkness, Rod offers a silent prayer of gratitude for his brave friend, knowing that her unwavering courage has ensured their safety once more.


Outside, the night sky hangs heavy with silence as the safe house stands as a beacon of resilience amidst the darkness. The threat may have passed, but the echoes of the confrontation linger in the air, a testament to the bravery of those who call this place home.


Rod's heart pounds in his chest as he cowers in the dimly lit basem*nt, the weight of the magic cuff's presence heavy in the air. He knows he must remain perfectly still, lest he be discovered.

ROD: (whispering to himself) Don't move. Don't make a sound. They can't find you here.

The magic cuff sweeps through the basem*nt, its ominous aura casting long shadows against the walls as it searches for its target.


Upstairs, Emily stands guard, her senses on high alert as she waits for any sign of danger. She knows that the inhabitants will stop at nothing to find Rod, and she is determined to protect him at all costs.

EMILY: (whispering to herself) They won't find him. Not if I have anything to say about it.

With nerves of steel, Emily braces herself for the inevitable confrontation, her resolve unshakable even in the face of overwhelming odds.


Rod's breath catches in his throat as the magic cuff draws nearer, its sinister presence looming ever closer. He closes his eyes, willing himself to remain calm as he prepares for the inevitable.

ROD: (whispering a silent prayer) Please, let them pass. Please, let them pass.

In the darkness of the basem*nt, Rod waits with bated breath, his entire being focused on evading the detection of the relentless magic cuff.


Above, Emily stands vigilant, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. She knows that time is running out, and she must act quickly to protect her friend.

EMILY: (whispering to herself) Where are you, Rod? Hang in there. I won't let them take you.

With every fiber of her being, Emily prepares to face whatever challenges may come her way, her determination unwavering in the face of adversity.


In the basem*nt, Rod remains perfectly still, his heart pounding in his ears as the magic cuff draws nearer and nearer. He can feel its oppressive presence closing in on him, threatening to expose his hiding place.

ROD: (desperately) Please, just go away. Please, just go away.

With each passing moment, Rod's fear intensifies, his only hope resting on Emily's ability to keep the intruders at bay and ensure his safety.


Emily stands alone, a solitary figure in the darkness, her determination unwavering in the face of danger. She knows that the fate of her friend rests in her hands, and she will stop at nothing to keep him safe.

EMILY: (whispering to herself) You won't find him. Not while I'm here.

With steely resolve, Emily braces herself for the inevitable confrontation, her senses sharp and her instincts honed to a razor's edge.


Outside, the safe house stands silent and imposing against the backdrop of the night sky. The inhabitants may be closing in, but within its walls, a small glimmer of hope remains alive—a hope embodied by the unwavering courage of those who call it home.


As the magic cuff approaches the door to the basem*nt, its eerie glow casts long, twisted shadows on the walls. With a relentless determination, it sweeps through the room, its searching tendrils probing every nook and cranny.

ROD: (voice trembling) No... no, please...

Rod huddles in the corner, his heart pounding with fear as the magic cuff draws closer and closer. He knows that his hiding place has been discovered, and there is nowhere left to run.


Emily rushes towards the staircase leading to the basem*nt, her eyes fixed on the glowing aura of the magic cuff. With every step she takes, the air crackles with magical energy, blocking her path and preventing her from reaching her friend.

EMILY: (frustrated) No... no, let me through!

Emily pounds against the invisible barrier, her fists clenched with determination. But no matter how hard she tries, the magic remains steadfast, holding her back from aiding her friend in his time of need.


The magic cuff hovers at the entrance to the basem*nt, its malevolent presence filling the room with an oppressive aura. With a sudden, jerking motion, it lurches forward, its searching tendrils homing in on Rod's hiding spot.

ROD: (voice quavering) Please... please, don't...

Rod's pleas fall on deaf ears as the magic cuff closes in, its glowing light casting an eerie pall over the room. With a final, chilling hiss, it locks onto its target, sealing Rod's fate in its unyielding grasp.


Emily watches helplessly as the magic cuff descends into the basem*nt, her heart sinking with dread. She knows that she is powerless to intervene, trapped behind the barrier of magic that bars her way.

EMILY: (voice choked with emotion) Rod...

With tears in her eyes, Emily can only stand and wait, her hands pressed against the invisible barrier as she listens to the sound of her friend's fate being sealed below.


In the darkness of the basem*nt, Rod braces himself as the magic cuff closes in, its glowing light illuminating his terrified face. With a final, agonizing moment of suspense, it envelops him in its shimmering embrace, sealing his fate within its unyielding grip.

ROD: (whispers) I'm sorry, Emily... I'm so sorry...

As the darkness closes in around him, Rod can only hope that his friend will find a way to escape the clutches of the malevolent inhabitants and ensure that his sacrifice was not in vain.


With a sinister hiss, the magic cuff attaches itself to Rod's wrist, its cold, metallic tendrils wrapping tightly around his skin. In a cruel twist, it splits into two, binding both of his hands behind his back with an iron grip.

ROD: (struggling against the bonds) No... no, please... let me go...

Rod's pleas echo off the walls of the basem*nt, but there is no mercy to be found in the relentless grasp of the magic cuff. With each passing moment, its hold tightens, leaving him helpless and vulnerable to the whims of his captors.


Emily watches in horror as the magic cuff ensnares Rod, its shimmering form pulsating with dark energy as it binds his hands behind his back. Her heart clenches with anguish, knowing that she is powerless to intervene.

EMILY: (voice trembling) Rod... I'm so sorry...

With tears streaming down her face, Emily can only stand and watch as her friend is taken captive by the malevolent inhabitants of Cloud Kingdom. Her hands press against the invisible barrier, her desperation mounting with each passing second.


Rod struggles against the bonds of the magic cuff, but it holds firm, its unyielding grip leaving him unable to break free. With a heavy heart, he resigns himself to his fate, his mind racing with thoughts of what lies ahead.

ROD: (voice choked with emotion) Emily... I'm sorry... I should have been stronger...

As the darkness of the basem*nt envelops him, Rod can only hope that his friend will find a way to escape the clutches of their captors and bring an end to their reign of terror once and for all.


Rod strains against the bonds of the magic cuff, his muscles tensing as he attempts to break free from its enchanted grip. But despite his efforts, the cuff holds fast, its magical enchantment proving too powerful to overcome.

INHABITANT: (with a sinister grin) Your struggles are futile, mortal. That cuff is imbued with the strongest enchantments of Cloud Kingdom. No mere human can hope to break its hold.

The words hang heavy in the air, a grim reminder of Rod's dire situation. Trapped in the basem*nt with no means of escape, he can only watch helplessly as the inhabitants revel in their triumph.

ROD: (through gritted teeth) Damn you... damn you all...

Defiance burns in Rod's eyes, his spirit unbroken despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him. But deep down, he knows that without Emily's help, his chances of escaping this nightmarish fate grow slimmer by the minute.

When they threaten to kill Emily, her father, J, her mother, Lucia, her sister Isabel, and her brother, Jake, along with Lis, Lily, Charlie, Mike, Officer Bismarck, and Ms. Meteney, Rod accepts defeat.


As the inhabitants menacingly threaten Emily and her loved ones, Rod's resolve wavers. The weight of their lives hangs heavily on his conscience, and he knows he must make a difficult choice.

INHABITANT: (with a chilling grin) Your defiance is futile, son of Nazrat. Unless you comply with our demands, the consequences will be dire. Your friends and family will pay the ultimate price for your disobedience.

Rod's heart sinks at the mention of his lineage, a painful reminder of the dark legacy he carries. The inhabitants' words echo in his mind, driving home the gravity of the situation.

ROD: (voice trembling) Please... don't hurt them. I'll do as you say. Just spare their lives.

With a heavy heart, Rod surrenders to the inevitability of his fate. The weight of his decision hangs heavy upon him, but in that moment, the safety of his loved ones takes precedence over his own.

INHABITANT: (smirking triumphantly) Wise choice, son of Nazrat. Now, come with us. There is much to be done.

As Rod reluctantly follows the inhabitants out of the basem*nt, a sense of resignation washes over him. Though he knows the road ahead will be fraught with danger, he is determined to protect those he holds dear, no matter the cost.


In the grand chamber of the Cloud Kingdom, the atmosphere is heavy with tension as Rod stands bound before the imposing figure of the Grand Inhabitant. The air crackles with magic, and the shadows dance ominously across the walls.

GRAND INHABITANT: (voice echoing with malice) Son of Nazrat, your sins have found you. It is time to atone for the transgressions of your bloodline.

Rod braces himself, stealing his resolve for the ordeal that lies ahead. His jaw clenches in determination as the magic cuffs tighten around his wrists, securing him to the cruel hooks suspended from the ceiling.

ROD: (through gritted teeth) I'm ready.

With a flick of their wrists, the inhabitants command the magic cuffs to reposition, causing Rod to be hoisted up, suspended in mid-air. His muscles tense in anticipation of the pain to come, but he remains resolute, determined to endure whatever punishment is inflicted upon him.

As the flagellation begins, Rod grits his teeth against the searing agony, refusing to cry out despite the torment. Each lash of the whip sends shockwaves of pain coursing through his body, but he remains steadfast, his will unbroken.

GRAND INHABITANT: (voice dripping with scorn) Your suffering has only just begun, son of Nazrat. Prepare yourself for the consequences of your sins.

As the flagellation continues, Rod's resolve is tested to its limits. Yet amidst the agony, a glimmer of defiance flickers in his eyes, a silent vow to endure whatever trials await him in the name of redemption.


The flagellation has ended, leaving Rod hanging limply from the hooks, his body covered in fresh wounds. The Grand Inhabitant steps forward, their expression one of cold satisfaction.

GRAND INHABITANT: (voice echoing with finality) Son of Nazrat, your suffering has only begun. For the crimes you and your bloodline have committed, you are sentenced to death.

The chamber falls silent as the weight of the sentence settles over Rod. He is lowered from the hooks, his body weak and battered, but his spirit remains unbroken. Two inhabitants step forward, releasing him from the hooks as the magic cuffs repositions back to his hands behind his back, and dragging him towards the door.

GRAND INHABITANT: (turning away) Take him to the cell. Let him contemplate his fate until the time comes for his execution.

Rod is escorted down a dark corridor, the harsh grip of the inhabitants ensuring he does not falter. The corridor is dimly lit, casting eerie shadows on the walls as they approach a heavy iron door.


The door creaks open, revealing a small, damp cell. The inhabitants roughly shove Rod inside, chain his wrist and ankles to the wall, and the door slams shut with a resounding clang. Rod is forced to sit against the wall, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

He surveys his surroundings, taking in the cold stone walls and the single, flickering torch that provides minimal light. Despite the dire situation, a sense of resolve settles over him. He sits down against the wall, closing his eyes and steeling himself for what is to come.

ROD: (whispering to himself) I won't let this be the end. I'll find a way to make things right.

The scene fades to black as Rod sits in the darkness, the weight of his sentence pressing down upon him, but his determination unwavering.


Rod sits against the wall, deep in thought, his body aching from the recent punishment. Suddenly, the iron door creaks open, and Judge Howard steps inside, flanked by two disguised inhabitants loyal to him. Rod looks up, surprised.

ROD: Your Honor? What are you doing here?

JUDGE HOWARD: (smirking) Pulling the ol' switcheroo, son. We don't have much time. You're supposed to be on trial back on Earth, not facing execution here.

The Judge gestures to the loyal inhabitants, who quickly move to unlock Rod's cuffs. Rod winces as they work, but soon his hands and feet are free.

ROD: (rubbing his wrists) Why are you helping me?

JUDGE HOWARD: Let's just say I've got a vested interest in seeing you face a fair trial on Earth. Now, come on. We have to move quickly.


Judge Howard, Rod, and the two loyal inhabitants move swiftly and quietly through the dimly lit corridors of the Cloud Kingdom. They navigate a series of twists and turns, avoiding patrols and staying in the shadows.

ROD: (whispering) How do we get out of here?

JUDGE HOWARD: There's a portal in the lower chambers. It will take us back to Earth. Keep your head down and stay close.


They reach the lower chambers, where a shimmering portal stands guarded by a few inhabitants. The loyal inhabitants with Judge Howard quickly and silently neutralize the guards, clearing the way for their escape.

JUDGE HOWARD: (gesturing to the portal) There it is. Let's go.

Rod hesitates for a moment, looking back at the Cloud Kingdom. Then, with a determined look, he steps through the portal, followed closely by Judge Howard and the loyal inhabitants.


The group emerges from the portal, finding themselves back in the basem*nt of the safe house. The room is dimly lit, and the air is filled with a tense silence. Emily is there, waiting anxiously.

EMILY: (rushing forward) Rod! Judge Howard! You made it!

JUDGE HOWARD: (nodding) We don't have much time. We need to get Rod to the courthouse. He still has to stand trial, but at least it will be a fair one.

ROD: (looking at Emily) Thank you. For everything.

EMILY: (smiling) Just stay strong, Rod. We'll get through this together.

The scene fades as they quickly prepare to leave the safe house, the weight of the upcoming trial hanging over them, but a glimmer of hope shining through.

It wasn't long before the cloud kingdom residents find out that their prisoner was only a dummy.


The cell door creaks open, and a group of Cloud Kingdom residents enters, led by the Grand Inhabitant. They approach the figure chained to the wall, their expressions shifting from triumph to confusion as they realize something is off.

GRAND INHABITANT: (frowning) What is this?

One of the inhabitants steps forward, tentatively reaching out to touch the figure. With a quick tug, the figure falls apart, revealing it to be a cleverly constructed dummy. The room falls silent for a moment before erupting in anger.

GRAND INHABITANT: (roaring) We've been deceived! The son of Nazrat has escaped!


Meanwhile, back at the safe house, Emily, Judge Howard, Rod, and the loyal inhabitants are finalizing their preparations to leave. Emily looks at Rod, concern etched on her face.

EMILY: We need to hurry. They’ll realize the switch any moment now.

ROD: (nodding) Let's get out of here.

JUDGE HOWARD: (to the loyal inhabitants) Stay on alert. We need to move fast.


Back in the Cloud Kingdom, the Grand Inhabitant storms into the throne room, fury blazing in their eyes. They slam a fist onto the armrest of their throne, causing a reverberation throughout the chamber.

GRAND INHABITANT: (bellowing) Mobilize all forces! Find them and bring them back to face justice!


As they make their way through the safe house, the tension is palpable. Emily leads the way, her eyes scanning for any sign of danger. Judge Howard stays close to Rod, ensuring his protection.

EMILY: (whispering) The courthouse isn’t far. We need to stay quiet and stick to the shadows.

ROD: (determined) I understand. Let’s move.


They emerge from the safe house into the cool night air. The streets are eerily quiet, adding to the sense of urgency. The group moves swiftly, sticking to the shadows as they make their way to the courthouse.


In the Cloud Kingdom, the Grand Inhabitant’s forces are in full mobilization. Armored inhabitants march through the corridors, their faces set in grim determination. The Grand Inhabitant stands at the helm, directing the search.

GRAND INHABITANT: (commanding) Leave no stone unturned! They must not escape!


The group arrives at the courthouse, its imposing structure looming in the darkness. Judge Howard signals for them to stop and turns to face Rod.

JUDGE HOWARD: (firmly) This is it. You’ll get your trial here. Stay strong, and trust the process.

ROD: (taking a deep breath) I will. Thank you, your honor. And thank you, Emily.

EMILY: (smiling) We’ll be right there with you, Rod. You’re not alone in this.

As they enter the courthouse, the sense of hope begins to outweigh the fear, but they all know the road ahead will be fraught with challenges. The scene fades, leaving the sense of determination and solidarity lingering in the air.


The courthouse is surrounded by a tense atmosphere. Bruna, one of the Cloud Kingdom's formidable inhabitants, steps forward, her hands glowing with powerful magic. The air crackles with energy as she prepares to strike at Emily.

BRUNA: (coldly) This ends now, girl.

Just as Bruna is about to unleash her magic, Rod steps in front of Emily, arms outstretched in a protective gesture.

ROD: (shouting) No!

The magic hits Rod instead, and he is enveloped in a brilliant light. He begins to rapidly age, his youthful features transforming into those of a man in his prime, the years he lost returning all at once. With rainbows of hope, peace, and redemption glowing out of his heart, He defeated Bruna. The glow fades, and Rod collapses to the ground, now looking like the man he would have been if his aging hadn't been halted by the special ice cream.

EMILY: (screaming) Rod!

Everyone rushes to Rod's side, their faces filled with shock and concern. Father Sun and Mother Moon caused the total eclipse, Nazrat, holding the grail, and Sister Madeline, tears streaming down her face, reach him first.

SISTER MADELINE: (sobbing) My son... my precious son...

She kneels beside Rod, embracing him tightly. Emily follows suit, tears in her eyes as she hugs Rod as well.

NAZRAT: (softly) My boy... you have shown great courage.

EMILY: (whispering) Rod, why did you do that?

ROD: (weakly, smiling) I had to protect you, Emily. It was the right thing to do.

Bruna watches the scene with a mix of frustration and confusion, her magic faltering. The other inhabitants of the Cloud Kingdom are similarly stunned, unsure of how to proceed.

NAZRAT: (addressing Bruna and the others) This act of sacrifice proves the goodness within him. He deserves a fair trial, not this endless cycle of vengeance.

The inhabitants hesitate, murmuring among themselves. The Grand Inhabitant steps forward, raising a hand for silence.

GRAND INHABITANT: (considering) Perhaps... Perhaps there is more to this than we understood.

SISTER MADELINE: (pleading) Please, let him be. He has suffered enough.

EMILY: (determined) We can work together to find a just solution. This hatred and punishment need to end.

The Grand Inhabitant looks at Rod, then at the gathered crowd. Slowly, they nod.

GRAND INHABITANT: (solemnly) Very well. We will grant him a trial. But know this: if he is found guilty, the punishment will be severe.

JUDGE HOWARD: (stepping forward) Then let justice be served, with fairness and compassion.

The scene fades with a sense of cautious hope. Rod is supported by Emily and Sister Madeline as they help him stand, ready to face whatever comes next together.



The courtroom is filled with a hushed anticipation. Rod stands before the judge, flanked by Emily, Sister Madeline, and the supportive faces of the redeemed inhabitants of the Cloud Kingdom. Judge Howard presides over the final hearing.

JUDGE HOWARD: (solemnly) After much deliberation and in light of recent events, it has been decided that Rod Sullivan is hereby redeemed of all past crimes.

The courtroom erupts in applause and cheers. Emily and Sister Madeline embrace Rod, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

EMILY: (smiling) You did it, Rod. We did it.

ROD: (humbly) Thank you, everyone. But there's one more thing I need to do.

Rod steps forward, addressing the court and the audience.

ROD: I wish to surrender to the police for my past actions. And I want to re-make an antidote ice cream that had de-chubbies me to de-chubby the surviving kids who were affected by my special ice cream.

The crowd murmurs in surprise and admiration. The police officers in attendance nod in agreement, recognizing Rod's sincerity.

POLICE OFFICER: (stepping forward as they follow arrest protocols) We accept your surrender, Rod. And we appreciate your willingness to make amends.

JUDGE HOWARD: (nodding) Very well. Your cooperation and efforts to rectify your wrongs will be taken into account. You will be given the resources to create the antidote ice cream.


Rod, now in a lab coat, works diligently in the factory. The atmosphere is one of hope and redemption. Emily, Sister Madeline, and other supporters assist him in creating the antidote ice cream. Machines hum and ingredients are meticulously measured and mixed.

EMILY: (smiling) We're almost there, Rod. Just a few more batches.

SISTER MADELINE: (proudly) You've come a long way, my son.

ROD: (focused) Thank you. I couldn't have done it without all of you.

As the final batch of antidote ice cream is completed, Rod and Emily start distributing it to the surviving kids who had been affected. The kids eagerly take the ice cream, their chubby forms slowly returning to normal.

KID 1: (happily) I feel like myself again!

KID 2: (excitedly) Thank you, Mr. Sullivan!

ROD: (smiling) You're welcome. I'm sorry for everything I've done.

The scene shifts to a small celebration outside the factory. Families of the rescued kids, police officers, and community members gather to celebrate the newfound peace and redemption.

POLICE OFFICER: (raising a glass) To Rod and Emily, our heroes!

CROWD: (cheering) To our heroes!


Rod, Emily, and Sister Madeline sit together, reflecting on their journey. The room is warm and filled with a sense of peace.

EMILY: (gently) You've done so much good, Rod. I'm proud of you.

SISTER MADELINE: (smiling) We all are.

ROD: (thoughtfully) I never thought I could change. But now, I see that there's always a chance for redemption. Thank you for believing in me.

EMILY: (hugging Rod) Always.



The camera pans over the city, now a place of harmony and hope. The sun sets, casting a golden glow over the skyline.

NARRATOR (V.O.): In the end, it was love, courage, and the willingness to change that transformed a dark past into a bright future. Rod and Emily's journey reminds us all that redemption is always within reach, as long as we have the heart to seek it.



Three years have passed since the events that redeemed Rod. The living room is cozy, filled with photographs of happy memories. Emily, her parents J and Lucia, her sister Isabel, and her brother Jake are gathered around, enjoying a quiet afternoon. The phone rings.

LUCIA: (answering the phone) Hello?

ROD (V.O.): Hi, Lucia. It's Rod.

Lucia's face lights up with a smile. She motions to the rest of the family, who gather around eagerly.

LUCIA: Rod! It's so good to hear from you. How are you?

ROD (V.O.): I'm doing well, thank you. I wanted to call and check in with everyone. How are you all doing?

J: (taking the phone) Rod, it's great to hear from you. We're all doing well. We talk about you often.

EMILY: (excitedly) Rod, it's Emily! How are things going?

ROD (V.O.): Emily, it's wonderful to hear your voice. Things are going well. I've been working on some new projects and helping the community.

LUCIA: (warmly) We're so proud of you, Rod. You've come such a long way.

ROD (V.O.): Thank you, Lucia. I couldn't have done it without all of you. Your support means everything to me.

JAKE: (grinning) Hey, Rod! Remember when you taught me how to make that ice cream? It was awesome!

ROD (V.O.): (laughs) How could I forget, Jake? I'm glad you're still enjoying it.

ISABEL: (smiling) We all miss you, Rod. When are you coming to visit?

ROD (V.O.): Soon, Isabel. I'd love to see everyone again.

J: (seriously) Rod, I want you to know that we all forgive you. We've seen how much you've changed and the good you've done. We're proud of your courage and sacrifice.

ROD (V.O.): (emotionally) Thank you, J. Hearing that means the world to me. I was hoping to see all of you and thank you in person.

EMILY: (tearfully) We cherish everything you've done, Rod. Your bravery and alliance with us will always be remembered.

ROD (V.O.): (voice breaking) I cherish all of you, too. I'll come by soon. We have so much to catch up on.

LUCIA: (softly) We'll be waiting, Rod. Our home is always open to you.

J: (smiling) We'll plan a big family reunion. It'll be just like old times.

ROD (V.O.): (gratefully) I can't wait. Thank you, everyone. I'll see you soon.

EMILY: (brightly) Take care, Rod. We love you.

ROD (V.O.): I love you all, too. Goodbye for now.

Lucia hangs up the phone, and the family exchanges warm smiles, feeling a deep sense of closure and joy.



Admirals Watson and Crick stand at a podium, addressing a crowd of Tomorrowland criminals, including Gadfly Garnett. The room is hushed as all eyes are on them.

ADMIRAL WATSON: Hi, Dr. Brown grew up and died on Earth. But her legacy lives on here in Tomorrowland.

The crowd listens intently, intrigued by the mention of Emily.

ADMIRAL CRICK: She was a remarkable individual, known for her courage, compassion, and unwavering determination.

ADMIRAL WATSON: Dr. Brown's journey was one of redemption and forgiveness. She faced adversity head-on, never backing down from a challenge.

ADMIRAL CRICK: Her adventures taught us valuable lessons about empathy, understanding, and the power of second chances.

ADMIRAL WATSON: Today, we honor her memory and celebrate her legacy as Dr. Emily Juanita, Diaz Brown, the most famous psychotherapist of Tomorrowland.

The crowd erupts into applause, acknowledging Dr. Brown's impact on their lives.

ADMIRAL CRICK: Let us remember her words: "Everyone deserves a second chance."

The room falls silent, the weight of those words hanging in the air.

ADMIRAL WATSON: So let us strive to be like Dr. Brown, to embrace compassion and forgiveness in our own lives. Together, we can build a brighter future for Tomorrowland.

The crowd nods in agreement, inspired by the admirals' words.

ADMIRAL CRICK: Thank you, Dr. Brown, for showing us the way.

As the crowd disperses, a sense of hope and renewal fills the room, echoing Dr. Brown's enduring legacy.



Ice Scream: The Movie Script (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.