Shopper's Guide to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (2024)

Resolving to save money? And the planet? Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs promise a win-win: according to the industry and U.S. government's Energy Star program, which promotes CFL bulbs and other substitutes for energy-hogging incandescents, a CFL uses 75 percent less energy than its incandescent counterpart, lasts up to 10 times longer and prevents more than 450 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere.

Over its lifetime, a single CFL can save the consumer $80 or more, depending on local electric rates.

But all CFL bulbs aren't equal. Some have lower mercury content than others, and some last much longer. Unfortunately, you can't tell the best of the best by their labels - or the U.S. government Energy Star logo. Some Energy Star labelled bulbs could not be legally sold in Europe due to excessive mercury content.

An Environmental Working Group investigation has identified 7 bulb lines made by Earthmate, Litetronics, Sylvania, Feit, MaxLite and Philips that trump the rest. These bulbs, listed in our Green Lighting Guide contain a fraction of the toxic mercury allowed by Energy Star, reducing the mercury contamination from a broken bulb. All last 8-15,000 hours, dramatically longer than the Energy Star standard of 6,000 hours, and also offer high efficiency.

President Obama says his energy strategy and economic stimulus plan will focus on moving toward use of CFLs and other energy-efficient lighting sources. "We can save huge amounts of energy costs and reduce our dependence on foreign oil by simple things like weatherization and changing the lighting in major buildings," Obama said on Meet the Press Dec. 6. "That's going to be part of our economic recovery plan. It actually allows us to spend some money, put some people to work right away, but it also creates a long- term, sustainable energy future."

CFL use in U.S. households has reached a new high: 1 bulb in 4 sold in the 3rd quarter of 2008 was a CFL.

The trend toward CFL use is welcome. But Energy Star and its parent agencies -- the Department of Energy (DOE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-- have not adequately addressed the risks of mercury in CFL bulbs.

Launched in 1982 as an energy-efficiency rating system, Energy Star has driven development of energy-saving appliances and consumer products. But under the Bush administration, Energy Star drifted to the rear, becoming a passive partner of the electrical industry. EWG's best bulbs carry the Energy Star logo - but so do a lot of average and even sub-par bulbs. The program deploys a trailing-edge incentive structure that rewards stragglers as handsomely as innovators.

The Obama administration must reinvigorate Energy Star, using its marketing cachet and other incentives to push low-toxin energy efficiency in lighting. Stricter mercury standards for CFL bulbs could encourage wary consumers to buy more of them and speed the transition away from wasteful incandescent bulbs. EWG recommends:

  • Lowering the maximum mercury content in each CFL bulb to 3 miligrams (mg). This measure would save 225 pounds of mercury for every 100 million bulbs.

  • Creating a tiered ("Platinum," "Gold," "Silver") rating system to reward creative companies that produce the highest efficiency, longest-lived bulbs with the lowest mercury content.

  • Updating minimum requirements every 2 years instead of every 5 years, to take advantage of rapidly changing technology and fierce competition among bulb makers vying for bigger shares of the green-products market.

  • Adopt an independently verifiable mercury content limit for CFL bulbs. Energy Star requires only that the manufacturers file a statement about bulb mercury content with the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

Energy Star updates: Too little, too late

Energy Star's 2008 standards, unveiled last March as a replacement for 2003 specifications, proposed to ratchet up energy efficiency requirements, tighten other performance measures and, for the first time, set a cap on bulb mercury content.

The 2008 specs were scheduled to take effect December 2nd. But in mid-October, DOE officials made a concession to industry officials because of the souring economy: they postponed the 2008 standards for a 6-month "grace period" to July 1, 2009, so that the U.S. inventory of about 100 million bulbs fabricated under 2003 specs could be sold off. EWG research shows that 1 in 3 can't meet 2008 standards for efficiency and life span.

Even when Energy Star's 2008 standards become effective next July, they will leave consumers in the dark about several key facts about CFL mercury content:

  • Product labels must disclose that the bulbs contain mercury -- but not how much. Consumers have a right to know exactly how much mercury is in various brands.

  • Energy Star's 5 mg mercury cap is twice as high as necessary. In March 2007, in an effort to blunt consumer concerns about mercury, a potent neurotoxin, members of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) issued a voluntary "commitment" to their customers to limit mercury content in most CFL bulbs to 5 mg. A year later, Energy Star adopted the 5 mg cap as its own. Meanwhile, however, manufacturers aware of consumer concerns were competing to lower bulb mercury content. EPA and NEMA estimate the industry-wide average is between 3 and 4 mg. EWG's best bulbs contain just 1 to 2.7 mg of mercury. The 5 mg cap is virtually obsolete now; putting it into effect next July is pointless.

  • Some U.S. bulbs that proudly bear the Energy Star seal of approval can't be legally sold in Europe, where the European Union has capped mercury content at 4 mg per bulb for CFLs. Under the new Energy Star criteria, bulbs larger than 25 watts can contain up to 6 mg of mercury.

EWG believes that CFL bulbs are a promising technology to reduce energy consumption and pollution associated with it. Mercury pollution from broken bulbs is offset, and more, by larger gains from energy conservation. Coal-fired electrical plants are a major source of mercury emissions, totaling 104 tons of mercury across the U.S. annually. Energy Star calculates that each CFL bulb generates 70 percent less mercury pollution than a comparable incandescent bulb.

But at present, only a handful of bulb makers offer truly superior products with high efficiency, longevity and mercury content of 1 to 2.7 mg -- about a quarter to a half of the Energy Star mercury cap.

The Obama Administration should award the Energy Star logo far more selectively, as a carrot to speed research and development on the next generation of CFLs and other alternatives to incandescent bulbs that, according to DOE, convert 90 percent of the energy they consume to heat.

Green Lighting Guide

EWG's Green Lighting Guide highlights the best CFLs, lists those Energy Star stamped bulbs that don't meet the most modern standards and helps you use CFL bulbs safely in your home.

The risks of mercury exposure from broken CFL bulbs are real. Cleaning up a shattered CFL bulb requires special precautions. Spent bulbs should be recycled, not tossed in the trash.

Bear in mind that some people are more sensitive than others to the quality and intensity of light. Light from CFLs varies considerably from brand to brand and across wattages. Early generation and cheaper bulbs glow bluish or greenish. The best bulbs are easiest on the eyes because they give off warmer, more natural light. Experiment before committing to a wholesale retrofit of your current home lighting.

CFLs are not appropriate for every place in your home. Follow our Green Lighting Guide to find the best locations for them and to find alternatives for spots where CFLs are inadvisable. If you break a CFL bulb, our clean-up tips will drastically limit your family's exposure.

Green Guide Checklist

START with the fixtures you use most. Choose CFLs for locations where breakage is rare - for instance, for ceiling fixtures rather than table lamps in high traffic areas or clip lamps.

BUY a few test bulbs of several brands and try them out in different areas. With standard use, CFLs will last a long time -- all the more reason to make sure that as you consult the EWG guide, you and your family are comfortable with their quality of light.

BUY CFLs bulbs with the lowest mercury content. The Energy Star logo is not a good indicator of low mercury bulbs.

CHOOSE the best bulb for the job. Some CFLs take several minutes before they reach full brightness and efficiency -- a safety risk for hallways/stairs and a nuisance in closets. For these fixtures, look for CFLs with "instant on" technology or consider investing in LED (light emitting diodes) technology.DON'T use CFLs where mercury exposure is unacceptable or cleanup is difficult --- children's rooms, playrooms, recreation rooms, workbenches and near irreplaceable rugs and furniture.

USE mercury-free bulbs such as LED (light emitting diodes) or halogen energy savers where CFLs aren't ideal or breakages are likely.

Other Green Lighting Choices

Light Emitting Diodes (LED) Use LEDs when low light is enough. For task lights, reading lamps, night lights, candles, flashlights, refrigerators, stoves, closets, Christmas lights and outdoor lighting, these cool, bluish lights are smart and safe. The downside: LED lights cost more than CFL lights, but the cost and performance of these bulbs are improving.

Halogen energy savers Halogen energy saver bulbs are a new product that offers halogen technology’s high light output in a familiar incandescent bulb shape. They contain no mercury but are inefficient and hot, posing fire risks in some locations. These halogens use 30 percent less energy that comparable incandescent bulbs. A 70-watt halogen is as bright as a 100-watt incandescent bulb; a 40-watt halogen is comparable to a 60-watt incandescent bulb.

CFL Pros and Cons

CFLs clearly save energy and money.

Breaking a CFL bulb releases mercury vapor hazardous to humans and pets. Mercury levels in the air can be quite high for the hour after a bulb breaks. Eventually, most will disperse -- especially if a window is left open. Some mercury vapor will liquefy into tiny beads that settle on surfaces. Wood floors can be cleaned thoroughly and will most likely be mercury-free within 4 days. Carpets and fabric are harder to clean. Low mercury CFLs cut the risks posed by a broken bulb.

Cleaning up broken CFL bulbs

If a bulb breaks in your home, proper clean-up procedures can reduce airborne mercury concentrations by roughly half. Follow EWG's 10 step clean-up checklist. The most critical steps:

  • Keep children and pregnant or nursing women away from the contaminated area.
  • Close doors and open windows to allow volatile mercury vapors to vent outdoors. Stay away for 5 to 15 minutes.
  • Scoop up bulb fragments and use tape to collect tiny particles. Seal the waste in a glass jar with screw-top lid.

Disposing of spent CFL bulbs Each state has its own laws and regulations for recycling or disposing of spent CFL bulbs. Learn about your state's recycling and disposal options at this EPA lightbulb site Also,, a nationwide recycling information site, lists retailers like Ace Hardware, Home Depot and IKEA and municipal programs that accept burnt-out CFLs.

When a Bulb Breaks

CFLs can be smart choices. Just be careful.

1. Isolate the site.

Get everyone out of the area. Open windows, leave the room, and close the door behind you. Turn off the heating or cooling system. Children and pregnant or nursing mothers should not return until cleanup is complete.

2. Air out the room for 5 to 15 minutes.

Give mercury vapor time to disperse and settle into tiny dust-like beads. Don't wait longer: mercury spreads easily.

3. Don safety gear.

Wear rubber gloves, safety (or other) glasses, work clothes and a dust mask or face covering when cleaning up the broken bulb.

4. Put large bulb pieces and other waste in a large glass jar with a screw-on metal lid, such as a Mason jar.

Scoop up glass fragments and dust with stiff paper or cardboard and deposit in the jar. Pat the area with sticky tape to collect tiny splinters and dust, then wipe with a damp cloth, baby wipe or moist paper towels. (Second choice: a plastic jar with a screw-on lid.)

5. Seal up the waste.

Put paper, cardboard, tape and wipes in the jar and close the lid. Throw away any contaminated fabrics, like clothing or bedding, that have come into direct contact with bulb fragments.

6. If a bulb breaks on a rug or carpeting:

Fabrics are harder to clean than hard surfaces; removing all mercury may be impossible. Hang a CFL-contaminated rug outside. Experts disagree on whether to vacuum carpeting. EPA recommends doing so and cleaning the vacuum afterward. Scientists with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection disagree: after testing various CLF cleanup scenarios [], they concluded that vacuuming can spread mercury vapor and permanently contaminate the vacuum. Keep infants, children and women of childbearing age away from the carpeting for several weeks.

7. Wash up.

The clothes you wore to clean up the breakage can be washed unless they made direct contact with the broken bulb or dust. Wipe your shoes with wet wipes or a moist paper towel, then add the wipes to the waste jar. Wash your hands and face.

8. Follow your state's disposal rules.

Use EPA's website to find the nearest location for disposal of household hazardous waste If no facilities exist it may be legal to send well-packaged waste to your local landfill.

9. Ventilate the room for several more hours.

Next time you clean the area: Turn off heating or cooling systems, close the room's doors and open the windows before vacuuming. Leave doors closed and heating or cooling off for 15 minutes post-vacuuming. Follow this regime for several cleanings. We adapted our recommendations from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection study ( Thermometers, thermostats and silent switches made with mercury contain more toxic material and pose a much greater health risk. If one of these items breaks, read EPA's clean-up instructions at:

Buyer Beware

More than 3,000 light bulbs qualify for the Energy Star logo under current standards,issued in 2003. But 1,100 of these bulbs do not meet the 2008 Energy Star standards for energy efficiency. The reason: the Department of Energy has postponed the effective date of the 2008 standards to July 1, 2009, giving the bulb industry a 6-month "grace period," to sell a 100 million bulb inventory that has backed up because of the economic slowdown.

Bulbs with the Energy Star logo that fail 2008 standards

BrandCompanyModel Number(s)
AM Conservation GroupAM Conservation Group, Inc.AM20
AM Conservation GroupAM Conservation Group, Inc.AM20PERM
AM Conservation GroupAM Conservation Group, Inc.AM27
AM Conservation GroupAM Conservation Group, Inc.AM27PERM
American LightFerreteria Americana C x A3U152780
American LightFerreteria Americana C x A3U202780
American LightFerreteria Americana C x A3U232780
American LightFerreteria Americana C x AS302780
American LightFerreteria Americana C x ASP193080
American LightSATCO/NUVOMS/1527
American LightingAmerican Lighting1003T-20
American LightingAmerican Lighting1003T-23
American LightingAmerican Lighting1003T-26
American LightingAmerican Lighting1005-20
American LightingAmerican Lighting1005-23
American LightingAmerican Lighting1005-26
AnhuaShanghai Anhua Electric Appliance CompanyDEM/N-121
AnhuaShanghai Anhua Electric Appliance CompanyDEM/N-151
AnhuaShanghai Anhua Electric Appliance CompanyDEM/N-231
AnhuaShanghai Anhua Electric Appliance CompanyDEM/N-261
AnhuaShanghai Anhua Electric Appliance CompanyDEP/M-251
AnhuaShanghai Anhua Electric Appliance CompanyDEP/M-271
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.15W-S-CFL-26K
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.15W-S-CFL-27K
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.15W-S-CFL-27KYN
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.20W-S-CFL-26K
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.20W-S-CFL-27K
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.20W-S-CFL-27KTP
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.25W-S-CFL-26K
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.25W-S-CFL-27K
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.25W-S-CFL-35K
AutoCell ElectronicsAutoCell Electronics, Inc.25W-S-CFL-50K
Best ChoiceValu Merchandisers/Best ChoiceBPESL18TM/2/BC
BioLifeEarthTronics, Inc.057800131168
Bright EffectsLowe's Companies, Inc.124990
Bright EffectsLowe's Companies, Inc.13297
Bright EffectsLowe's Companies, Inc.280593/LBP40T
Bright EffectsLowe's Companies, Inc.LBP 50/150T(E)
Bright EffectsLowe's Companies, Inc.LBP18TM2/27K(N)
Bright EffectsLowe's Companies, Inc.LBP18TM2/280589
Bri-StarMarote Lighting Industrial Co. Ltd.CL-15WL
BroadaBroada, Inc.BMS-15
BuffaloBuffalo Lite1415
BuffaloBuffalo Lite2315
BuffaloBuffalo Lite2320
BuffaloBuffalo Lite9316
BuffaloBuffalo Lite9332
BulbStarBulb StarESP-20W/2700K
BulbStarBulb StarSCE-20W
Buyer's ChoiceOsram Sylvania Inc.CF13EL/MINISPIRAL/BUYERSCHOICE (29437)
Buyer's ChoiceTransport & Distribution, Inc.CF13/MINISPIRAL/Y/BL/1
Buyer's ChoiceTransport & Distribution, Inc.CF13EL/MINISPIRAL/BL/1/BUYERSCHOICE (29088)
Clear-LiteTAG Industries, Inc.CSM15BW-N
Clear-LiteTAG Industries, Inc.CSM15SW-N
Clear-LiteTAG Industries, Inc.CSM15UB-N
Clear-LiteTAG Industries, Inc.CSM20BW-N
Clear-LiteTAG Industries, Inc.CSM20SW-N
Clear-LiteTAG Industries, Inc.CSM20UB-N
Clear-LiteTAG Industries, Inc.CSM26BW-N
Clear-LiteTAG Industries, Inc.CSM26SW-N
Clear-LiteTAG Industries, Inc.CSM26UB-N
CNACNA International Ent., Inc.ESS-20W
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot134-468
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot164-121
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot167-190
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot237-525
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot353-374
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot425-800
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot738-702
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot738-703
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot772-747
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot817-714
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot830-132
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot835-427
Commercial ElectricThe Home Depot837-064
Conserv-EnergyFeit ElectricBPCE18TM/D/6
Conserv-EnergyFeit ElectricBPCE30T3
Conserv-EnergyFeit ElectricCE18TM/D/6
CorsoCorso Ltd.CDU13 2U
CorsoCorso Ltd.CTL15
CorsoCorso Ltd.CTL20
CorsoCorso Ltd.CTL23
CorsoCorso Ltd.CTU15 3U
CorsoCorso Ltd.SS-23-3W
CorsoCorso Ltd.SS-26-3W
CorsoCorso Ltd.SS-30-3W
CORSOShunde Corso Electronics Co., LtdCMDU-10W
CORSOShunde Corso Electronics Co., LtdCMTL-13w
CORSOShunde Corso Electronics Co., LtdCMTL-15w
CORSOShunde Corso Electronics Co., LtdCMTL-25w
CORSOShunde Corso Electronics Co., LtdCMTL-9w
CORSOShunde Corso Electronics Co., LtdCMTU-13w
CXL TOPAZTopaz LightingCF12-26/S/3W/27-46
CXL TOPAZTopaz LightingCF20/MS/27/ES
CXL TOPAZTopaz LightingCF27/MS/27/ES
Cyber LampCyber Tech LightingP20SP/WW
Cyber LampCyber Tech LightingP23XSP/WW/1PK
DLU LightingDLU LightingDME20
DLU LightingDLU LightingDME32
Do ItDo It Best CorporationFE-IIS-20W
Do ItDo It Best CorporationFE-IISB-19W
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.68919
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.689192
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.68919DL
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.68919DL2
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.68923DIM
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.68942
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.69019
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.690192
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.69819
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.698192
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.76020
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.760202
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.760204
DuraBrightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.8010192CL
EarthBriteNiagara Conservation CorporationN0415M
EarthBriteNiagara Conservation CorporationNCC20
EarthBulbEarthTronics, Inc.CF20SW1B
EarthBulbEarthTronics, Inc.CF27SW2B
EBOYHang Zhou Duralamp Electronics Co., Ltd.EBR02-25W
EBOYHang Zhou Duralamp Electronics Co., Ltd.EBS05-15W
EBOYHang Zhou Duralamp Electronics Co., Ltd.EBS05-25W
EBOYHang Zhou Duralamp Electronics Co., Ltd.EBS21-15W
EBOYHang Zhou Duralamp Electronics Co., Ltd.EBS22-23W
Eco SaverUspar EnterprisesPL-20ESP
ECObulbFeit ElectricESL18TM/2(N)
ECOPLUSCathelle, Inc.70953
ecosmartThe Home Depot362-283
EcospiralEnergy Mad Ltd15WUSHPF27
EcovationsTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.11316PERM
EcoWattMegalight Inc.GL38009-27
EcoWattMegalight Inc.S38018-278
Efficient LightingEfficient LightingEL20EB27
EikoEiKO Ltd.SP19/27K
EikoEiKO Ltd.SP19/35K
ElectrixTopco Associates, LLC04390
ElectrixTopco Associates, LLC04391
E-LumeStandard Products, Inc.14143
E-LumeStandard Products, Inc.14148
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE101-13W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE101-15W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE103-4W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE105-15W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE105-20W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE105-23W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE105-26W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE117-11W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE122-11W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE127-19W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE127-23W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE136/5G
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE151-S-19
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE151-S-27
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE35A 15W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE35A 20W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE35A-23W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE35A-25W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE77-15W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE77-20W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE77-23W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE77-25W
EnergeticEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE91-20W
Energetic YankonEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE151-S-19
Energetic YankonEnergetic Lighting Inc.FE151-S-19 (352)
Energy FocusEnergy Focus Inc.EFO-CFL-827-19W
Energy FocusEnergy Focus Inc.EFO-CFL-827-27W
Energy SaverPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 27W 4K LL
Energy SaverPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 27W 5K LL
Energy SaverPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 5W LL
Energy SaverPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 9W LL
Energy Saving BulbTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.UB20
Energy Saving BulbTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.UB204
Energy Saving BulbTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.UB27
Energy Saving BulbTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.UB274
Energy ValueWal-Mart Stores, Inc.78802
Energy ValueWal-Mart Stores, Inc.79902
Energy WiserBulbrite IndustriesCF11C/WW
Energy WiserBulbrite IndustriesCF11G/ES
Energy WiserBulbrite IndustriesCF15C/WW
Energy WiserBulbrite IndustriesCF19SM/WW
Energy WiserBulbrite IndustriesCF20C/WW
Energy WiserBulbrite IndustriesCF25C/WW
Energy WiserBulbrite IndustriesCF28C/3Way
Energy WiserBulbrite IndustriesCF32C/WW
EnerlightEnerlight CorporationISS3-13W
EverlightEverlite Electric Industries CorporationCFLE20S/L/827
Everyday LivingKroger Company2721-BXEL
EvolutionAero-Tech Light Bulb CompanyAE4B-11W
EvolutionAero-Tech Light Bulb CompanyAE4B-14W
EvolutionAero-Tech Light Bulb CompanyAE4B-20W
EvolutionAero-Tech Light Bulb CompanyAE4B-25W
EvolutionAero-Tech Light Bulb CompanyFS4B-11W
EvolutionAero-Tech Light Bulb CompanyFS4B-14W
EvolutionAero-Tech Light Bulb CompanyFS4B-20W
FeelingShenzhen Shensco Pholighting Tech Co., Ltd.SRS-15
FeelingShenzhen Shensco Pholighting Tech Co., Ltd.SRS-20
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL15
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL15T
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL15T(A)
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL18TM
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL18TM/3/ECO
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL18TM/3/ES
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL18TM-20
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL20T
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL20T(B)
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL25T(A)
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL25T-23
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL30/100T
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL30R
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL30T
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL315
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL320
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL325
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricBPESL50/150T(E)
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricCE18TM
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricD18TM3
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL13T/CW
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL13T/CW/MP/12
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL13T/D
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL13T/D/2/ECO/CAN
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL15C
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL16A
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL18TM/CW
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL18TM/D
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL18TM/ECO
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL20TM
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL23TMM/CW
Feit ElectricFeit ElectricESL30T/ECO
Fine LivingFeit ElectricBPESL18TM/RY
FireflyFirefly Lighting Co., Ltd.BH4-11X/2700K
FireflyFirefly Lighting Co., Ltd.BH4-11X/5000K
FireflyFirefly Lighting Co., Ltd.BU4-14W/2700K
FireflyFirefly Lighting Co., Ltd.BU4-14W/5000K
FireflyFirefly Lighting Co., Ltd.BU4-20W/2700K
FireflyFirefly Lighting Co., Ltd.BU4-20W/5000K
FireflyFirefly Lighting Co., Ltd.BU5-25W/2700K
FireflyFirefly Lighting Co., Ltd.BU5-25W/5000K
FireflyFirefly Lighting Co., Ltd.XEU23-15T 2700K
Fresh2Technical Consumer Products, Inc.68923F2P6
FSLFoshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,Ltd.ELS-M13
FSLFoshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,Ltd.ELS-M15 E26
FSLFoshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,Ltd.ELS-M18
FSLFoshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,Ltd.ELS-M18/CW
FSLFoshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,Ltd.ELS-M20 E26
FSLFoshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,Ltd.ELS-SS211
FSLFoshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,Ltd.F618
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFAM147FLE26HT36P
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HLX/2/SW/CD
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HT2/6H/CW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HT2/6H/D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HT2/6H/SW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HT3/2
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HT3/2
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HT3/2/841
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HT3/2/D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HT3/3
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE10HT3/5
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE12TT3/827
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE13HT2/6H/CW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE13HT2/6H/D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE13HT2/6H/SW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE13HT3/2/6D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE13HT3/2/6H
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE13HT3/6H/S
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE15HT2/2
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE15HT2/6H/CW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE15HT2/6H/D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE15HT2/6H/SW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE15HT3/2/841
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE15HT3/2/D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE15HT3/2/DV
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE15HT3/2/SW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE15HT3/2/XL
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/2/6D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/2/6H
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/2/841
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/2/D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/2/SW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/2/SW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/2/XL
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/2/XL/D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/3
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/5
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20HT3/6H/S
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20TBX/2/SW/CD
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE20TT3/827
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE24QBX/A/827
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE26/2/T21XL
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE26HT3/2/6D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE26HT3/2/6H
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE26HT3/2/D
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE26HT3/6H/S
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE27QBX/2/SW
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE42HLX/2/XL
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE45HLX/2/CDCDN
General ElectricGE Consumer & IndustrialFLE45HLX/2/SW/CD
GFLGFL Lighting GroupSSS30/35K
GlobalNingbo Global Lamp Co., Ltd.RESA15W
GlobalNingbo Global Lamp Co., Ltd.RESC20W
GlobalNingbo Global Lamp Co., Ltd.RESC25W
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.01109
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.01116
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07301
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07302
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07303
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07307
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07384
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07385
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07386
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07391
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07392
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07393
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07512
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.0751501
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07840
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.07904
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.08391
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.2751501
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.27600
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.27602
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.28385
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.37514
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.37600
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.37602
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.48600
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.48602
GlobeGlobe Electric Inc.68702
Great ValueWal-Mart Stores, Inc.CACFLA0941K
Great ValueWal-Mart Stores, Inc.FLE14TBX/2/SW/GV/2PK
Great ValueWal-Mart Stores, Inc.FLE14TBX/2/SW/GW
Great ValueWal-Mart Stores, Inc.FLE20TBX/2/SW/GV
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation10W/ELS
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation11W/ELG
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation11W/ELS-M
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation11W/ELX
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation12/20/26/ELS/3-Way
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation13W/ELS-U/A
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation15W/ELA
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation15W/ELG
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation15W/ELS
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation15W/ELS-M
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation15W/ELS-M/1/53K
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation15W/ELS-M/A
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation15W/ELT
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation15W/ELX
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation18W/ELS-M
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation18W/ELS-U
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation18W-ELS-M
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation19W/ELS-U/1
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W/ELS
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W/ELS/HPF
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W/ELS-M
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W/ELS-M/1
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W/ELS-M/A
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W/ELS-M/Z
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W/ELS-M-Z/50K
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W/ELT
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W-ELS-M
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation20W-ELS-M-Z
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation23W/ELS
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation23W/ELS-DIM
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation23W/ELT
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation26W/ELS
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation27W/ELS-M/A
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation32W/ELS
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation36W/ELS
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation40W/ELS
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation42W/ELS/1
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation7W/ELS-M
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation9W/ELS-M
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting Corporation9W/ELX
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting CorporationELS HPF 20W
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting CorporationELS HPF 23W
GreenliteGreenlite Lighting CorporationELS HPF 26W
GUIYAJiangxi Elegant Lighting Co., LtdGYT3S20/27
HaloMarote Lighting Industrial Co. Ltd.CL-15WL
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.DS-20W
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.EC305KS
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.EC30T5A
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.KS30A5
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.MS11A
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.MS13A
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.SS-15
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.SS-20
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.SS-23
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.SS30/3
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.SSS15
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.SSS20
Harmony LightingLitetronics International Inc.UL120/15
hileksMarote Lighting Industrial Co. Ltd.CL-15WL
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.BLQA15B/A
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.BLQA20B/A
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.BLQA25B/A
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLBAT4-3U20
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLBAT4-3U24
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLSCT2-11
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLSCT3-13M
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLSCT3-13W
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLSCT3-15
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLSCT3-18W (6500K)
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLSCT3-23
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLSCT3-23W
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HLSCT3-30
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.HSCT3-13S
Hi-LightXiamen Hi-Light Lighting Co. Ltd.
Hi-LuxMarote Lighting Industrial Co. Ltd.CL-15WL
Hi-LuxMarote Lighting Industrial Co. Ltd.CL-20WL
HomeliteLaLamp USA LLCHLT2S20W/2700K
HomeliteLaLamp USA LLCHLT3S26W/2700K
HomeliteLaLamp USA LLCHLT3S26W/4100K
HoneywellAAAA World Import-Export, Inc.HS19
HyGradeTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.HG09
Hy-VeeHy-vee, Inc.0110933
ITIInterscience Technologies Inc.ISS3-13W
JIH KUANGFuzhou Sunlight Lighting Electrical Appliance Co LtdSL15
JIH KUANGFuzhou Sunlight Lighting Electrical Appliance Co LtdSL26
JKRLShanghai Jin Kang Rong Lighting Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.YER(SB) 15W
JKRLShanghai Jin Kang Rong Lighting Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.YER(SB) 20W
JKRLShanghai Jin Kang Rong Lighting Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.YER(SB) 23W
JKRLShanghai Jin Kang Rong Lighting Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.YER(SB) 26W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLC7-18 15W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLC7-18 20W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLC7-18 23W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLC7-18 A-TYPE 15W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLC7-18 Globe 11W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLC7-18 GLOBE 15W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS 10W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS 15W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS 20W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS 23W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS 26W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS 32W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS 36W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS 3-WAY
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS 40W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS DIMMABLE 20W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS DIMMABLE 23W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS DIMMABLE 26W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS DIMMABLE MINI 26W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI 11W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI 13W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI 15W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI 18W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI 20W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI 26W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI 7W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI 9W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI I 23W 4100K
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI I 26W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS MINI-A 15W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS T2 18W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS T2 I 13W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS-S MINI 15W
JoinluckFujian Joinluck Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.JLS-S MINI 18W
Jung WooSu Sung Industrial Company, Ltd.ES1209N
Jung WooSu Sung Industrial Company, Ltd.ES1211N
Jung WooSu Sung Industrial Company, Ltd.ES1213N
Jung WooSu Sung Industrial Company, Ltd.ES1215
Jung WooSu Sung Industrial Company, Ltd.ES1215N
Jung WooSu Sung Industrial Company, Ltd.ES1220
Jung WooSu Sung Industrial Company, Ltd.ES1225
Jung WooSu Sung Industrial Company, Ltd.ESL1220
JunsunShanghai Junsun Lighting Co. Ltd.JBS-15
Kentucky's Touchstone Energy CooperativeTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.801019TE
KLITENingbo Klite Electric Manufacture Co., Ltd.KT-23
LandliteCE Lighting of North America Inc.ELH-15W ES (827-08K)
LandliteCE Lighting of North America Inc.ELH-15W ES MINI (827-08K)
LandliteCE Lighting of North America Inc.ELH-15W ES MINI (827-10K)
LandliteCE Lighting of North America Inc.ELH-23W ES MINI (827-08K)
LandliteCE Lighting of North America Inc.ELH-23W ES MINI (827-10K)
LandliteCE Lighting of North America Inc.ELH-25W ES MINI (827-08K)
LandliteCE Lighting of North America Inc.ELH-32W ES
LapinShenzhen Lapin Lighting Technology Co.,Ltd.I61N-15W
LapinShenzhen Lapin Lighting Technology Co.,Ltd.I61N-20W
LapinShenzhen Lapin Lighting Technology Co.,Ltd.I61N-25W
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSBR20
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSBR20 CT
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSC07
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSC09
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSC11
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSC13
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSC14
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSI 18
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSI20
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSI20 CT
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSI20 IE
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSI20 IT
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSI20 NT
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSI23
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHSI26
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHST07
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHST09
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHST11
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHST11 IT
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHST13
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHST15
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHST15 IE
LeeLiteLeedarson Lighting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.NHST15 IT
LEPLux Electronic Products, Inc.LEP3W18
LEPLux Electronic Products, Inc.LEP3W27
Liberty LightsUspar EnterprisesPL-23SP/CW
Liberty LightsUspar EnterprisesPL-40SP/WW
LifeBulbNABCO Lighting SolutionsSX15
LifeBulbNABCO Lighting SolutionsSX20
LifeBulbNABCO Lighting SolutionsSX25
Lights of AmericaLights of America2105
Lights of AmericaLights of America2215
Lights of AmericaLights of America2220
Lights of AmericaLights of America2225
Lights of AmericaLights of America2315
Lights of AmericaLights of America2320
Lights of AmericaLights of America2325
Lights of AmericaLights of America2342
Lights of AmericaLights of America2413
Lights of AmericaLights of America2414
Lights of AmericaLights of America2420
Lights of AmericaLights of America2421
Lights of AmericaLights of America2426
Lights of AmericaLights of America2630
Lights of AmericaLights of America2714
Lights of AmericaLights of America2714S
Lights of AmericaLights of America2715 C-L
Lights of AmericaLights of America2721
Lights of AmericaLights of America2809S-L
Lights of AmericaLights of America2811S-L
Lights of AmericaLights of America2819
Lights of AmericaLights of America2830-L
Lights of AmericaLights of America2830S-L
Lights of AmericaLights of America2842
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H130MS
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H15027
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H15027S
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H150MS
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H15OA19
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H20027
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H20027D
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H20027S
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H23027
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H26027
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H30027S
LightwizLitetronics International Inc.H30327
LINKLink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.LKMS15
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.LK3S30
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.LKA15
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.LKGV807W
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.LKS1328
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.SLKG100
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.SLKG125/26W
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.SLKG60
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.SLKG75
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.TLKG15
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.TLKG20
Link USALink Electronics Shanghai Co., Ltd.TLKG23
Lite WiseTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.80001
Lite WiseTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.80004
LitetronicsLitetronics International Inc.L-20427D
LitetronicsLitetronics International Inc.L-314
LitetronicsLitetronics International Inc.NL-20127
LitetronicsLitetronics International Inc.NL-20427
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-G40-26W/41
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-G40-32W/41
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-IIS-15W
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-IIS-15W/34
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-IIS-15W/53
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-IIS-15W/WT
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-IIS-20W
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-IIS-23W/WS
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-ISL-42W
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-ISM-26W/34
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-PL3-15W
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-PL3-20W
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-PL3-24W
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-PL3-30W
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-R20-14W
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-R30-15W/27
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-US-15WA
LongstarXiamen Longstar Lighting Company, Ltd.FE-US-20W/WV
Luma ProGrainger Industrial Supply2CUU3
Luma ProGrainger Industrial Supply2CUU6
Luma ProGrainger Industrial Supply5YR84B
Luma ProGrainger Industrial Supply5YR85B
Luma ProGrainger Industrial SupplyIVP14B
Luma ProGrainger Industrial SupplyIVP16B
Luma ProGrainger Industrial SupplyIVP17B
LUMAcoilAM Conservation Group, Inc.L20120C
LUMAcoilAM Conservation Group, Inc.L20126C
LuminaMarote Lighting Industrial Co. Ltd.CL-15WL
LuminusConglom, Inc.P-17715
LUXLux Electronic Products, Inc.LEP3W18
LUXLux Electronic Products, Inc.LEP3W27
LuxliteLuxlite-Primex Industries Ltd.0615
LuxliteLuxlite-Primex Industries Ltd.0720
LuxliteLuxlite-Primex Industries Ltd.0725
LuxliteLuxlite-Primex Industries Ltd.0915
LuxliteLuxlite-Primex Industries Ltd.0920
LuxliteLuxlite-Primex Industries Ltd.2814
LuxliteLuxlite-Primex Industries Ltd.2815
LuxliteLuxlite-Primex Industries Ltd.2820
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EG-15W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EG-20W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EU-11W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EU-13W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EU-20W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EUS-11W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EUS-15W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EUS-20W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EUT-11W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EUT-15W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EUT-20W
LuxtekSuper Trend Lighting Ltd.EUT-25W
MaroteMarote Lighting Industrial Co. Ltd.CL-15WL
MegaLightMegalight Inc.AS280927
MegaLightMegalight Inc.AS281527
MegaLightMegalight Inc.GL28009-27
MegaLightMegalight Inc.S28018-27
MegamanNeonlite Electronic and LightingWL223
MGLMegalight Inc.GL48009-27
MGLMegalight Inc.S48018-278
n:visionThe Home Depot150-062
n:visionThe Home Depot362-283 / 5M10123
n:visionThe Home Depot772-720
n:visionThe Home Depot772-739
n:visionThe Home Depot966-924
NabliteNABCO Lighting SolutionsN15Q
NabliteNABCO Lighting SolutionsN15S
NabliteNABCO Lighting SolutionsN20S
NOMACanadian Tire052-5183-0
NOMACanadian Tire052-5390-6
NOMACanadian Tire052-5391-4
NOMACanadian Tire052-5392-2
NOMACanadian Tire052-5516-0
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESH-20W-2700K
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESP-15W-2700K
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESP-15W-4100K
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESP-15W-5000K
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESP-20W-2700K
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESP-20W-4100K
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESP-20W-5000K
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESP-26W-2700K
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESP-26W-4100K
NVCZhe Jiang NVC Lamp Co., Ltd.ESP-26W-5000K
OKESZhongshan Okes Lighting Appliance Co., LtdNK4A-23W
OverdriveGlobal Consumer Products, Inc.18W/ODT2S/27K
OverdriveGlobal Consumer Products, Inc.26W/ODSP/3WAY
OZONELiteTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.OZ-23/27
PhilipsPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/dT 42w
PhilipsPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 19W
Philips Energy SaverPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/A G18 9W
Philips Energy SaverPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 13w
Philips Energy SaverPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 13w LL
Philips Energy SaverPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 18w LL
Philips Energy SaverPhilips Lighting CompanyHelix Twist EL/3W 11-23-34w
Philips MarathonPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 11W
Philips MarathonPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 27W
Philips MarathonPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/mdT 32W
Philips MarathonPhilips Lighting CompanyEL/T 34 or BC-EL/T 25
PLUSRITEFanlight Corporation, incCF15ET3/SP/SW
PLUSRITEFanlight Corporation, incCF15R30DIM/SW
PLUSRITEFanlight Corporation, incCF20ET3/SP/SW
Power FactNiagara Conservation CorporationNO111M
Power FactNiagara Conservation CorporationNO115
Power FactNiagara Conservation CorporationNO120
Power FactNiagara Conservation CorporationNO123
Premier ValueTransport & Distribution, Inc.CF13EL/MINISpiral/Premier Value (29062)
PricemarkOsram Sylvania Inc.CF15EL830 Spiral MED PM
PricemarkOsram Sylvania Inc.CF20EL/830/SPIRAL/OCT MED PM
PricemarkOsram Sylvania Inc.CF20EL830 Spiral MED PM
PricemarkOsram Sylvania Inc.CF23EL 830 Spiral MED PM
Project PorchlightGlobe Electric Inc.14815
ProLumeHalco Lighting TechnologiesPL11SE/27
ProLumeHalco Lighting TechnologiesPL15SE/27
ProLumeHalco Lighting TechnologiesPL15SE/27/G
ProLumeHalco Lighting TechnologiesPL20SE/27
ProLumeHalco Lighting TechnologiesPL25SE/27
ProLumeHalco Lighting TechnologiesPL27SE/27
ProLumeHalco Lighting TechnologiesPL32SE/27
ProluxConglom, Inc.P-A277254
QualstarBig Lots, Inc.2215 BGL
QualstarBig Lots, Inc.2413 BGL
QualstarBig Lots, Inc.2421 BGL
QualstarBig Lots, Inc.2426 BGL
Rab DesignRab Design Lighting, Inc.49763
Rab DesignRab Design Lighting, Inc.49806
Rab DesignRab Design Lighting, Inc.49807
Rab DesignRab Design Lighting, Inc.49808
RaywaRaywa Lighting and Electrical CorporationCF32W/S
Round The House (RTH)CVS Corporation278463
SanexSuzhou Sanex Electronics Co., LtdSMR-15
SaviaSavia Electronics Suzhou Co., Ltd.AF15W
SaviaSavia Electronics Suzhou Co., Ltd.AF20W
SaviaSavia Electronics Suzhou Co., Ltd.AF25W
ShenscoShenzhen Shensco Pholighting Tech Co., Ltd.SCE-20W
SLi LightingSLi Lighting15MLS/827
SLi LightingSLi Lighting20MLS/827
SLi LightingSLi Lighting25MLS/827
SLI Lighting MEGAMANNeonlite Electronic and LightingSLU114
SLI Lighting MEGAMANNeonlite Electronic and LightingWL220
SLI Lighting MEGAMANNeonlite Electronic and LightingWL220/12
SLI Lighting MEGAMANNeonlite Electronic and LightingWL223
SLI Lighting MEGAMANNeonlite Electronic and LightingWL223/12
Smart LivingAhold USABPESL13T/D/AH
Smart LivingAhold USABPESL18TM/D/AH
Smart LivingFeit ElectricBPESL18TM/AH
SplendorMarote Lighting Industrial Co. Ltd.CL-15WL
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.80100935
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.801009353
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.801019
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.8010193
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.80101950
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.801027
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.801027
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.8010273
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.80193
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.801935SMUD
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.80193PGE
Spring LightTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.80193SCE
StandardStandard Products, Inc.57861
StandardStandard Products, Inc.58404
StandardStandard Products, Inc.58441
Sun & StarsSun & Stars Lighting, Inc.SSL-15-27K
Sun & StarsSun & Stars Lighting, Inc.SSL-15W
Sun & StarsSun & Stars Lighting, Inc.SSL-15W/HL
Sun & StarsSun & Stars Lighting, Inc.SSL-23W/HL
Sun & StarsSun & Stars Lighting, Inc.SSL-26/HL
Sun & StarsSun & Stars Lighting, Inc.SSL-30-27K
Sun & StarsSun & Stars Lighting, Inc.SSL-A21/15
Sun & StarsSun & Stars Lighting, Inc.SSL-T3/20W
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products11325
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products11326
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products11402
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products11738
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products11982
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products13080
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products18W Spiral
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products20W Spiral
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products6081
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products6482
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products6593
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products6624
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded products6625
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded productsMSG-10W
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded productsMSG-12W
SunbeamL'Image Home Products Inc., a licensee selling Sunbeam_ branded productsMSG-14W
SunliteSunshine Lighting05242
SunliteSunshine Lighting05247
SunliteSunshine Lighting05337
SunliteSunshine LightingSMS15E/27K
SunliteSunshine LightingSMS20E/27K
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP11SL
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP14SL
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP15R30 LS27
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP15R30 LS41
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP15S
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP15S MINI LS27
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP15S MINI LS34
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP15S MINI LS53
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP15SL
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP15SLGUL
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP15W-27
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP16GF LS41
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP18GF LS41
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP20D LS27
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP20S
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP20W-27
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP20W-41
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP20W-50
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP23-50
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP23GF LS41
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP23S
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP23SL
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP24D LS27
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP26GF LS41
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP26SL
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP26W-27
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP30D LS27
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP30S LS27
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP32GF LS41
SunparkSunpark Electronics CorporationSP7SL
SunriseSunrise LightingDE-28
SunriseSunrise LightingSSE-15
SunriseSunrise LightingSSE-15/T2
SunriseSunrise LightingSSE-15M
SunriseSunrise LightingSSE-20
SunriseSunrise LightingSSE-32
Super LiteUspar EnterprisesPL-13ESP/WW
Superior LifeP.Q.L., Inc.80329
SuperLiteUspar EnterprisesPL-15ESP/WW
SuperLiteUspar EnterprisesPL-SP23/30K
SuperLiteUspar EnterprisesPL-SP23/41K
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF11EL/MINITWIST/V/1 (29378)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF11EL/SUPER/830 (29708)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF11EL/SUPERMINI/T/BL (29766)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF11EL/SUPERMINI/T/RP/3 (29767)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF13EL/MINITWIST/BL/2 (29036)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF13EL/TWIST/6000HR/1/6 (29096)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/MINITWIST/3 (29543)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/MINITWIST/MC/1PK/RP (29611)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/SUPER/830 (29693)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/SUPER/830 (29693)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/SuperMini/Day/CDN (27236)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF28EL/3WAY/830 (29785)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST (29168)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST (29763)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST/BL/3 (29763)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF30EL/TWIST/830 (29792)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF30EL/TWIST/835/DAY (29793)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF40EL/TWIST/1/BL (27635)
SylvaniaOsram Sylvania Inc.CF40EL/TWIST/830 (29786)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.13ELT12BULK (29439)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.15WCF15EL/830
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.20WCF20EL/830
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF11EL/MINITWIST/1 (29378)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF13/TWIST/6000HR/Y/1/6 (29096)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF15EL/TWIST/BL/1 (29289)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/MINITWIST (29396)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/MINITWIST (29656)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/MINITWIST/BL/1 (29347)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/MINITWIST/Y/2700K (29410)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF19EL/SUPERMINI/RP/3 (29726)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF20EL/MICROMINI/2RP (29728)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF20EL/MINI/1/BL (20489)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF23EL/MTWIST/6000HRBL/1/5 (29673)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF27EL/TWIST (29391)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF27EL/TWIST/2700K (29412)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST/1/BL (29698)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST/2700K (29523)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST/830/BL (29351)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF28EL/3WAY/TWIST/830/BL/1 (29349)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF30EL/MINITWIST/DAY (29578)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF30EL/TWIST (29395)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF30EL/TWIST/1/BL (29392)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF30EL/TWIST/2700K (29415)
Sylvania DULUX ELOsram Sylvania Inc.CF40EL/TWIST/1/BL (29481)
TCLTCL Light Electrical Appliances (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.SRE15W
TCLTCL Light Electrical Appliances (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.SRE18W
TCLTCL Light Electrical Appliances (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.SRE20W
TCLTCL Light Electrical Appliances (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.SRE23W
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.10120
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.10123
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.11316
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.11319
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.18215
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.18220
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.18815
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.1T2004
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.2891835K
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.2891850K
TCPTechnical Consumer Products, Inc.28942
The Designer's EdgeThe Designer's EdgeE-350-15W-CLAM
The Designer's EdgeThe Designer's EdgeE-420-20W
The Designer's EdgeThe Designer's EdgeE-420-25W
THEbulbEcoFuture, LLCCF20MS-2
Tiger ElectricHangzhou Tiger Electron & Electric Co., LtdA19-15W
Tiger ElectricHangzhou Tiger Electron & Electric Co., LtdA19-9W
Tiger ElectricHangzhou Tiger Electron & Electric Co., LtdG25-9W
TopcrestTopco Associates, LLC06507
TopcrestTopco Associates, LLC06509
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TL2U 15L
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TL3U 25L
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TL3U20L
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TLMS15L
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TLMS20L
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TLS15L
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TLS20L
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TLS23L
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TLS25L
TopliteAmerican Top Lighting Inc.TLS30L
TOPSTARTopstar InternationalCFLT3MS-15W
TOPSTARTopstar InternationalCFLT3MS-20W
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLCA3U15B
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLCA3U20B
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLCA4U27
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLHA26-T3Q
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLJA3U15
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA09-T3
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA10B-T2
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA10B-T2 4000K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA10B-T2 6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA13B-T2
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA13B-T2 4000K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA13B-T2 6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA13D-T3
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA13D-T3 6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA15B
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA15B-T2
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA15B-T2 4000K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA15B-T2 6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA15C-T3
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA15-T2
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA15-T3
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA15-T3 6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA15-T3/4100K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA20B
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA20C-T3
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA20C-T3/6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA20E-T3 6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA20-T3
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA20-T3 6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA26B
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA26C-T3
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA26E-T3
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA26E-T3 6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA26-T3 6500K
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA42
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA45-T5
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLQA52-T5
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLTA15-T3
TopstarXiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd.BLWA28-T4Q
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-14MUL/3
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-15S
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-15SL
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-15UL/2U
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-20MSL
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-20S
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-20SL
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-20UL/3U
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-22WCA
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-23HL
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-23S
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-23SL
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-25SL
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-25UL/3U
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-30SL(MH)
TospoTospo Electronics Co., Ltd.TP120-32MSL
TrulyHudson's Bay CompanyT3-15W-WW-10-1
TrunkChuan Shih Industrial Corporation, LtdSE-18T
TrunkChuan Shih Industrial Corporation, LtdSE-27N
TrunkChuan Shih Industrial Corporation, LtdSE-28T
TrunkShanghai Chuan-Shi Technical Corporation, Ltd.SM 13
TrunkShanghai Chuan-Shi Technical Corporation, Ltd.SM23W
TrunkShanghai Chuan-Shi Technical Corporation, Ltd.SMA13 (3500K)
TrunkShanghai Chuan-Shi Technical Corporation, Ltd.YPZ120/15-3U
TrunkShanghai Chuan-Shi Technical Corporation, Ltd.YPZ120/15-S
TrunkShanghai Chuan-Shi Technical Corporation, Ltd.YPZ120/20-S
TrunkShanghai Chuan-Shi Technical Corporation, Ltd.YPZ120/23-3U
TrunkShanghai Chuan-Shi Technical Corporation, Ltd.YPZ120/23-S
U LightingU Lighting Group Co., LtdEUT-20
U LightingU Lighting Group Co., LtdEUT-24
U LightingU Lighting Group Co., LtdSRE-23
U LightingU Lighting Group Co., LtdSUF-15W
UltralampUltralite Electronics Co. Ltd.SL20B-120
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.JR32
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.MG11
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.MG11-3500K
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.MS19
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.MS19-3500K
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.PCT15
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.PCT20
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.PCT25
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.PCT30
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.PG15
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.SP11
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.SP19S
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.SP19S/830
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.SP19S/835
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.SPT23
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.SPT28-3500K
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.TR15
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.TR20
VIVAVIVA Company Ltd.TR23
Western FamilyFeit ElectricBPESL15T/WF
Western FamilyFeit ElectricBPESL25T/WF
Western FamilyWestern Family Foods, Inc.12733-A-FEIT/BPESL30/100T/WF
Western FamilyWestern Family Foods, Inc.12735-A-FEIT/BPESL13T/D/WF
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07111
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07203
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07205
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07210
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07211
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07219
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07235
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07251
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07253
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07258
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07259
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07260
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07261
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation07262
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation36609
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation36610
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation36615
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation36643
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation36651
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation36655
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation36656
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation36666
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation36674
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37344 1pk box, 37508 1pk box, 37495 1pk box
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37345 1pk box, 37509 1pk box, 37496 1pk box, 37335
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37346 1 pack box, 37491 1 pack box, 37497 1 pk box
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37354
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37358, 37494, 37498, 37331, 37338, 37337
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37380; 07245
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37475 1pk box, 37355 1 pk card
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37476, 37356
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37477 1pk box, 37357
WestinghouseWestinghouse Lighting Corporation37479, 07245
WESTPOINTEGlobe Electric Inc.784365
WESTPOINTEGlobe Electric Inc.784403
Wonder BrightWonder Works America, Inc.15U40
Wonder BrightWonder Works America, Inc.20U40
Wonder BrightWonder Works America, Inc.25U40
WTKWelltek Electronic Co.GDS-15U-EX
WTKWelltek Electronic Co.GDS-20U-EX
WTKWelltek Electronic Co.GDS-23U-EX
WTKWelltek Electronic Co.GDS-26U-EX
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE101 13W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE101 15W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE105-15W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE105-20W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE105-23W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE105-26W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE117 11W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE117-15W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE122 11W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE127-20W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE127-24W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE136/5G
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE35A 23W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE35A 25W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE35A-15W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE35A-20W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE77-15W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE77-20W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE77-23W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE77-25W
YankonZhejiang Yankon Group Co., LtdFE91-20W
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.12020
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.150401
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.20010
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.200101
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.260101
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.T21001
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.T21301
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.T21501
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.T22001
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.T22301
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.YDJ-15C
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.YDJ-15E
YDJFuzhou YDJ Lighting Appliance Company, Ltd.YDJ-20D/1

* Source: EWG analysis of Energy Star qualified bulbs listed on [accessed December 4, 2008] and the company declarations from NEMA's Voluntary Commitment on Mercury in Compact Fluorescent Lights [accessed December 4, 2008]

Shopper's Guide to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (2024)


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